Intrusion detection on NSL-KDD
This is my try with NSL-KDD dataset, which is an improved version of well-known KDD'99 dataset. I've used Python, Scikit-learn and PySpark via ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker.
I've tried a variety of approaches to deal with this dataset. Here are presented some of them.
To be able to run this notebook, use make nsl-kdd-pyspark
command. It'll download the latest jupyter/pyspark-notebook docker image and start a container with Jupyter available at 8889
- Task description summary
- Data loading
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- One Hot Encoding for categorical variables
- Feature Selection using Attribute Ratio
- Data preparation
- Visualization via PCA
- KMeans clustering with Random Forest Classifiers
- Gaussian Mixture clustering with Random Forest Classifiers
- Supervised approach for dettecting each type of attacks separately
- Ensembling experiments
- Results summary
1. Task description summary
Software to detect network intrusions protects a computer network from unauthorized users, including perhaps insiders. The intrusion detector learning task is to build a predictive model (i.e. a classifier) capable of distinguishing between bad connections, called intrusions or attacks, and good normal connections.
A connection is a sequence of TCP packets starting and ending at some well defined times, between which data flows to and from a source IP address to a target IP address under some well defined protocol. Each connection is labeled as either normal, or as an attack, with exactly one specific attack type. Each connection record consists of about 100 bytes.
Attacks fall into four main categories:
- DOS: denial-of-service, e.g. syn flood;
- R2L: unauthorized access from a remote machine, e.g. guessing password;
- U2R: unauthorized access to local superuser (root) privileges, e.g., various ''buffer overflow'' attacks;
- probing: surveillance and other probing, e.g., port scanning.
It is important to note that the test data is not from the same probability distribution as the training data, and it includes specific attack types not in the training data. This makes the task more realistic. Some intrusion experts believe that most novel attacks are variants of known attacks and the "signature" of known attacks can be sufficient to catch novel variants. The datasets contain a total of 24 training attack types, with an additional 14 types in the test data only.
The complete task description could be found here.
NSL-KDD dataset description
NSL-KDD is a data set suggested to solve some of the inherent problems of the KDD'99 data set.
The NSL-KDD data set has the following advantages over the original KDD data set:
- It does not include redundant records in the train set, so the classifiers will not be biased towards more frequent records.
- There is no duplicate records in the proposed test sets; therefore, the performance of the learners are not biased by the methods which have better detection rates on the frequent records.
- The number of selected records from each difficultylevel group is inversely proportional to the percentage of records in the original KDD data set. As a result, the classification rates of distinct machine learning methods vary in a wider range, which makes it more efficient to have an accurate evaluation of different learning techniques.
- The number of records in the train and test sets are reasonable, which makes it affordable to run the experiments on the complete set without the need to randomly select a small portion. Consequently, evaluation results of different research works will be consistent and comparable.
2. Data loading
# Here are some imports that are used along this notebook
import math
import itertools
import pandas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from time import time
from collections import OrderedDict
%matplotlib inline
gt0 = time()
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row
# Creating local SparkContext with 8 threads and SQLContext based on it
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(master='local[8]')
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, split, col
import pyspark.sql.functions as sql
train20_nsl_kdd_dataset_path = "NSL_KDD_Dataset/KDDTrain+_20Percent.txt"
train_nsl_kdd_dataset_path = "NSL_KDD_Dataset/KDDTrain+.txt"
test_nsl_kdd_dataset_path = "NSL_KDD_Dataset/KDDTest+.txt"
col_names = np.array(["duration","protocol_type","service","flag","src_bytes",
nominal_inx = [1, 2, 3]
binary_inx = [6, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21]
numeric_inx = list(set(range(41)).difference(nominal_inx).difference(binary_inx))
nominal_cols = col_names[nominal_inx].tolist()
binary_cols = col_names[binary_inx].tolist()
numeric_cols = col_names[numeric_inx].tolist()
# Function to load dataset and divide it into 8 partitions
def load_dataset(path):
dataset_rdd = sc.textFile(path, 8).map(lambda line: line.split(','))
dataset_df = (dataset_rdd.toDF(col_names.tolist()).select(
return dataset_df
The first part of data preparation is deviding connections into normal and attack classes based on 'labels' column. Then attacks are splitted to four main categories: DoS, Probe, R2L and U2R. After this, all of those categories are indexed. Also, ID column is added to simplify work with clustered data.
from import Pipeline, Transformer
from import StringIndexer
from pyspark import keyword_only
from import HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, Param
# Dictionary that contains mapping of various attacks to the four main categories
attack_dict = {
'normal': 'normal',
'back': 'DoS',
'land': 'DoS',
'neptune': 'DoS',
'pod': 'DoS',
'smurf': 'DoS',
'teardrop': 'DoS',
'mailbomb': 'DoS',
'apache2': 'DoS',
'processtable': 'DoS',
'udpstorm': 'DoS',
'ipsweep': 'Probe',
'nmap': 'Probe',
'portsweep': 'Probe',
'satan': 'Probe',
'mscan': 'Probe',
'saint': 'Probe',
'ftp_write': 'R2L',
'guess_passwd': 'R2L',
'imap': 'R2L',
'multihop': 'R2L',
'phf': 'R2L',
'spy': 'R2L',
'warezclient': 'R2L',
'warezmaster': 'R2L',
'sendmail': 'R2L',
'named': 'R2L',
'snmpgetattack': 'R2L',
'snmpguess': 'R2L',
'xlock': 'R2L',
'xsnoop': 'R2L',
'worm': 'R2L',
'buffer_overflow': 'U2R',
'loadmodule': 'U2R',
'perl': 'U2R',
'rootkit': 'U2R',
'httptunnel': 'U2R',
'ps': 'U2R',
'sqlattack': 'U2R',
'xterm': 'U2R'
attack_mapping_udf = udf(lambda v: attack_dict[v])
class Labels2Converter(Transformer):
def __init__(self):
super(Labels2Converter, self).__init__()
def _transform(self, dataset):
return dataset.withColumn('labels2', sql.regexp_replace(col('labels'), '^(?!normal).*$', 'attack'))
class Labels5Converter(Transformer):
def __init__(self):
super(Labels5Converter, self).__init__()
def _transform(self, dataset):
return dataset.withColumn('labels5', attack_mapping_udf(col('labels')))
labels2_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="labels2", outputCol="labels2_index")
labels5_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="labels5", outputCol="labels5_index")
labels_mapping_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[Labels2Converter(), Labels5Converter(), labels2_indexer, labels5_indexer])
labels2 = ['normal', 'attack']
labels5 = ['normal', 'DoS', 'Probe', 'R2L', 'U2R']
labels_col = 'labels2_index'
# Loading train data
t0 = time()
train_df = load_dataset(train_nsl_kdd_dataset_path)
# Fitting preparation pipeline
labels_mapping_model =
# Transforming labels column and adding id column
train_df = labels_mapping_model.transform(train_df).withColumn('id', sql.monotonically_increasing_id())
train_df = train_df.cache()
print(time() - t0)
# Loading test data
t0 = time()
test_df = load_dataset(test_nsl_kdd_dataset_path)
# Transforming labels column and adding id column
test_df = labels_mapping_model.transform(test_df).withColumn('id', sql.monotonically_increasing_id())
test_df = test_df.cache()
print(time() - t0)
2. Exploratory Data Analysis
Here are some descriptive statistics of available features.
