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Repositorio con todo el c贸digo que se va a desarrollar en las clases te贸rico-pr谩cticasandroid-network-change-receiver
Check Internet connection with receiver. Compatible with Android Nougat and Oreofrontend-meang-online-shop
Aplicaci贸n Angular con parte administrativa (privada) y la parte publica que corresponde a la tienda onlineandroid-kotlin-qr-scanner
Example to read qr code with kotlinbackend-meang-online-shop
Backend del proyecto de la tienda Online desarrollado con Node Typescript y GraphQLstart-bootstrap-clean-blog-angular
Adapt Clean Blog Template from Start Bootstrap Theme to Angular v8 and BS 4.2.1sb-admin-2-bootstrap-angular-8
Plantilla Start Bootstrap Admin 2 adaptada a Angular 8qr-code-pro-card-generator
Generador de tarjetas profesionales con PDF y un c贸digo QR customizadong-leaflet
Angular Leaflet Libraryangular-jspdf
Proyecto donde vamos a aprender a trabajar con la librer铆a jsPDF y as铆 crear reportes PDF desde una aplicaci贸n de Angularssr-medium-angular-9
Proyecto base con resultado final aplicanso Server Side Rendering en Angular 9 con Angular Universalangular-google-analytics-library
Adaptaci贸n de la API The Movie DB a GraphQLtranslate-ui-android-kotlin-library
Librer铆a para crear apps en diferentes lenguajes. Por ahora solo est谩 preparada para ingl茅s, espa帽ol y euskera. Las instrucciones para Android Studio son muy simples, clonamos el repositorio y despu茅s de ello, hacemos en nuestro proyecto de Android que queremos importar el m贸dulo.angularjs-firebase-push-to-android
App in AngularJS to manage PUSH notifications to send with Firebase to Android Appsrawg-api
Adapt from REST to GraphQL RAWG Video Game Databaseangular-husky-eslint-gitflow-commit-prettier
Angular project with configuration to use Husky to manage Git Hooks using ESLint, gitflow commit messages and format with prettier automaticallydjango_blog
Django Example with my first Django Project :)google-maps-cluster-api-26
Google Maps with Cluster Exampleweb-scrapping-world-flags
Taller relacionado a la primera parte del juego tipo QUIZ de Banderas del mundorest-countries-api-with-json-to-kotlin-class-plugin
Repository to test "JSON to Kotlin Class" plugin with complete API with much data. The result I liked a lot, for other projects I will use this pluginkey-events-in-angular-2-library
Library to add with Key Events component to useurl-shortener-chrome-extension
Chrome Extension - URL Shortener project that complete with Medium articlechrono-countdown-count
Library in TS to use Chronometer to coundown and count functionsthe-games-db-manage-info-to-extract
Angular 2/4 Library Generator with pipes, directives, services (with examples)basic-ebook-article
Medium Article to show how convert markdown files in Epubfile-watch-example
Example to check file changes and execute logsandroid-gps-tracker-new-api
Check Android Location using "LocationServices.FusedLocationApi". Simple example to playground with GPS Tracker serviceangular-countries-app-with-testing
Aplicaci贸n Angular donde a帽adir茅 informaci贸n de pa铆ses y ciudades y aplicar茅 Testingandroid-chronometer-with-ms
Chronometer Widget with Ms to use in Android with Kotlini18n-ng-leaflet-doc
Angular Leaflet Map Library i18n Translations filesandroid-strings-translator-importer-exporter
Library to get strings.xml content and convert to sql and inverse process.angular-sockets-udemy-express-server
Configuraci贸n de Express, Rest Server en TypeScript. Servidor.udemy-complete-guide-to-building-a-graphql-api
Complete guide to building a GraphQL APIreact-library-hello
Librer铆a de React - Primer Ejemplomugan86
README repositoryng-2-4-utilities
Library with differents pipes, services and projects utilitiesng-2-4-language-config
This library use @ngx-translate dependencies and its own service to manage the translations in the language selects that can be by configuration and in case it is not configured by default the language of the
Adapt i18n library to Angular 6+autocompletetextview-android-with-validation
Example to practice Auto Complete Text View manage options with custom objectcurrency-android-kotlin
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