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Have you ever wanted multiple views to match to the same URL? Now you can.


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Have you ever wanted multiple views to match to the same URL? Now you can.

You may once have tried something like this:

urlpatterns = [
    url('/app/(\w+)/$', app.views.people),
    url('/app/(\w+)/$', app.views.place),

However, if you try this, /app/san-francisco/ will only map to app.views.people. Raising an Http404 from app.views.people doesn't help: you only get a 404 in the browser because Django stops resolving URLs at the first match.

Well, django-multiurl solves this problem. Just pip install django-multiurl, then do this:

from multiurl import multiurl

urlpatterns = [
        url('/app/(\w+)/$', app.views.people),
        url('/app/(\w+)/$', app.views.place),

Now in your views, raise multiurl.ContinueResolving anywhere you'd like to break out of the view and keep resolving. For example, here's what app.views.people might look like:

from multiurl import ContinueResolving

def people(request, name):
        person = Person.objects.get(name=name)
    except Person.DoesNotExist:
        raise ContinueResolving
    return render(...)

That's it! ContinueResolving will cause multiurl to continue onto the next view (app.views.place, in this example).

A few notes to round things out:

  • If you don't want to use ContinueResolving -- perhaps you'd rather continue using get_object_or_404, or you're using third-party views that you can't modify to raise ContinueResolving, you can pass a catch argument into multiurl to control which exceptions are considered "continue" statements. For example, to allow Http404 exceptions to continue resolving, do this:

    urlpatterns = [
            url('/app/(\w+)/$', app.views.people),
            url('/app/(\w+)/$', app.views.place),
            catch = (Http404, ContinueResolving)

    As you can see, catch should be a tuple of exceptions. It's probably a good idea to always include ContinueResolving in the tuple.

  • If the last view in a multiurl raises ContinueResolving (or another "continuing" exception), a 404 will be raised instead. That is, if resolving "falls off the end" of some multi-urls, you'll get the 404 you expect.

  • Reverse URL resolution just works as expected. Name your sub-URLs and then reverse your heart out.


Development takes place on GitHub; pull requests are welcome. Run tests with tox.