# Labels columns
| normal|67343|
| attack|58630|
| normal|67343|
| DoS|45927|
| Probe|11656|
| R2L| 995|
| U2R| 52|
| normal| 9711|
| attack|12833|
| normal| 9711|
| DoS| 7458|
| R2L| 2754|
| Probe| 2421|
| U2R| 200|
# 'protocol_type' nominal column
(train_df.crosstab(nominal_cols[0], 'labels2').sort(sql.asc(nominal_cols[0] + '_labels2')).show())
(train_df.crosstab(nominal_cols[0], 'labels5').sort(sql.asc(nominal_cols[0] + '_labels5')).show())
| icmp| 6982| 1309|
| tcp| 49089| 53600|
| udp| 2559| 12434|
|protocol_type_labels5| DoS|Probe|R2L|U2R|normal|
| icmp| 2847| 4135| 0| 0| 1309|
| tcp|42188| 5857|995| 49| 53600|
| udp| 892| 1664| 0| 3| 12434|
# 'service' nominal column
(train_df.crosstab(nominal_cols[1], 'labels2').sort(sql.asc(nominal_cols[1] + '_labels2')).show(n=70))
(train_df.crosstab(nominal_cols[1], 'labels5').sort(sql.asc(nominal_cols[1] + '_labels5')).show(n=70))
| IRC| 1| 186|
| X11| 6| 67|
| Z39_50| 862| 0|
| aol| 2| 0|
| auth| 719| 236|
| bgp| 710| 0|
| courier| 734| 0|
| csnet_ns| 545| 0|
| ctf| 563| 0|
| daytime| 521| 0|
| discard| 538| 0|
| domain| 531| 38|
| domain_u| 9| 9034|
| echo| 434| 0|
| eco_i| 4089| 497|
| ecr_i| 2887| 190|
| efs| 485| 0|
| exec| 474| 0|
| finger| 1222| 545|
| ftp| 836| 918|
| ftp_data| 1876| 4984|
| gopher| 518| 0|
| harvest| 2| 0|
| hostnames| 460| 0|
| http| 2289| 38049|
| http_2784| 1| 0|
| http_443| 530| 0|
| http_8001| 2| 0|
| imap4| 644| 3|
| iso_tsap| 687| 0|
| klogin| 433| 0|
| kshell| 299| 0|
| ldap| 410| 0|
| link| 475| 0|
| login| 429| 0|
| mtp| 439| 0|
| name| 451| 0|
| netbios_dgm| 405| 0|
| netbios_ns| 347| 0|
| netbios_ssn| 362| 0|
| netstat| 360| 0|
| nnsp| 630| 0|
| nntp| 296| 0|
| ntp_u| 0| 168|
| other| 1755| 2604|
| pm_dump| 5| 0|
| pop_2| 78| 0|
| pop_3| 78| 186|
| printer| 69| 0|
| private| 20871| 982|
| red_i| 0| 8|
| remote_job| 78| 0|
| rje| 86| 0|
| shell| 61| 4|
| smtp| 284| 7029|
| sql_net| 245| 0|
| ssh| 306| 5|
| sunrpc| 381| 0|
| supdup| 544| 0|
| systat| 477| 0|
| telnet| 1436| 917|
| tftp_u| 0| 3|
| tim_i| 3| 5|
| time| 578| 76|
| urh_i| 0| 10|
| urp_i| 3| 599|
| uucp| 780| 0|
| uucp_path| 689| 0|
| vmnet| 617| 0|
| whois| 693| 0|
|service_labels5| DoS|Probe|R2L|U2R|normal|
| IRC| 0| 1| 0| 0| 186|
| X11| 0| 6| 0| 0| 67|
| Z39_50| 851| 11| 0| 0| 0|
| aol| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|
| auth| 703| 16| 0| 0| 236|
| bgp| 699| 11| 0| 0| 0|
| courier| 726| 8| 0| 0| 0|
| csnet_ns| 533| 12| 0| 0| 0|
| ctf| 538| 25| 0| 0| 0|
| daytime| 503| 18| 0| 0| 0|
| discard| 520| 18| 0| 0| 0|
| domain| 508| 23| 0| 0| 38|
| domain_u| 0| 9| 0| 0| 9034|
| echo| 416| 18| 0| 0| 0|
| eco_i| 0| 4089| 0| 0| 497|
| ecr_i| 2844| 43| 0| 0| 190|
| efs| 478| 7| 0| 0| 0|
| exec| 465| 9| 0| 0| 0|
| finger| 1168| 54| 0| 0| 545|
| ftp| 489| 32|312| 3| 918|
| ftp_data| 1209| 51|604| 12| 4984|
| gopher| 485| 33| 0| 0| 0|
| harvest| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|
| hostnames| 447| 13| 0| 0| 0|
| http| 2255| 30| 4| 0| 38049|
| http_2784| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|
| http_443| 523| 7| 0| 0| 0|
| http_8001| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0|
| imap4| 622| 11| 11| 0| 3|
| iso_tsap| 675| 12| 0| 0| 0|
| klogin| 425| 8| 0| 0| 0|
| kshell| 292| 7| 0| 0| 0|
| ldap| 403| 7| 0| 0| 0|
| link| 454| 21| 0| 0| 0|
| login| 420| 7| 2| 0| 0|
| mtp| 416| 23| 0| 0| 0|
| name| 428| 23| 0| 0| 0|
| netbios_dgm| 392| 13| 0| 0| 0|
| netbios_ns| 336| 11| 0| 0| 0|
| netbios_ssn| 349| 13| 0| 0| 0|
| netstat| 344| 16| 0| 0| 0|
| nnsp| 622| 8| 0| 0| 0|
| nntp| 281| 15| 0| 0| 0|
| ntp_u| 0| 0| 0| 0| 168|
| other| 58| 1689| 5| 3| 2604|
| pm_dump| 0| 5| 0| 0| 0|
| pop_2| 70| 8| 0| 0| 0|
| pop_3| 67| 11| 0| 0| 186|
| printer| 62| 7| 0| 0| 0|
| private|15971| 4900| 0| 0| 982|
| red_i| 0| 0| 0| 0| 8|
| remote_job| 60| 18| 0| 0| 0|
| rje| 68| 18| 0| 0| 0|
| shell| 53| 8| 0| 0| 4|
| smtp| 241| 43| 0| 0| 7029|
| sql_net| 233| 12| 0| 0| 0|
| ssh| 281| 25| 0| 0| 5|
| sunrpc| 369| 12| 0| 0| 0|
| supdup| 528| 16| 0| 0| 0|
| systat| 460| 17| 0| 0| 0|
| telnet| 1312| 33| 57| 34| 917|
| tftp_u| 0| 0| 0| 0| 3|
| tim_i| 3| 0| 0| 0| 5|
| time| 551| 27| 0| 0| 76|
| urh_i| 0| 0| 0| 0| 10|
| urp_i| 0| 3| 0| 0| 599|
| uucp| 769| 11| 0| 0| 0|
| uucp_path| 676| 13| 0| 0| 0|
| vmnet| 606| 11| 0| 0| 0|
| whois| 670| 23| 0| 0| 0|
# 'flag' nominal column
(train_df.crosstab(nominal_cols[2], 'labels2').sort(sql.asc(nominal_cols[2] + '_labels2')).show())
(train_df.crosstab(nominal_cols[2], 'labels5').sort(sql.asc(nominal_cols[2] + '_labels5')).show())
| OTH| 35| 11|
| REJ| 8540| 2693|
| RSTO| 1343| 219|
| RSTOS0| 103| 0|
| RSTR| 2275| 146|
| S0| 34497| 354|
| S1| 4| 361|
| S2| 8| 119|
| S3| 4| 45|
| SF| 11552| 63393|
| SH| 269| 2|
|flag_labels5| DoS|Probe|R2L|U2R|normal|
| OTH| 0| 35| 0| 0| 11|
| REJ| 5671| 2869| 0| 0| 2693|
| RSTO| 1216| 80| 46| 1| 219|
| RSTOS0| 0| 103| 0| 0| 0|
| RSTR| 90| 2180| 5| 0| 146|
| S0|34344| 153| 0| 0| 354|
| S1| 2| 1| 1| 0| 361|
| S2| 5| 2| 1| 0| 119|
| S3| 0| 1| 3| 0| 45|
| SF| 4599| 5967|935| 51| 63393|
| SH| 0| 265| 4| 0| 2|
# Binary columns
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
summary | count | mean | stddev | min | max |
land | 125973 | 1.9845522453224102E-4 | 0.014086071671513094 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
logged_in | 125973 | 0.3957355941352512 | 0.48901005300524175 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
root_shell | 125973 | 0.0013415573178379495 | 0.03660284383979861 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
su_attempted | 125973 | 0.0011034110483992602 | 0.04515438381386557 | 0.0 | 2.0 |
is_host_login | 125973 | 7.938208981289641E-6 | 0.0028174827384191085 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
is_guest_login | 125973 | 0.009422654060790804 | 0.09661232709143104 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
# 'su_attempted' should be a binary feature, but has 3 values
(train_df.crosstab('su_attempted', 'labels2').show())
| 2.0| 0| 59|
| 1.0| 1| 20|
| 0.0| 58629| 67264|
# '2.0' value is replaced to '0.0' for both train and test datasets
train_df = train_df.replace(2.0, 0.0, 'su_attempted')
test_df = test_df.replace(2.0, 0.0, 'su_attempted')
# Numeric columns
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
summary | count | mean | stddev | min | max |
duration | 125973 | 287.1446500440571 | 2604.515309867592 | 0.0 | 42908.0 |
src_bytes | 125973 | 45566.74300048423 | 5870331.181893551 | 0.0 | 1.379963888E9 |
dst_bytes | 125973 | 19779.114421344257 | 4021269.1514414474 | 0.0 | 1.309937401E9 |
wrong_fragment | 125973 | 0.022687401268525795 | 0.25352998595201254 | 0.0 | 3.0 |
urgent | 125973 | 1.1113492573805498E-4 | 0.014366026620154243 | 0.0 | 3.0 |
hot | 125973 | 0.20440888126820828 | 2.1499684337047587 | 0.0 | 77.0 |
num_failed_logins | 125973 | 0.0012224841831186047 | 0.045239138981329835 | 0.0 | 5.0 |
num_compromised | 125973 | 0.279250315543807 | 23.942042242795125 | 0.0 | 7479.0 |
num_root | 125973 | 0.30219173949973405 | 24.3996180888374 | 0.0 | 7468.0 |
num_file_creations | 125973 | 0.012669381534138267 | 0.48393506939604286 | 0.0 | 43.0 |
num_shells | 125973 | 4.1278686702706137E-4 | 0.02218112867869418 | 0.0 | 2.0 |
num_access_files | 125973 | 0.004096115834345455 | 0.09936955575066156 | 0.0 | 9.0 |
num_outbound_cmds | 125973 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
count | 125973 | 84.1075547934875 | 114.50860735418405 | 0.0 | 511.0 |
srv_count | 125973 | 27.737888277646796 | 72.6358396472384 | 0.0 | 511.0 |
serror_rate | 125973 | 0.2844845323997998 | 0.4464556243310233 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
srv_serror_rate | 125973 | 0.2824853738499519 | 0.44702249836401703 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
rerror_rate | 125973 | 0.11995848316702805 | 0.3204355207495171 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
srv_rerror_rate | 125973 | 0.12118326943075099 | 0.3236472280054629 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
same_srv_rate | 125973 | 0.660927659101567 | 0.4396228624074799 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
diff_srv_rate | 125973 | 0.06305263826375185 | 0.18031440750857483 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
srv_diff_host_rate | 125973 | 0.0973216482897124 | 0.25983049812115877 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_count | 125973 | 182.14894461511594 | 99.20621303459785 | 0.0 | 255.0 |
dst_host_srv_count | 125973 | 115.65300500900987 | 110.7027407808648 | 0.0 | 255.0 |
dst_host_same_srv_rate | 125973 | 0.521241694648872 | 0.4489493637176792 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_diff_srv_rate | 125973 | 0.08295110857087822 | 0.18892179990461458 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_same_src_port_rate | 125973 | 0.14837885896184153 | 0.30899713037298737 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate | 125973 | 0.03254244957252654 | 0.11256380488118982 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_serror_rate | 125973 | 0.2844524620355186 | 0.44478405031648904 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_srv_serror_rate | 125973 | 0.2784845165233854 | 0.4456691238860301 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_rerror_rate | 125973 | 0.11883181316631297 | 0.3065574580251695 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
dst_host_srv_rerror_rate | 125973 | 0.12023989267541413 | 0.3194593904552316 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
(train_df.crosstab('num_outbound_cmds', 'labels2').show())
| 0.0| 58630| 67343|
As 'num_outbound_cmds' feature takes only 0.0 values, so it is dropped as redundant.
train_df = train_df.drop('num_outbound_cmds')
test_df = test_df.drop('num_outbound_cmds')
Commented code below is related to removing highly correlated features. However, it hasen't been tested a lot yet.
