Validation Reflection
Version 1.0.0, 2010-10-08
This plugin adds reflective access to validations
- ModelClass.reflect_on_all_validations
- ModelClass.reflect_on_validations_for(:property)
Both of these methods return arrays containing instances of
ActiveRecord::Reflection::MacroReflection. For example
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name
validates_numericality_of :size, :only_integer => true
refl = Person.reflect_on_validations_for(:name)
# => :validates_presence_of
refl = Person.reflect_on_validations_for(:size)
# => :validates_numericality_of
# => { :only_integer => true }
== Customization
Usually, all the standard Rails validations are reflected.
You can change this -- add or remove validations -- in an
application-specific initializer,
In that file change config.reflected_validations to suit your
needs. Say, you have a custom validation for email addresses,
validates_as_email, then you could add it like this
config.reflected_validations << :validates_as_email
If validates_as_email is implemented in terms of other validation
methods, these validations are added to the reflection metadata,
too. As that may not be what you want, you can disable reflection
for these subordinate validations
config.reflected_validations << {
:method => :validates_as_email,
:ignore_subvalidations => true
You have to make sure that all reflected validations are defined
before this plugin is loaded. To this end, you may have to
explicitly set the load order of plugins somewhere in the environment
configuration using
config.plugins = [...]
== Special Thanks
To Michael Schuerig, [email protected] for his initial concept and implementation of this plugin.
== License
ValidationReflection uses the MIT license. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.