This is the code used in the paper titled DP-GAN: Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Informative and Diversified Text. The link is http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.01345
The software is written in tensorflow. It requires the following packages:
Tensorflow 1.3
Prepare the data
python review_generation_dataset/generate_review.py
The sample is shown in review_generation_dataset/train (test). The whole Yelp dataset is avaliable at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xCt04xWrVhbrSA7T5feV2WSukjmD4SnK
How it works
bash run.sh
The default options can be edited in main.py.
Output Folder Description
"discriminator_train" stores training data for our discriminator. Under this folder, "positive" folder stores the real-data text, and "negative" folder stores the generated text.
"discriminator_test" stores testing data for our discriminator.
"discriminator_result" stores the reward scores calculated by our discriminator at different training steps.
"MLE" stores the text generated by a pre-trained generator on testing set. Under this folder, "MLE_sample_negative" stores the data generated by a sampling mechanism. "MLE_max_temp_negative" stores the data generated by a maximum probability mechanism, which always chooses words with the highest probability. To show what high-quality reviews should be, we also give the real-data text at folder "MLE_sample_positive" and "MLE_sample_positive".
"train_sample_generated" stores the data generated by DP-GAN using a sampling mechanism on training data.
"test_sample_generated" stores the data generated by DP-GAN using a sampling mechanism on testing data.
"test_max_generated" stores the data generated by DP-GAN using a maximum probability mechanism on testing data.
If you use this code, please cite the following paper:
author = {Jingjing Xu, Xu Sun, Xuancheng Ren, Junyang Lin, Binzhen Wei, Wei Li},
title = {DP-GAN: Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Informative and Diversified Text},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1802.01345},
year = {2018},
url = http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.01345