Project Zipline
Project Zipline is a program to accelerate innovation in lossless compression. With this release Microsoft is making available:
- A new compression format called XP10 which is tailored for modern cloud datasets.
- All specifications for the entire pipeline.
- All RTL to support implementation for the entire pipeline.
- A testbench environment specifically developed for the VCS simulator.
Project Zipline is open-sourced under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file.
The following Project Zipline specifications have been included under the “specs” directory in this repository:
- Project_Zipline_Compression_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Huffman_Encoder_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Comp_lz77_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Crypto_Engine_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Decompression_Top_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Keyblob_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_KME_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Prefix_Attach_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Prefix_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_SSB_Micro_Architecture_Specification
- Project_Zipline_Top_Micro_Architecture_Specification
Simulation Notes
Edit the file ./zipline.setup
for VCS, SYNTH, and VERDI environment settings.
Then source the file as follows:
source zipline.setup
Go to either the CCE_64, CDD_64, or KME run directory:
cd dv/CCE_64/run
cd dv/CDD_64/run
cd dv/KME/run
To build the simv executable:
make build_simv
Example for simulating a test:
make run_simv TESTNAME=xp10
Example for simulating a test with waves (.vpd):
make run_simv TESTNAME=xp10 WAVES=1
Example for simulating a test with Verdi waves (.fsdb):
make run_simv TESTNAME=xp10 VERDI_WAVES=1
All of the tests for the CCE_64, CDD_64, and KME can be run via a regress script in the associated "run" directory:
All test files are located in the associated engine directory "tests". Each directory also contains a README file with a description of each test.
A description of the programmable registers in the CCE/CDD/KME can be found in the register_doc directory. Please read register_doc/README for more details.
KME Notes
The KME RTL (rtl/cr_kme) has been modified to remove the following modules:
- AES engine in the random GUID generator
- SHA engines within the KDF function
- AES engine within the Key Decryption logic
With these reductions, the RTL only supports Key Types 1-6 without KDF and Key Type 0 without encryption/authentication
Additionally, the KME output has been reduced to support a single engine.
All modifications are identified with "KME_MODIFICATION_NOTE" comments in the RTL code.
Synthesis Notes
Note: For synthesis, please edit syn/Makefile to choose an LSF or dedicated machine with at least 16G of memory. Edit the contents of this line, before "dc_shell":
bsub -Is -q irv-cpx-M16 -R "rusage [mem=16000]" dc_shell -f syn_example.tcl | tee ./LOGS/syn_eample.tcl.
date '+%m%d.%H:%M'.log
To run synthesis for CDD
cd syn/cr_cddip
make syn
To run synthesis for CCE
cd syn/cr_cceip_64
make syn
To run synthesis for KME
cd syn/cr_kme
make syn