- Small changes for Auto Layout and iOS 7
A tool to display gesture hints to your users on any area of user interface in your applications.
Allows the user to dismiss and remove guides for different areas and re-enable them on demand.
Easily customise the icons and animations.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[RCHGestureGuide showGestures:@[RCHGesturePinch, RCHGestureSwipe, RCHGestureSpread, RCHGestureRotate, RCHGestureTap] forKey:@"Home"];
The sample icons are from the free set at MobileTuxedo.com, you must not use these icons without contacting them for permission, always replace with your own icons for production.
If any designers out there want to create an icon set for me that can be shared with this tool freely please get in touch.