# from pyspark.mllib.stat import Statistics
# from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
# from import VectorAssembler
# t0 = time()
# stat_assembler = VectorAssembler(
# inputCols=numeric_cols,
# outputCol='features')
# stat_rdd = stat_assembler.transform(train_df) row: row['features'].toArray())
# pearson_corr = Statistics.corr(stat_rdd, method='pearson')
# spearman_corr = Statistics.corr(stat_rdd, method='spearman')
# print(time() - t0)
# f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 6))
# ax1.set_title("Pearson")
# ax2.set_title("Spearman")
# sns.heatmap(pearson_corr, ax=ax1)
# sns.heatmap(spearman_corr, ax=ax2)
# inx_correlated_to_delete = [8, 15, 28, 17, 29]
# for inx in inx_correlated_to_delete:
# train_df = train_df.drop(numeric_cols[inx])
# test_df = test_df.drop(numeric_cols[inx])
# numeric_cols = [col for inx, col in enumerate(numeric_cols) if inx not in inx_correlated_to_delete]
# train_df = train_df.cache()
# test_df = test_df.cache()
# print(train_df.count())
# print(test_df.count())
# print(len(numeric_cols))
4. One Hot Encoding for categorical variables
One Hot Encoding (OHE) is used for treating categorical variables. Custom function is created for demonstration purposes. However, it could be easily replaced by PySpark OneHotEncoder.
def ohe_vec(cat_dict, row):
vec = np.zeros(len(cat_dict))
vec[cat_dict[row]] = float(1.0)
return vec.tolist()
def ohe(df, nominal_col):
categories = (
.distinct() row: row[0])
cat_dict = dict(zip(categories, range(len(categories))))
udf_ohe_vec = udf(lambda row: ohe_vec(cat_dict, row),
StructType([StructField(cat, DoubleType(), False) for cat in categories]))
df = df.withColumn(nominal_col + '_ohe', udf_ohe_vec(col(nominal_col))).cache()
nested_cols = [nominal_col + '_ohe.' + cat for cat in categories]
ohe_cols = [nominal_col + '_' + cat for cat in categories]
for new, old in zip(ohe_cols, nested_cols):
df = df.withColumn(new, col(old))
df = df.drop(nominal_col + '_ohe')
return df, ohe_cols
t0 = time()
train_ohe_cols = []
train_df, train_ohe_col0 = ohe(train_df, nominal_cols[0])
train_ohe_cols += train_ohe_col0
train_df, train_ohe_col1 = ohe(train_df, nominal_cols[1])
train_ohe_cols += train_ohe_col1
train_df, train_ohe_col2 = ohe(train_df, nominal_cols[2])
train_ohe_cols += train_ohe_col2
binary_cols += train_ohe_cols
train_df = train_df.cache()
print(time() - t0)
Custom list of test binary cols is used as test dataset could contain additional categories for 'service' and 'flag' features. However, those additional categories aren't used below.
t0 = time()
test_ohe_cols = []
test_df, test_ohe_col0_names = ohe(test_df, nominal_cols[0])
test_ohe_cols += test_ohe_col0_names
test_df, test_ohe_col1_names = ohe(test_df, nominal_cols[1])
test_ohe_cols += test_ohe_col1_names
test_df, test_ohe_col2_names = ohe(test_df, nominal_cols[2])
test_ohe_cols += test_ohe_col2_names
test_binary_cols = col_names[binary_inx].tolist() + test_ohe_cols
test_df = test_df.cache()
print(time() - t0)
5. Feature Selection using Attribute Ratio
Attribute Ratio approach is used for feature selection purposes. This approach was described by Hee-su Chae and Sang Hyun Choi in Feature Selection for efficient Intrusion Detection using Attribute Ratio and Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection using NSL-KDD
This approach is also used for nominal variables as they were encoded as binary variables above.
As it is a possible to have 'null' values because binary features could have Frequency(0) = 0, those 'null' values are replaced with 1000.0 (magic number). For NSL KDD dataset it is related only for 'protocol_type_tcp' ohe variable.
def getAttributeRatio(df, numericCols, binaryCols, labelCol):
ratio_dict = {}
if numericCols:
avg_dict = (df
.select(list(map(lambda c: sql.avg(c).alias(c), numericCols)))
.select(list(map(lambda c: sql.max(col('avg(' + c + ')')/avg_dict[c]).alias(c), numericCols)))
if binaryCols:
.agg(*list(map(lambda c: (sql.sum(col(c))/(sql.count(col(c)) - sql.sum(col(c)))).alias(c), binaryCols)))
.select(*list(map(lambda c: sql.max(col(c)).alias(c), binaryCols)))
return OrderedDict(sorted(ratio_dict.items(), key=lambda v: -v[1]))
def selectFeaturesByAR(ar_dict, min_ar):
return [f for f in ar_dict.keys() if ar_dict[f] >= min_ar]
t0 = time()
ar_dict = getAttributeRatio(train_df, numeric_cols, binary_cols, 'labels5')
print(time() - t0)
OrderedDict([('protocol_type_tcp', 1000.0),
('num_shells', 326.11353550295854),
('urgent', 173.03983516483518),
('num_file_creations', 62.23362492770388),
('flag_SF', 51.0),
('num_failed_logins', 46.03855641845592),
('hot', 40.77451681709518),
('logged_in', 10.569767441860465),
('dst_bytes', 9.154854355343401),
('src_bytes', 8.464064204948945),
('duration', 7.225829157212557),
('dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 5.756880682756574),
('dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 4.83734184897426),
('num_access_files', 4.694879248658319),
('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 4.393080378884017),
('num_compromised', 4.338539274983927),
('diff_srv_rate', 4.069085485070395),
('dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', 3.667920527965924),
('srv_rerror_rate', 3.667741802325429),
('rerror_rate', 3.645586087828447),
('dst_host_rerror_rate', 3.2795669242444494),
('srv_diff_host_rate', 3.0815657101103984),
('flag_S0', 2.965034965034965),
('wrong_fragment', 2.742896335488928),
('dst_host_srv_serror_rate', 2.6731595957140732),
('srv_serror_rate', 2.643246318490161),
('serror_rate', 2.6310546426370265),
('dst_host_serror_rate', 2.6293396511768043),
('num_root', 2.6091432537726016),
('count', 2.1174082949142403),
('service_telnet', 1.8888888888888888),
('dst_host_srv_count', 1.6453161847397422),
('dst_host_same_srv_rate', 1.557578827974319),
('service_ftp_data', 1.5447570332480818),
('same_srv_rate', 1.5079612006047083),
('dst_host_count', 1.3428596865228266),
('service_http', 1.2988666621151088),
('srv_count', 1.1773191099992069),
('root_shell', 1.0),
('service_private', 0.7252812314979278),
('protocol_type_icmp', 0.5497939103842574),
('service_eco_i', 0.5403726708074534),
('is_guest_login', 0.45894428152492667),
('service_ftp', 0.4568081991215227),
('flag_REJ', 0.3265050642995334),
('flag_RSTR', 0.23005487547488393),
('protocol_type_udp', 0.22644739478045495),
('service_other', 0.16945921541085582),
('service_domain_u', 0.15493320070658045),
('service_smtp', 0.11654010677454654),
('service_ecr_i', 0.06601211614790056),
('flag_RSTO', 0.04847207586933614),
('service_finger', 0.026095310440358364),
('flag_SH', 0.02326398033535247),
('service_Z39_50', 0.018879226195758277),
('service_uucp', 0.01702909783427078),
('service_courier', 0.0160615915577089),
('service_auth', 0.015544843445957898),
('service_bgp', 0.0154550278588485),
('service_uucp_path', 0.014938896377980597),
('service_iso_tsap', 0.014916467780429593),
('service_whois', 0.014804339660163068),
('service_nnsp', 0.013729168965897804),
('service_imap4', 0.013729168965897804),
('service_vmnet', 0.013371284834844774),
('service_time', 0.012142983074753174),
('service_ctf', 0.011853092158893123),
('service_csnet_ns', 0.011741639864299247),
('service_supdup', 0.011630212119209674),
('service_http_443', 0.011518808915514052),
('service_discard', 0.011451978769793203),
('service_domain', 0.011184746471740902),
('service_daytime', 0.01107344135258894),
('service_gopher', 0.010672945733022314),
('service_efs', 0.010517283108539242),
('service_exec', 0.010228322555100963),
('service_systat', 0.010117227879561),
('service_link', 0.009983946517713808),
('service_hostnames', 0.00982849604221636),
('service_name', 0.009406800149453835),
('service_klogin', 0.009340248780273395),
('service_login', 0.009229349330872173),
('service_mtp', 0.009140647316033486),
('service_echo', 0.009140647316033486),
('service_urp_i', 0.0089745894762076),
('flag_RSTOS0', 0.008915433220808448),
('service_ldap', 0.008852473420613302),
('service_netbios_dgm', 0.008608762490392005),
('service_sunrpc', 0.00809956538917424),
('service_netbios_ssn', 0.007657203036552723),
('service_netstat', 0.0075466731018142726),
('service_netbios_ns', 0.007369875633348687),
('service_kshell', 0.006398597567656404),
('service_ssh', 0.006156070630504316),
('service_nntp', 0.006156070630504316),
('flag_S1', 0.005389507628915231),
('service_sql_net', 0.005099137742373178),
('flag_S3', 0.0030241935483870967),
('flag_OTH', 0.0030117890026675844),
('service_pop_3', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_IRC', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_ntp_u', 0.0025009304056568663),
('flag_S2', 0.0017702011186481019),
('service_remote_job', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_rje', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_pop_2', 0.0015264845061822622),
('service_printer', 0.0013517933064428214),
('service_shell', 0.0011553385359898854),
('su_attempted', 0.001006036217303823),
('service_X11', 0.0009958974968785302),
('service_pm_dump', 0.0004291477126426916),
('land', 0.00039207998431680063),
('service_aol', 0.00017161489617298782),
('service_http_8001', 0.00017161489617298782),
('service_harvest', 0.00017161489617298782),
('service_urh_i', 0.0001485155867108253),
('service_red_i', 0.00011880894037276305),
('service_http_2784', 8.58000858000858e-05),
('service_tim_i', 7.425227954498203e-05),
('service_tftp_u', 4.455004455004455e-05),
('is_host_login', 1.4849573817231445e-05)])
6. Data preparation
Standartization is necessary as a lot of distance based algorithms are used below. Custom standartization is created for demonstration purposes, so it could be easily replaced by PySpark StandardScaler. Note that data is sparse, so it is reasonable to not substract mean for avoiding violating sparsity.
