A lightweight and high-performance distributed caching, a cache-aside pattern implementation built on top of in-memory + Redis. The cache consists of one global Redis instance and multiple in-memory instances, with any data changes being synchronized across all instances.
The library is designed to prioritize retrieving data from the in-memory cache first, followed by the Redis cache if the data is not found locally. If the data is still not found in either cache, the library will call a loader function to retrieve the data and store it in the cache for future access.
One of the key benefits of this library is its performance. By leveraging both in-memory and Redis caches, the library can quickly retrieve frequently accessed data without having to rely solely on network calls to Redis. Additionally, the use of a loader function allows for on-demand retrieval of data, reducing the need for expensive data preloading.
- Two-level cache : in-memory cache first, redis-backed
- Easy to use : simple api with minimum configuration.
- Data consistency : all in-memory instances will be notified by
if any value gets updated, redis and in-memory will keep consistent. - Concurrency: singleflight is used to avoid cache breakdown.
- Metrics : provide callback function to measure the cache metrics.
Sequence diagram
Reload from loader function
participant APP as Application
participant M as cache
participant L as Local Cache
participant L2 as Local Cache2
participant S as Shared Cache
participant R as LoadFunc(DB)
APP ->> M: Cache.GetObject()
alt reload
M ->> R: LoadFunc
R -->> M: return from LoadFunc
M -->> APP: return
M ->> S: redis.Set()
M ->> L: notifyAll()
M ->> L2: notifyAll()
Cache GetObject
participant APP as Application
participant M as cache
participant L as Local Cache
participant L2 as Local Cache2
participant S as Shared Cache
participant R as LoadFunc(DB)
APP ->> M: Cache.GetObject()
alt Local Cache hit
M ->> L: mem.Get()
L -->> M: {interface{}, error}
M -->> APP: return
M -->> R: async reload if expired
else Local Cache miss but Shared Cache hit
M ->> L: mem.Get()
L -->> M: cache miss
M ->> S: redis.Get()
S -->> M: {interface{}, error}
M -->> APP: return
M -->> R: async reload if expired
else All miss
M ->> L: mem.Get()
L -->> M: cache miss
M ->> S: redis.Get()
S -->> M: cache miss
M ->> R: sync reload
R -->> M: return from reload
M -->> APP: return
participant APP as Application
participant M as cache
participant L as Local Cache
participant L2 as Local Cache2
participant S as Shared Cache
APP ->> M: Cache.SetObject()
alt Set
M ->> S: redis.Set()
M ->> L: notifyAll()
M ->> L2: notifyAll()
M -->> APP: return
participant APP as Application
participant M as cache
participant L as Local Cache
participant L2 as Local Cache2
participant S as Shared Cache
APP ->> M: Cache.Delete()
alt Delete
M ->> S: redis.Delete()
M ->> L: notifyAll()
M ->> L2: notifyAll()
M -->> APP: return
go get -u
type Cache interface {
SetObject(ctx context.Context, key string, obj interface{}, ttl time.Duration) error
// GetObject loader function f() will be called in case cache all miss
// suggest to use object_type#id as key or any other pattern which can easily extract object, aggregate metric for same object in onMetric
GetObject(ctx context.Context, key string, obj interface{}, ttl time.Duration, f func() (interface{}, error)) error
Delete(key string) error
// Disable GetObject will call loader function in case cache is disabled.
// DeleteFromMem allows to delete key from mem, for test purpose
DeleteFromMem(key string)
// DeleteFromRedis allows to delete key from redis, for test purpose
DeleteFromRedis(key string) error
is adopted for deepcopy, returned value is deepcopied to avoid dirty data.
please implement DeepCopy interface if you encounter deepcopy performance trouble.
func (p *TestStruct) DeepCopy() interface{} {
c := *p
return &c
package main
import (
type TestStruct struct {
Name string
// this will be called by deepcopy to improves reflect copy performance
func (p *TestStruct) DeepCopy() interface{} {
c := *p
return &c
func main() {
pool := &redis.Pool{
MaxIdle: 1000,
MaxActive: 1000,
Wait: true,
IdleTimeout: 240 * time.Second,
TestOnBorrow: func(c redis.Conn, t time.Time) error {
_, err := c.Do("PING")
return err
Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
return redis.Dial("tcp", "")
ehCache := cache.New(
cache.OnMetric(func(key string, metric string, elapsedTime time.Duration) {
// handle metric
cache.OnError(func(err error) {
// handle error
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*2)
defer cancel()
var v TestStruct
err := ehCache.GetObject(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("TestStruct:%d", 100), &v, time.Second*3, func() (interface{}, error) {
// data fetch logic to be done here
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1200 * 1)
return &TestStruct{Name: "test"}, nil
log.Println(v, err)
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