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Web Component that allows to resize its childrens vertically or horizontallycode-sample
A wrapper element for highlight.jselectron-theme-vscode
Electron Color Theme for Visual Studio Codevsce-remove-unused-imports
VS Code extension to remove unused ES6 imports inside JavaScript and TypeScript filescontext-provider
A context Provider and Consumer for Web Componentstransburger-icon
Custom element to display a transformable hamburger iconweb-components-codemods
Codemods for Web Components. Breaking changes? Don't panic :)electron-theme
Dark color scheme for Sublime Text based on Electron Highlighter for Atommost
My Own Stupid Tools. A collection of CLI tools for working with Polymer Web Components.visual-logger
WebComponent to display calls to console methods in a visual terminalcolor-your-code
A visual editor for Visual Studio Code themes made with Web Componentscreate-package
Package generatorbroccoli-live-server
Live Server plugin for Broccoli projectspolymer-project-builder
A minimal generator for LitElement Web Components –– npm init kcmr/lit-componentcreate-localpen
Sample CLI generator for a workshopjmc
A dummy project using lit-html for templating, Parcel to serve and bundle, CSS modules. Deployed with Now (Zeit)palabras-encadenadas
Un juego sencillo pero desafiante → tenso → sobresaliente → temido → doloroso → solemne...animated-countdown
A Polymer element to display an animated countdowngithub-profile
Custom Element to display a badge with a Github profiledesign-patterns-applied-to-javascript
Transpile LitElement with Broccoli, Rollup and Babelgenerator-polymer-web-component
Yeoman generator for Web Components using Polymersample-direflow-project
Gulp plugin to write CSS contents into JavaScript files for use with LitElement static stylespoc-broccolit
Command Line Tool that returns the value of a key path in one or multiple JSON files.portfolio-site
Personal portfolio siteshai-cli
A shell assistant powered by OpenAI (WIP)cs50-web-programming-python-javascript
CLI tool to configure VSCode projects and tasks from customizable settings.json and task.json filesbabel-plugin-transform-object-destructuring-to-dot-notation
Babel plugin to replace identifiers from a destructured object by object dot notationlit-ember-app
Ember application using LitElement componentslab-jenkins-npm
Horizon Theme for Sublime Text 3kustom-one-monokai
Dark theme based in Atom One Dark and Monokai from Visual Studio Code.sample-monorepo-postcss-litelement
A dark VS Code color theme based on Hyper Term, Dark+ (Default) and Materiallearning-redux
Vanilla WebComponents just for trying Storybookpoc-ember-litelement
Babel plugin to transform top level block scope to IIFEreact-vite-starter
Starter template for React with TypeScript, CSS-Modules and Jest setup powered by Vite. Based on Vital (
An example reactive ToDo app made with Web Components following React recommendations: data flow from parents to children and a single source of truth for shared state.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us