t0 = time()
avg_dict = ( c: sql.avg(c).alias(c), numeric_cols))).first().asDict())
std_dict = ( c: sql.stddev(c).alias(c), numeric_cols))).first().asDict())
def standardizer(column):
return ((col(column) - avg_dict[column])/std_dict[column]).alias(column)
# Standardizer without mean
# def standardizer(column):
# return (col(column)/std_dict[column]).alias(column)
train_scaler = [*binary_cols, *list(map(standardizer, numeric_cols)), *['id', 'labels2_index', 'labels2', 'labels5_index', 'labels5']]
test_scaler = [*test_binary_cols, *list(map(standardizer, numeric_cols)), *['id', 'labels2_index', 'labels2', 'labels5_index', 'labels5']]
scaled_train_df = (
scaled_test_df = (
print(time() - t0)
VectorAssembler is used for combining a given list of columns into a single vector column. Then VectorIndexer is used for indexing categorical (binary) features. Indexing categorical features allows algorithms to treat them appropriately, improving performance.
from import VectorIndexer, VectorAssembler
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=selectFeaturesByAR(ar_dict, 0.01), outputCol='raw_features')
indexer = VectorIndexer(inputCol='raw_features', outputCol='indexed_features', maxCategories=2)
prep_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[assembler, indexer])
prep_model =
t0 = time()
scaled_train_df = (prep_model
.select('id', 'indexed_features', 'labels2_index', 'labels2', 'labels5_index', 'labels5')
scaled_test_df = (prep_model
.select('id', 'indexed_features','labels2_index', 'labels2', 'labels5_index', 'labels5')
print(time() - t0)
# Setting seed for reproducibility
seed = 4667979835606274383
The train dataset is splitted into 80% train and 20% cross-validation sets.
split = (scaled_train_df.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2], seed=seed))
scaled_train_df = split[0].cache()
scaled_cv_df = split[1].cache()
Additional "result" dataframes are used to collect probabilities and predictions from different approaches.
res_cv_df ='id'), col('labels2_index'), col('labels2'), col('labels5')).cache()
res_test_df ='id'), col('labels2_index'), col('labels2'), col('labels5')).cache()
prob_cols = []
pred_cols = []
Different metrics from sklearn are used for evaluating results. The most important from them for this task are False positive Rate, Detection Rate and F1 score. As evaluating via sklearn requires to collect predicted and label columns to the driver, it will be replaced with PySpark metrics later.
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
def printCM(cm, labels):
"""pretty print for confusion matrixes"""
columnwidth = max([len(x) for x in labels])
# Print header
print(" " * columnwidth, end="\t")
for label in labels:
print("%{0}s".format(columnwidth) % label, end="\t")
# Print rows
for i, label1 in enumerate(labels):
print("%{0}s".format(columnwidth) % label1, end="\t")
for j in range(len(labels)):
print("%{0}d".format(columnwidth) % cm[i, j], end="\t")
def getPrediction(e):
return udf(lambda row: 1.0 if row >= e else 0.0, DoubleType())
def printReport(resDF, probCol, labelCol='labels2_index', e=None, labels=['normal', 'attack']):
if (e):
predictionAndLabels = list(zip(*resDF.rdd
.map(lambda row: (1.0 if row[probCol] >= e else 0.0, row[labelCol]))
predictionAndLabels = list(zip(*resDF.rdd
.map(lambda row: (row[probCol], row[labelCol]))
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(predictionAndLabels[1], predictionAndLabels[0])
printCM(cm, labels)
print(" ")
print("Accuracy = %g" % (metrics.accuracy_score(predictionAndLabels[1], predictionAndLabels[0])))
print("AUC = %g" % (metrics.roc_auc_score(predictionAndLabels[1], predictionAndLabels[0])))
print(" ")
print("False Alarm Rate = %g" % (cm[0][1]/(cm[0][0] + cm[0][1])))
print("Detection Rate = %g" % (cm[1][1]/(cm[1][1] + cm[1][0])))
print("F1 score = %g" % (metrics.f1_score(predictionAndLabels[1], predictionAndLabels[0], labels)))
print(" ")
print(metrics.classification_report(predictionAndLabels[1], predictionAndLabels[0]))
print(" ")
7. Visualization via PCA
PCA algorithm is used for visualization purposes. It's also used later as preprocessing for Gaussian Mixture clustering.
First graph shows 'attack' vs 'normal' labels, second graph shows 4 different types of attacks vs normal connections.
from import VectorSlicer
from import PCA
t0 = time()
pca_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="indexed_features", outputCol="features", names=selectFeaturesByAR(ar_dict, 0.05))
pca = PCA(k=2, inputCol="features", outputCol="pca_features")
pca_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[pca_slicer, pca])
pca_train_df =
print(time() - t0)
t0 = time()
viz_train_data = np.array( row: [*row['pca_features'], row['labels2_index'], row['labels5_index']]).collect())
plt.scatter(x=viz_train_data[:,0], y=viz_train_data[:,1], c=viz_train_data[:,2], cmap="Set1")
plt.scatter(x=viz_train_data[:,0], y=viz_train_data[:,1], c=viz_train_data[:,3], cmap="Set1")
print(time() - t0)
8. KMeans clustering with Random Forest Classifiers
The idea of the first approach is to clusterize data into clusters and then train different Random Forest classifiers for each of the clusters. As Random Forest returns probabilities, it is possible to improve detection rate for a new types of attacks by adjusting threshold.
As KMeans cannot truly handle binary/categorical features only numeric features are used for clustarization.
kmeans_prob_col = 'kmeans_rf_prob'
kmeans_pred_col = 'kmeans_rf_pred'
# KMeans clustrering
from import KMeans
t0 = time()
kmeans_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="indexed_features", outputCol="features",
names=list(set(selectFeaturesByAR(ar_dict, 0.1)).intersection(numeric_cols)))
kmeans = KMeans(k=8, initSteps=25, maxIter=100, featuresCol="features", predictionCol="cluster", seed=seed)
kmeans_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[kmeans_slicer, kmeans])
kmeans_model =
kmeans_train_df = kmeans_model.transform(scaled_train_df).cache()
kmeans_cv_df = kmeans_model.transform(scaled_cv_df).cache()
kmeans_test_df = kmeans_model.transform(scaled_test_df).cache()
print(time() - t0)
# Function for describing the contents of the clusters
def getClusterCrosstab(df, clusterCol='cluster'):
return (df.crosstab(clusterCol, 'labels2')
.withColumn('count', col('attack') + col('normal'))
.withColumn(clusterCol + '_labels2', col(clusterCol + '_labels2').cast('int'))
.sort(col(clusterCol +'_labels2').asc()))
kmeans_crosstab = getClusterCrosstab(kmeans_train_df).cache()
| 0| 6659| 46448|53107|
| 1| 9125| 2266|11391|
| 2| 626| 61| 687|
| 3| 27742| 101|27843|
| 4| 2670| 5073| 7743|
| 5| 1| 0| 1|
| 6| 0| 24| 24|
| 7| 2| 42| 44|
Clustres are splitted into two categories. Frist category contains clusters that have both 'attack' and 'normal' connections and have more than 25 connections. For the first category Random Forest classifiers are aplied. Second category contains all other clusters and maps cluster to 'attack' or 'normal' based on majority. All clusters that contains less or equal than 25 connections are treated as outliers and are mapped to 'attack' type.
# Function for splitting clusters
def splitClusters(crosstab):
exp = ((col('count') > 25) & (col('attack') > 0) & (col('normal') > 0))
cluster_rf = (crosstab
.map(lambda row: (int(row['cluster_labels2']), [row['count'], row['attack']/row['count']]))
cluster_mapping = (crosstab
.map(lambda row: (int(row['cluster_labels2']), 1.0 if (row['count'] <= 25) | (row['normal'] == 0) else 0.0))
return cluster_rf, cluster_mapping
kmeans_cluster_rf, kmeans_cluster_mapping = splitClusters(kmeans_crosstab)
print(len(kmeans_cluster_rf), len(kmeans_cluster_mapping))
6 2
{5: 1.0, 6: 1.0}
{0: [53107, 0.1253883668819553],
1: [11391, 0.8010710209814766],
2: [687, 0.9112081513828238],
3: [27843, 0.9963725173293108],
4: [7743, 0.3448275862068966],
7: [44, 0.045454545454545456]}
from import RandomForestClassifier
# This function returns Random Forest models for provided clusters
def getClusterModels(df, cluster_rf):
cluster_models = {}
labels_col = 'labels2_cl_index'
rf_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="indexed_features", outputCol="rf_features",
names=selectFeaturesByAR(ar_dict, 0.05))
for cluster in cluster_rf.keys():
t1 = time()
rf_classifier = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol=labels_col, featuresCol='rf_features', seed=seed,
numTrees=500, maxDepth=20, featureSubsetStrategy="sqrt")
rf_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[labels2_indexer, rf_slicer, rf_classifier])
cluster_models[cluster] ='cluster') == cluster))
print("Finished %g cluster in %g ms" % (cluster, time() - t1))
return cluster_models
# This utility function helps to get predictions/probabilities for the new data and return them into one dataframe
def getProbabilities(df, probCol, cluster_mapping, cluster_models):
pred_df = (sqlContext.createDataFrame([], StructType([
StructField('id', LongType(), False),
StructField(probCol, DoubleType(), False)])))
udf_map = udf(lambda cluster: cluster_mapping[cluster], DoubleType())
pred_df = pred_df.union(df.filter(col('cluster').isin(list(cluster_mapping.keys())))
.withColumn(probCol, udf_map(col('cluster')))
.select('id', probCol))
for k in cluster_models.keys():
maj_label = cluster_models[k].stages[0].labels[0]
udf_remap_prob = udf(lambda row: float(row[0]) if (maj_label == 'attack') else float(row[1]), DoubleType())
pred_df = pred_df.union(cluster_models[k]
.transform(df.filter(col('cluster') == k))
.withColumn(probCol, udf_remap_prob(col('probability')))
.select('id', probCol))
return pred_df
# Training Random Forest classifiers for each of the clusters
t0 = time()
kmeans_cluster_models = getClusterModels(kmeans_train_df, kmeans_cluster_rf)
print(time() - t0)
Finished 0 cluster in 197.395 ms
Finished 1 cluster in 18.5909 ms
Finished 2 cluster in 1.40909 ms
Finished 3 cluster in 12.9506 ms
Finished 4 cluster in 3.07712 ms
Finished 7 cluster in 0.999874 ms
# Getting probabilities for CV data
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = (res_cv_df.drop(kmeans_prob_col)
.join(getProbabilities(kmeans_cv_df, kmeans_prob_col, kmeans_cluster_mapping, kmeans_cluster_models), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for Test data
t0 = time()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop(kmeans_prob_col)
.join(getProbabilities(kmeans_test_df, kmeans_prob_col, kmeans_cluster_mapping, kmeans_cluster_models), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
As CV data is from the same distribution as the train data it isn't needed to adjust threshold.
printReport(res_cv_df, kmeans_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 13316 12
attack 26 11779
Accuracy = 0.998488
AUC = 0.998449
False Alarm Rate = 0.00090036
Detection Rate = 0.997798
F1 score = 0.99839
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 13328
1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 11805
avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 25133
Because test data is from the different distribution and it is expected to face unseen attack types, it makes sence to adjust a probability threshold to something like 0.01 for attack connections (0.99 for normal connections). For this approach it gives around ~98-99% Detection Rate with around ~14-15% of False Alarm Rate.
printReport(res_test_df, kmeans_prob_col, e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8262 1449
attack 182 12651
Accuracy = 0.927653
AUC = 0.918303
False Alarm Rate = 0.149212
Detection Rate = 0.985818
F1 score = 0.939442
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.98 0.85 0.91 9711
1.0 0.90 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
# Adding prediction columns based on chosen thresholds into result dataframes
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(kmeans_pred_col, getPrediction(0.5)(col(kmeans_prob_col))).cache()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(kmeans_pred_col, getPrediction(0.01)(col(kmeans_prob_col))).cache()
print(time() - t0)
9. Gaussian Mixture clustering with Random Forest Classifiers
The idea of this approach is to clusterize data into clusters via Gaussian Mixture and then train different Random Forest classifiers for each of the clusters. Gaussian Mixture produces a diffirent clustering than KMeans, so results from both approaches could be combine for improving performance. As Gaussian Mixture clustering doesn't work well on high-demensional data PCA algorithm is used for preprocessing.
gm_prob_col = 'gm_rf_prob'
gm_pred_col = 'gm_rf_pred'
# Gaussian Mixture clustering
from import GaussianMixture
t0 = time()
gm = GaussianMixture(k=8, maxIter=150, seed=seed, featuresCol="pca_features",
predictionCol="cluster", probabilityCol="gm_prob")
gm_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[pca_slicer, pca, gm])
gm_model =
gm_train_df = gm_model.transform(scaled_train_df).cache()
gm_cv_df = gm_model.transform(scaled_cv_df).cache()
gm_test_df = gm_model.transform(scaled_test_df).cache()
gm_params = (gm_model.stages[2].gaussiansDF.rdd
.map(lambda row: [row['mean'].toArray(), row['cov'].toArray()])
gm_weights = gm_model.stages[2].weights
print(time() - t0)
# Description of the contents of the clusters
gm_crosstab = getClusterCrosstab(gm_train_df).cache()
| 0| 22895| 0|22895|
| 1| 7548| 19846|27394|
| 2| 30| 26900|26930|
| 3| 4024| 0| 4024|
| 4| 4154| 2212| 6366|
| 5| 1136| 1007| 2143|
| 6| 5479| 0| 5479|
| 7| 1559| 4050| 5609|
# Splitting clusters
gm_cluster_rf, gm_cluster_mapping = splitClusters(gm_crosstab)
print(len(gm_cluster_rf), len(gm_cluster_mapping))
5 3
{0: 1.0, 3: 1.0, 6: 1.0}
{1: [27394, 0.27553478863984815],
2: [26930, 0.0011139992573338284],
4: [6366, 0.6525290606346215],
5: [2143, 0.5300979934671022],
7: [5609, 0.27794615796042077]}
# Training Random Forest classifiers for each of the clusters
t0 = time()
gm_cluster_models = getClusterModels(gm_train_df, gm_cluster_rf)
print(time() - t0)
Finished 1 cluster in 89.9797 ms
Finished 2 cluster in 5.05247 ms
Finished 4 cluster in 12.6685 ms
Finished 5 cluster in 12.9819 ms
Finished 7 cluster in 24.1031 ms
# Getting probabilities for CV data
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = (res_cv_df.drop(gm_prob_col)
.join(getProbabilities(gm_cv_df, gm_prob_col, gm_cluster_mapping, gm_cluster_models), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for Test data
t0 = time()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop(gm_prob_col)
.join(getProbabilities(gm_test_df, gm_prob_col, gm_cluster_mapping, gm_cluster_models), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
printReport(res_cv_df, gm_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 13322 6
attack 36 11769
Accuracy = 0.998329
AUC = 0.99825
False Alarm Rate = 0.00045018
Detection Rate = 0.99695
F1 score = 0.998219
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 13328
1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 11805
avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 25133
printReport(res_test_df, gm_prob_col, e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8340 1371
attack 727 12106
Accuracy = 0.906938
AUC = 0.901085
False Alarm Rate = 0.14118
Detection Rate = 0.943349
F1 score = 0.920258
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.92 0.86 0.89 9711
1.0 0.90 0.94 0.92 12833
avg / total 0.91 0.91 0.91 22544
# Adding prediction columns based on chosen thresholds into result dataframes
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(gm_pred_col, getPrediction(0.5)(col(gm_prob_col))).cache()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(gm_pred_col, getPrediction(0.01)(col(gm_prob_col))).cache()
print(time() - t0)
10. Supervised approach for dettecting each type of attacks separately
The idea of the following approach is training Random Forest Classifiers for each of four major 'attack' categories separately.
10.1 DoS and normal
dos_prob_col = 'dos_prob'
dos_pred_col = 'dos_pred'
dos_exp = (col('labels5') == 'DoS') | (col('labels5') == 'normal')
dos_train_df = (scaled_train_df.filter(dos_exp).cache())
| normal|54015|
| DoS|36735|
Commented code below is related to undersampling 'normal' connections. It could give better results. However, it hasen't been tested a lot yet.
# dos_train_df = dos_train_df.sampleBy('labels5', fractions={'normal': 45927./67343, 'DoS': 1.0}).cache()
# print(dos_train_df.count())
# (dos_train_df
# .groupby('labels5')
# .count()
# .sort(sql.desc('count'))
# .show())
Diffirent AR feature selection is used as only normal and DoS connections are treated. Note that train dataframe without standartization is used for getting Attribute Ratio dictionary.
t0 = time()
dos_ar_dict = getAttributeRatio(train_df.filter(dos_exp), numeric_cols, binary_cols, 'labels5')
print(time() - t0)
OrderedDict([('flag_SF', 16.04886075949367),
('protocol_type_tcp', 11.283230810377106),
('flag_S0', 2.965034965034965),
('wrong_fragment', 2.4663052235068696),
('logged_in', 2.4559683875603),
('dst_host_srv_serror_rate', 2.4369460592636014),
('srv_serror_rate', 2.4091388710886883),
('serror_rate', 2.403031496724026),
('dst_host_serror_rate', 2.400741230991577),
('count', 2.0805650842389314),
('rerror_rate', 1.729470874459902),
('srv_rerror_rate', 1.7274542811973763),
('dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', 1.7208022988464688),
('dst_host_rerror_rate', 1.7204184332241286),
('num_failed_logins', 1.6819862494988345),
('num_root', 1.6819862494988345),
('num_access_files', 1.6819862494988342),
('num_shells', 1.6819862494988342),
('num_file_creations', 1.6819862494988342),
('urgent', 1.6819862494988342),
('duration', 1.6819438793516928),
('num_compromised', 1.639589690499449),
('dst_bytes', 1.6383223072580753),
('srv_diff_host_rate', 1.635027252294015),
('dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 1.6123221582570733),
('src_bytes', 1.585158247265785),
('dst_host_srv_count', 1.5359730763294566),
('dst_host_same_srv_rate', 1.523983808504667),
('hot', 1.5045374266320413),
('diff_srv_rate', 1.4988971605166357),
('same_srv_rate', 1.4819253849686713),
('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 1.3168437158004334),
('dst_host_count', 1.30921165492205),
('dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 1.3068775153420957),
('service_http', 1.2988666621151088),
('srv_count', 1.0994997402557993),
('service_private', 0.5331486179730272),
('protocol_type_udp', 0.22644739478045495),
('service_domain_u', 0.15493320070658045),
('flag_REJ', 0.14087341017488075),
('service_smtp', 0.11654010677454654),
('service_ftp_data', 0.07992430924164916),
('protocol_type_icmp', 0.06608635097493036),
('service_ecr_i', 0.06601211614790056),
('service_other', 0.04022304947558659),
('service_telnet', 0.02940715006163846),
('flag_RSTO', 0.02719688667218358),
('service_finger', 0.026095310440358364),
('service_Z39_50', 0.018879226195758277),
('service_uucp', 0.01702909783427078),
('service_courier', 0.0160615915577089),
('service_auth', 0.015544843445957898),
('service_bgp', 0.0154550278588485),
('service_uucp_path', 0.014938896377980597),
('service_iso_tsap', 0.014916467780429593),
('service_whois', 0.014804339660163068),
('service_ftp', 0.013820097854723372),
('service_nnsp', 0.013729168965897804),
('service_imap4', 0.013729168965897804),
('service_vmnet', 0.013371284834844774),
('is_guest_login', 0.013133744546411915),
('service_time', 0.012142983074753174),
('service_ctf', 0.011853092158893123),
('service_csnet_ns', 0.011741639864299247),
('service_supdup', 0.011630212119209674),
('service_http_443', 0.011518808915514052),
('service_discard', 0.011451978769793203),
('service_domain', 0.011184746471740902),
('service_daytime', 0.01107344135258894),
('service_gopher', 0.010672945733022314),
('service_efs', 0.010517283108539242),
('service_exec', 0.010228322555100963),
('service_systat', 0.010117227879561),
('service_link', 0.009983946517713808),
('service_hostnames', 0.00982849604221636),
('service_name', 0.009406800149453835),
('service_klogin', 0.009340248780273395),
('service_login', 0.009229349330872173),
('service_mtp', 0.009140647316033486),
('service_echo', 0.009140647316033486),
('service_urp_i', 0.0089745894762076),
('service_ldap', 0.008852473420613302),
('service_netbios_dgm', 0.008608762490392005),
('service_sunrpc', 0.00809956538917424),
('service_netbios_ssn', 0.007657203036552723),
('service_netstat', 0.0075466731018142726),
('service_eco_i', 0.007434999850402417),
('service_netbios_ns', 0.007369875633348687),
('service_kshell', 0.006398597567656404),
('service_ssh', 0.006156070630504316),
('service_nntp', 0.006156070630504316),
('flag_S1', 0.005389507628915231),
('service_sql_net', 0.005099137742373178),
('service_pop_3', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_IRC', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_ntp_u', 0.0025009304056568663),
('flag_RSTR', 0.002172716043871006),
('root_shell', 0.0020385084665059667),
('flag_S2', 0.0017702011186481019),
('service_pop_2', 0.0015264845061822622),
('service_rje', 0.0014828059922806865),
('service_printer', 0.0013517933064428214),
('service_remote_job', 0.0013081300281247957),
('service_shell', 0.0011553385359898854),
('service_X11', 0.0009958974968785302),
('flag_S3', 0.0006686677167226366),
('land', 0.00039207998431680063),
('su_attempted', 0.00029707529373319667),
('flag_OTH', 0.00016336957167468663),
('service_urh_i', 0.0001485155867108253),
('service_red_i', 0.00011880894037276305),
('service_tim_i', 7.425227954498203e-05),
('service_tftp_u', 4.455004455004455e-05),
('flag_SH', 2.969958866069705e-05),
('is_host_login', 1.4849573817231445e-05),
('service_aol', 0.0),
('flag_RSTOS0', 0.0),
('service_pm_dump', 0.0),
('service_http_8001', 0.0),
('service_harvest', 0.0),
('service_http_2784', 0.0)])
t0 = time()
dos_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="indexed_features", outputCol="features",
names=selectFeaturesByAR(dos_ar_dict, 0.05))
dos_rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol=labels_col, featuresCol='features', featureSubsetStrategy='sqrt',
numTrees=500, maxDepth=20, seed=seed)
dos_rf_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[dos_slicer, dos_rf])
dos_rf_model =
dos_cv_df = dos_rf_model.transform(scaled_cv_df).cache()
dos_test_df = dos_rf_model.transform(scaled_test_df).cache()
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for CV data
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = (res_cv_df.drop(dos_prob_col)
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', dos_prob_col]),
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for Test data
t0 = time()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop(dos_prob_col)
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', dos_prob_col]),
print(time() - t0)
The first report shows performance of classification for 'normal' and 'DoS' labels, the second report shows performance for the whole data with adjusted threshold.
printReport(res_cv_df.filter(dos_exp), probCol=dos_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=['normal', 'DoS'])
printReport(res_cv_df, probCol=dos_prob_col, e=0.05)
normal DoS
normal 13327 1
DoS 3 9189
Accuracy = 0.999822
AUC = 0.999799
False Alarm Rate = 7.503e-05
Detection Rate = 0.999674
F1 score = 0.999782
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 13328
1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 9192
avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 22520
normal attack
normal 13248 80
attack 427 11378
Accuracy = 0.979827
AUC = 0.978913
False Alarm Rate = 0.0060024
Detection Rate = 0.963829
F1 score = 0.978206
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.97 0.99 0.98 13328
1.0 0.99 0.96 0.98 11805
avg / total 0.98 0.98 0.98 25133
printReport(res_test_df.filter(dos_exp), probCol=dos_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=['normal', 'DoS'])
printReport(res_test_df, probCol=dos_prob_col, e=0.01)
normal DoS
normal 9625 86
DoS 1656 5802
Accuracy = 0.898538
AUC = 0.88455
False Alarm Rate = 0.00885594
Detection Rate = 0.777957
F1 score = 0.869474
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.85 0.99 0.92 9711
1.0 0.99 0.78 0.87 7458
avg / total 0.91 0.90 0.90 17169
normal attack
normal 8749 962
attack 2787 10046
Accuracy = 0.833703
AUC = 0.841881
False Alarm Rate = 0.0990629
Detection Rate = 0.782826
F1 score = 0.84275
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.76 0.90 0.82 9711
1.0 0.91 0.78 0.84 12833
avg / total 0.85 0.83 0.83 22544
# Adding prediction columns based on chosen thresholds into result dataframes
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(dos_pred_col, getPrediction(0.05)(col(dos_prob_col))).cache()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(dos_pred_col, getPrediction(0.01)(col(dos_prob_col))).cache()
print(time() - t0)
10.2 Probe and normal
probe_prob_col = 'probe_prob'
probe_pred_col = 'probe_pred'
probe_exp = (col('labels5') == 'Probe') | (col('labels5') == 'normal')
probe_train_df = (scaled_train_df.filter(probe_exp).cache())
| normal|54015|
| Probe| 9271|
Commented code below is related to undersampling 'normal' connections. It could give better results. However, it hasen't been tested a lot yet.
# probe_train_df = probe_train_df.sampleBy('labels5', fractions={'normal': 9274./53789, 'Probe': 1.0}).cache()
# print(probe_train_df.count())
# (probe_train_df
# .groupby('labels5')
# .count()
# .sort(sql.desc('count'))
# .show())
Diffirent AR feature selection is used as only normal and Probe connections are treated. Note that train dataframe without standartization is used for getting Attribute Ratio dictionary.
t0 = time()
probe_ar_dict = getAttributeRatio(train_df.filter(probe_exp), numeric_cols, binary_cols, 'labels5')
print(time() - t0)
OrderedDict([('flag_SF', 16.04886075949367),
('dst_bytes', 5.954890189917854),
('src_bytes', 5.663342453521275),
('duration', 4.612329795738909),
('dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 4.295388446518038),
('srv_rerror_rate', 4.289248359824753),
('rerror_rate', 4.279060093009581),
('dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', 4.274560348159813),
('diff_srv_rate', 4.111925438331699),
('dst_host_rerror_rate', 4.008755744761299),
('protocol_type_tcp', 3.900167357927672),
('dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 3.761764380647146),
('dst_host_srv_serror_rate', 3.5899755168448144),
('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 3.260144247441684),
('serror_rate', 2.5392653643867047),
('count', 2.520990695784333),
('srv_serror_rate', 2.475062409348203),
('logged_in', 2.4559683875603),
('dst_host_serror_rate', 2.422128377779547),
('srv_diff_host_rate', 1.9745638565439239),
('service_http', 1.2988666621151088),
('num_access_files', 1.1730840621890917),
('urgent', 1.1730840621890917),
('num_shells', 1.1730840621890914),
('num_root', 1.1728674890158846),
('num_compromised', 1.1728436409203076),
('hot', 1.171650896218053),
('num_file_creations', 1.1576487455813405),
('dst_host_srv_count', 1.129554174884712),
('num_failed_logins', 1.1247094616864488),
('srv_count', 1.0980131509657178),
('dst_host_same_srv_rate', 1.082859898411067),
('same_srv_rate', 1.0432163005405286),
('dst_host_count', 1.002234530632061),
('service_private', 0.7252812314979278),
('protocol_type_icmp', 0.5497939103842574),
('service_eco_i', 0.5403726708074534),
('flag_REJ', 0.3265050642995334),
('flag_RSTR', 0.23005487547488393),
('protocol_type_udp', 0.22644739478045495),
('service_other', 0.16945921541085582),
('service_domain_u', 0.15493320070658045),
('service_smtp', 0.11654010677454654),
('service_ftp_data', 0.07992430924164916),
('flag_SH', 0.02326398033535247),
('service_ftp', 0.013820097854723372),
('service_telnet', 0.013804835455996147),
('flag_S0', 0.013300878031817787),
('is_guest_login', 0.013133744546411915),
('service_urp_i', 0.0089745894762076),
('flag_RSTOS0', 0.008915433220808448),
('service_finger', 0.00815892691397946),
('flag_RSTO', 0.006910850034554251),
('flag_S1', 0.005389507628915231),
('service_ecr_i', 0.0037027469215534315),
('service_auth', 0.003516771722771097),
('flag_OTH', 0.0030117890026675844),
('service_gopher', 0.002839198141615762),
('service_pop_3', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_IRC', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_ntp_u', 0.0025009304056568663),
('service_time', 0.0023217817525152634),
('service_ssh', 0.0021494282520849455),
('service_ctf', 0.0021494282520849455),
('root_shell', 0.0020385084665059667),
('service_mtp', 0.001977134015301298),
('service_name', 0.001977134015301298),
('service_domain', 0.001977134015301298),
('service_whois', 0.001977134015301298),
('service_link', 0.0018048990116029222),
('flag_S2', 0.0017702011186481019),
('service_daytime', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_discard', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_remote_job', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_echo', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_rje', 0.0015466575012888812),
('service_systat', 0.0014606065813214193),
('service_netstat', 0.0013745704467353953),
('service_supdup', 0.0013745704467353953),
('service_nntp', 0.0012885490937204708),
('service_uucp_path', 0.0011165507171691145),
('service_netbios_ssn', 0.0011165507171691145),
('service_netbios_dgm', 0.0011165507171691145),
('service_hostnames', 0.0011165507171691145),
('service_csnet_ns', 0.0010305736860185502),
('service_sunrpc', 0.0010305736860185502),
('service_iso_tsap', 0.0010305736860185502),
('service_sql_net', 0.0010305736860185502),
('service_X11', 0.0009958974968785302),
('service_netbios_ns', 0.0009446114212108201),
('service_Z39_50', 0.0009446114212108201),
('service_vmnet', 0.0009446114212108201),
('service_uucp', 0.0009446114212108201),
('service_bgp', 0.0009446114212108201),
('service_imap4', 0.0009446114212108201),
('service_exec', 0.0007727311754099768),
('service_pop_2', 0.0006868131868131869),
('service_nnsp', 0.0006868131868131869),
('service_shell', 0.0006868131868131869),
('service_courier', 0.0006868131868131869),
('service_klogin', 0.0006868131868131869),
('flag_S3', 0.0006686677167226366),
('service_printer', 0.0006009099493518757),
('service_kshell', 0.0006009099493518757),
('service_ldap', 0.0006009099493518757),
('service_efs', 0.0006009099493518757),
('service_http_443', 0.0006009099493518757),
('service_login', 0.0006009099493518757),
('service_pm_dump', 0.0004291477126426916),
('su_attempted', 0.00029707529373319667),
('service_aol', 0.00017161489617298782),
('service_http_8001', 0.00017161489617298782),
('service_harvest', 0.00017161489617298782),
('service_urh_i', 0.0001485155867108253),
('service_red_i', 0.00011880894037276305),
('land', 0.00010395627895924914),
('service_http_2784', 8.58000858000858e-05),
('service_tim_i', 7.425227954498203e-05),
('service_tftp_u', 4.455004455004455e-05),
('is_host_login', 1.4849573817231445e-05),
('wrong_fragment', 0.0)])
t0 = time()
probe_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="indexed_features", outputCol="features",
names=selectFeaturesByAR(probe_ar_dict, 0.05))
probe_rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol=labels_col, featuresCol='features', featureSubsetStrategy='sqrt',
numTrees=500, maxDepth=20, seed=seed)
probe_rf_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[probe_slicer, probe_rf])
probe_rf_model =
probe_cv_df = probe_rf_model.transform(scaled_cv_df).cache()
probe_test_df = probe_rf_model.transform(scaled_test_df).cache()
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for CV data
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = (res_cv_df.drop(probe_prob_col)
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', probe_prob_col]), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for Test data
t0 = time()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop(probe_prob_col)
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', probe_prob_col]), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
The first report shows performance of classification for 'normal' and 'Probe' labels, the second report shows performance for the whole data with adjusted threshold.
printReport(res_cv_df.filter(probe_exp), probCol=probe_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=['normal', 'Probe'])
printReport(res_cv_df, probCol=probe_prob_col, e=0.05)
normal Probe
normal 13322 6
Probe 12 2373
Accuracy = 0.998854
AUC = 0.997259
False Alarm Rate = 0.00045018
Detection Rate = 0.994969
F1 score = 0.996222
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 13328
1.0 1.00 0.99 1.00 2385
avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 15713
normal attack
normal 13127 201
attack 430 11375
Accuracy = 0.974894
AUC = 0.974247
False Alarm Rate = 0.015081
Detection Rate = 0.963575
F1 score = 0.973012
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.97 0.98 0.98 13328
1.0 0.98 0.96 0.97 11805
avg / total 0.98 0.97 0.97 25133
printReport(res_test_df.filter(probe_exp), probCol=probe_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=['normal', 'Probe'])
printReport(res_test_df, probCol=probe_prob_col, e=0.01)
normal Probe
normal 9493 218
Probe 946 1475
Accuracy = 0.904055
AUC = 0.793402
False Alarm Rate = 0.0224488
Detection Rate = 0.609252
F1 score = 0.717064
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.91 0.98 0.94 9711
1.0 0.87 0.61 0.72 2421
avg / total 0.90 0.90 0.90 12132
normal attack
normal 8416 1295
attack 1969 10864
Accuracy = 0.855216
AUC = 0.856607
False Alarm Rate = 0.133354
Detection Rate = 0.846567
F1 score = 0.869398
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.81 0.87 0.84 9711
1.0 0.89 0.85 0.87 12833
avg / total 0.86 0.86 0.86 22544
# Adding prediction columns based on chosen thresholds into result dataframes
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(probe_pred_col, getPrediction(0.05)(col(probe_prob_col))).cache()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(probe_pred_col, getPrediction(0.01)(col(probe_prob_col))).cache()
print(time() - t0)
10.3 R2L, U2R and normal types
As there are a few examples of both R2L and U2R attack types and they have similar behaviour, they are combined into one group.
r2l_u2r_prob_col = 'r2l_u2r_prob'
r2l_u2r_pred_col = 'r2l_u2r_pred'
r2l_u2r_exp = (col('labels5') == 'R2L') | (col('labels5') == 'U2R') | (col('labels5') == 'normal')
r2l_u2r_train_df = (scaled_train_df.filter(r2l_u2r_exp).cache())
| normal|54015|
| R2L| 782|
| U2R| 37|
Diffirent AR feature selection is used as only normal, R2L and U2R connections are treated. Note that train dataframe without standartization is used for getting Attribute Ratio dictionary.
t0 = time()
r2l_u2r_ar_dict = getAttributeRatio(train_df.filter(r2l_u2r_exp), numeric_cols, binary_cols, 'labels5')
print(time() - t0)
OrderedDict([('protocol_type_tcp', 1000.0),
('num_shells', 177.04511834319524),
('urgent', 93.9423076923077),
('flag_SF', 51.0),
('num_file_creations', 34.215028309254194),
('num_failed_logins', 25.660569514237856),
('hot', 23.850718086856727),
('src_bytes', 17.67531409051069),
('dst_bytes', 14.991946554922052),
('logged_in', 10.569767441860465),
('dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 4.6280053915595785),
('duration', 3.6136716211332516),
('dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 3.186499677327565),
('serror_rate', 2.8336950817010025),
('dst_host_srv_serror_rate', 2.550033066061569),
('num_access_files', 2.5488223017292784),
('num_compromised', 2.416504765066944),
('diff_srv_rate', 2.2340127157717946),
('service_telnet', 1.8888888888888888),
('dst_host_serror_rate', 1.6957954188400486),
('service_ftp_data', 1.5447570332480818),
('num_root', 1.4167490243394714),
('service_http', 1.2988666621151088),
('rerror_rate', 1.1689013372512598),
('srv_rerror_rate', 1.1637508327448693),
('dst_host_rerror_rate', 1.0957297788537126),
('dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', 1.059242501878443),
('same_srv_rate', 1.0277652952510852),
('count', 1.0144815637217448),
('srv_count', 1.0141813848818528),
('srv_diff_host_rate', 1.013512607275963),
('dst_host_srv_count', 1.0121712135809817),
('dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 1.0068745777366659),
('dst_host_count', 1.0063161527990898),
('srv_serror_rate', 1.00201435928576),
('dst_host_same_srv_rate', 1.0015453739903877),
('root_shell', 1.0),
('is_guest_login', 0.45894428152492667),
('service_ftp', 0.4568081991215227),
('protocol_type_udp', 0.22644739478045495),
('service_domain_u', 0.15493320070658045),
('service_smtp', 0.11654010677454654),
('service_other', 0.061224489795918366),
('flag_RSTO', 0.04847207586933614),
('flag_REJ', 0.04165506573859242),
('protocol_type_icmp', 0.019823121422297606),
('service_private', 0.014797848133692983),
('service_imap4', 0.011178861788617886),
('service_urp_i', 0.0089745894762076),
('service_finger', 0.00815892691397946),
('service_eco_i', 0.007434999850402417),
('flag_S1', 0.005389507628915231),
('flag_S0', 0.005284449685769305),
('flag_RSTR', 0.005050505050505051),
('flag_SH', 0.004036326942482341),
('service_auth', 0.003516771722771097),
('flag_S3', 0.0030241935483870967),
('service_ecr_i', 0.002829359820112281),
('service_pop_3', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_IRC', 0.0027696293759399615),
('service_ntp_u', 0.0025009304056568663),
('service_login', 0.002014098690835851),
('flag_S2', 0.0017702011186481019),
('service_time', 0.0011298259176119047),
('su_attempted', 0.001006036217303823),
('service_X11', 0.0009958974968785302),
('service_domain', 0.0005645940123319218),
('flag_OTH', 0.00016336957167468663),
('service_urh_i', 0.0001485155867108253),
('service_red_i', 0.00011880894037276305),
('land', 0.00010395627895924914),
('service_tim_i', 7.425227954498203e-05),
('service_ssh', 7.425227954498203e-05),
('service_shell', 5.940094150492285e-05),
('service_tftp_u', 4.455004455004455e-05),
('is_host_login', 1.4849573817231445e-05),
('service_netbios_ns', 0.0),
('service_Z39_50', 0.0),
('service_printer', 0.0),
('service_mtp', 0.0),
('service_csnet_ns', 0.0),
('service_uucp_path', 0.0),
('service_pop_2', 0.0),
('service_daytime', 0.0),
('service_discard', 0.0),
('service_sunrpc', 0.0),
('service_remote_job', 0.0),
('service_aol', 0.0),
('service_vmnet', 0.0),
('service_kshell', 0.0),
('service_iso_tsap', 0.0),
('service_gopher', 0.0),
('service_systat', 0.0),
('service_ldap', 0.0),
('service_nnsp', 0.0),
('service_uucp', 0.0),
('flag_RSTOS0', 0.0),
('service_netbios_ssn', 0.0),
('service_bgp', 0.0),
('service_netbios_dgm', 0.0),
('service_sql_net', 0.0),
('service_echo', 0.0),
('wrong_fragment', 0.0),
('service_link', 0.0),
('service_efs', 0.0),
('service_http_443', 0.0),
('service_rje', 0.0),
('service_courier', 0.0),
('service_name', 0.0),
('service_pm_dump', 0.0),
('service_netstat', 0.0),
('service_http_8001', 0.0),
('service_harvest', 0.0),
('service_ctf', 0.0),
('service_hostnames', 0.0),
('service_klogin', 0.0),
('service_nntp', 0.0),
('service_whois', 0.0),
('service_exec', 0.0),
('service_supdup', 0.0),
('service_http_2784', 0.0)])
t0 = time()
r2l_u2r_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol="indexed_features", outputCol="features",
names=selectFeaturesByAR(r2l_u2r_ar_dict, 0.05))
r2l_u2r_rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol=labels_col, featuresCol='features', featureSubsetStrategy='sqrt',
numTrees=500, maxDepth=20, seed=seed)
r2l_u2r_rf_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[r2l_u2r_slicer, r2l_u2r_rf])
r2l_u2r_rf_model =
r2l_u2r_cv_df = r2l_u2r_rf_model.transform(scaled_cv_df).cache()
r2l_u2r_test_df = r2l_u2r_rf_model.transform(scaled_test_df).cache()
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for CV data
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = (res_cv_df.drop(r2l_u2r_prob_col)
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', r2l_u2r_prob_col]), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
# Getting probabilities for Test data
t0 = time()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop(r2l_u2r_prob_col)
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', r2l_u2r_prob_col]), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
The first report shows performance of classification for 'normal' and 'R2L&U2R' labels, the second report shows performance for the whole data with adjusted threshold.
printReport(res_cv_df.filter(r2l_u2r_exp), probCol=r2l_u2r_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=['normal', 'R2L&U2R'])
printReport(res_cv_df, probCol=r2l_u2r_prob_col, e=0.05, labels=labels2)
normal R2L&U2R
normal 13324 4
R2L&U2R 14 214
Accuracy = 0.998672
AUC = 0.969148
False Alarm Rate = 0.00030012
Detection Rate = 0.938596
F1 score = 0.959641
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 13328
1.0 0.98 0.94 0.96 228
avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 13556
normal attack
normal 13245 83
attack 4361 7444
Accuracy = 0.823181
AUC = 0.812176
False Alarm Rate = 0.00622749
Detection Rate = 0.63058
F1 score = 0.770122
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.75 0.99 0.86 13328
1.0 0.99 0.63 0.77 11805
avg / total 0.86 0.82 0.82 25133
printReport(res_test_df.filter(r2l_u2r_exp), probCol=r2l_u2r_prob_col, e=0.5, labels=['normal', 'R2L&U2R'])
printReport(res_test_df, probCol=r2l_u2r_prob_col, e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal R2L&U2R
normal 9709 2
R2L&U2R 2727 227
Accuracy = 0.784524
AUC = 0.53832
False Alarm Rate = 0.000205952
Detection Rate = 0.076845
F1 score = 0.142633
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.78 1.00 0.88 9711
1.0 0.99 0.08 0.14 2954
avg / total 0.83 0.78 0.71 12665
normal attack
normal 9403 308
attack 5858 6975
Accuracy = 0.72649
AUC = 0.755902
False Alarm Rate = 0.0317166
Detection Rate = 0.543521
F1 score = 0.693478
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.62 0.97 0.75 9711
1.0 0.96 0.54 0.69 12833
avg / total 0.81 0.73 0.72 22544
# Adding prediction columns based on chosen thresholds into result dataframes
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(r2l_u2r_pred_col, getPrediction(0.05)(col(r2l_u2r_prob_col))).cache()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(r2l_u2r_pred_col, getPrediction(0.01)(col(r2l_u2r_prob_col))).cache()
print(time() - t0)
10.4 Combining results
sup_prob_col = 'sup_prob'
sup_pred_col = 'sup_pred'
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(sup_prob_col,
(col(dos_prob_col) + col(probe_prob_col) + col(r2l_u2r_prob_col))/3).cache()
printReport(res_cv_df, sup_prob_col, e=0.05, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 13195 133
attack 2 11803
Accuracy = 0.994629
AUC = 0.994926
False Alarm Rate = 0.00997899
Detection Rate = 0.999831
F1 score = 0.994314
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 0.99 0.99 13328
1.0 0.99 1.00 0.99 11805
avg / total 0.99 0.99 0.99 25133
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.withColumn(sup_pred_col, col(dos_pred_col).cast('int')
printReport(res_cv_df, sup_pred_col, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 13011 317
attack 0 11805
Accuracy = 0.987387
AUC = 0.988108
False Alarm Rate = 0.0237845
Detection Rate = 1
F1 score = 0.986751
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 1.00 0.98 0.99 13328
1.0 0.97 1.00 0.99 11805
avg / total 0.99 0.99 0.99 25133
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(sup_prob_col,
(col(dos_prob_col) + col(probe_prob_col) + col(r2l_u2r_prob_col))/3).cache()
printReport(res_test_df, sup_prob_col, e=0.005, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8367 1344
attack 830 12003
Accuracy = 0.903566
AUC = 0.898462
False Alarm Rate = 0.1384
Detection Rate = 0.935323
F1 score = 0.91696
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.91 0.86 0.89 9711
1.0 0.90 0.94 0.92 12833
avg / total 0.90 0.90 0.90 22544
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn(sup_pred_col, col(dos_pred_col).cast('int')
printReport(res_test_df, sup_pred_col, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8302 1409
attack 728 12105
Accuracy = 0.905208
AUC = 0.899089
False Alarm Rate = 0.145093
Detection Rate = 0.943271
F1 score = 0.91889
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.92 0.85 0.89 9711
1.0 0.90 0.94 0.92 12833
avg / total 0.91 0.91 0.90 22544
11. Ensembling experiments
Here are some experiments with ensembling and stacking results from different approaches.
11.1 Linear combination of all models
# Printing report of the best single model for comparison
printReport(res_test_df, kmeans_pred_col)
normal attack
normal 8262 1449
attack 182 12651
Accuracy = 0.927653
AUC = 0.918303
False Alarm Rate = 0.149212
Detection Rate = 0.985818
F1 score = 0.939442
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.98 0.85 0.91 9711
1.0 0.90 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
# Linear combination of all models
.select('labels2_index', ((3 * col(kmeans_prob_col) \
+ col(gm_prob_col) \
+ col(dos_prob_col) \
+ col(probe_prob_col) \
+ col(r2l_u2r_prob_col))/7)
'voting', e=0.005, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8163 1548
attack 94 12739
Accuracy = 0.927165
AUC = 0.916634
False Alarm Rate = 0.159407
Detection Rate = 0.992675
F1 score = 0.939454
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
.select('labels2_index', ((2 * col(kmeans_prob_col) \
+ col(gm_prob_col) \
+ col(sup_prob_col))/4)
'voting', e=0.005, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8120 1591
attack 83 12750
Accuracy = 0.925745
AUC = 0.914849
False Alarm Rate = 0.163835
Detection Rate = 0.993532
F1 score = 0.938397
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.92 22544
.select('labels2_index', (col(kmeans_pred_col).cast('int')
'voting', labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8141 1570
attack 88 12745
Accuracy = 0.926455
AUC = 0.915735
False Alarm Rate = 0.161672
Detection Rate = 0.993143
F1 score = 0.938927
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
11.2 Logistic Regression and Random Forest Classifier
from import LogisticRegression
t0 = time()
lr_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=[
lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=100, labelCol="labels2_index", standardization=False, weightCol='weights')
lr_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[lr_assembler, lr])
weights_dict = {
'normal': 1.0,
'DoS': 100.0,
'Probe': 100.0,
'R2L': 100.0,
'U2R': 100.0
udf_weight = udf(lambda row: weights_dict[row], DoubleType())
lr_model ='weights', udf_weight('labels5')))
lr_test_df = lr_model.transform(res_test_df).cache()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop('lr_prob')
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', 'lr_prob']), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
printReport(res_test_df, 'lr_prob', e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8166 1545
attack 112 12721
Accuracy = 0.926499
AUC = 0.916087
False Alarm Rate = 0.159098
Detection Rate = 0.991273
F1 score = 0.938854
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
t0 = time()
rf_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=[
rf_indexer = VectorIndexer(inputCol='features', outputCol='indexed_features', maxCategories=2)
rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol='labels2_index', featuresCol='features', seed=seed,
numTrees=250, maxDepth=5, featureSubsetStrategy='auto')
rf_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[rf_assembler,
rf_model =
rf_test_df = rf_model.transform(res_test_df).cache()
res_test_df = (res_test_df.drop('rf_prob')
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', 'rf_prob']), 'id')
print(time() - t0)
printReport(res_test_df, 'rf_prob', e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8146 1565
attack 88 12745
Accuracy = 0.926677
AUC = 0.915993
False Alarm Rate = 0.161157
Detection Rate = 0.993143
F1 score = 0.9391
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
# Adding prediction columns based on chosen thresholds into result dataframes
t0 = time()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn('lr_pred', getPrediction(0.01)(col('lr_prob'))).cache()
res_test_df = res_test_df.withColumn('rf_pred', getPrediction(0.01)(col('rf_prob'))).cache()
print(time() - t0)
.select('labels2_index', ((col('lr_prob') + col('rf_prob'))/2)
'voting', e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8146 1565
attack 88 12745
Accuracy = 0.926677
AUC = 0.915993
False Alarm Rate = 0.161157
Detection Rate = 0.993143
F1 score = 0.9391
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
.select('labels2_index', (col('lr_pred').cast('int').bitwiseOR(col('rf_pred').cast('int')))
'voting', labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8094 1617
attack 47 12786
Accuracy = 0.926189
AUC = 0.914913
False Alarm Rate = 0.166512
Detection Rate = 0.996338
F1 score = 0.938904
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.83 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 1.00 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
11.3 Stacking with Random Forest Classifier
stack_cv_df = scaled_cv_df.join('id', *[
]), 'id').cache()
stack_test_df = scaled_test_df.join('id', *[
]), 'id').cache()
t0 = time()
pred_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=[
], outputCol='pred_features')
pred_indexer = VectorIndexer(inputCol='pred_features', outputCol='indexed_pred_features', maxCategories=2)
rf_stack_slicer = VectorSlicer(inputCol='indexed_features', outputCol='selected_features',
names=selectFeaturesByAR(ar_dict, 1.5))
rf_stack_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['selected_features', 'indexed_pred_features'], outputCol='rf_features')
rf_stack_classifier = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol=labels_col, featuresCol='rf_features', seed=seed,
numTrees=500, maxDepth=20, featureSubsetStrategy="auto")
stack_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[pred_assembler,
stack_model =
pred_stack_cv_df = stack_model.transform(stack_cv_df).cache()
pred_stack_test_df = stack_model.transform(stack_test_df).cache()
print(time() - t0)
t0 = time()
res_cv_df = res_cv_df.drop('prob_stack_rf')
res_cv_df = (res_cv_df.join(pred_stack_cv_df.rdd
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', 'prob_stack_rf']),
print(time() - t0)
t0 = time()
res_test_df = res_test_df.drop('prob_stack_rf')
res_test_df = (res_test_df.join(pred_stack_test_df.rdd
.map(lambda row: (row['id'], float(row['probability'][1])))
.toDF(['id', 'prob_stack_rf']),
print(time() - t0)
printReport(res_test_df, 'prob_stack_rf', e=0.01, labels=labels2)
normal attack
normal 8140 1571
attack 88 12745
Accuracy = 0.926411
AUC = 0.915684
False Alarm Rate = 0.161775
Detection Rate = 0.993143
F1 score = 0.938893
precision recall f1-score support
0.0 0.99 0.84 0.91 9711
1.0 0.89 0.99 0.94 12833
avg / total 0.93 0.93 0.93 22544
print(time() - gt0)
12. Results summary
The best result from a single approach was achieved by KMeans Clustering with Random Forest Classifiers. It gives around ~98-99% of detection rate with reasonable ~14-15% of false alarm rate. F1 score is 0.94, weighted F1 score is 0.93.
For improving detection rate ensembling approaches are used. The best of them gives ~99.5-99.6% of detection rate with ~16.1-16.6% of false alarm rate. So there are only about 40-90 attack connections from 12833 (including unknown before) which haven't been recognized.