Due to limitation of history search API, this extension cannot display histories day after day correctly, this is why there are so many issues reporting numbers are wrong.
So I decide to archive this project, if you like this project, you can try my another project: 1History, which share same design with history-master.
1History overcame limitation of extension API by query history directly on SQLite files created by browsers, so everything is under control, and works as expected.
History Master
💡 Visualize browsing history, Discover your unknown habits, downloads supported.
🏆 Try to be the best practical history manager ever!
Open an issue If you have any problems/suggestions.
Advanced search/filter/sort functions
- Search by date range and keyword
- Filter by hour in one day
- Sort by visit time or visit count
Inspiring chart views
- Line chart for page views
- Pie chart for top-n visited websites, by title or domain
- Pie chart for URL schemes
- Pie chart for Transistion type
History Master is written in pure JavaScript before v2.0.0, you can check this version at legacy-js-src.
Afterwards, it's got a big rewrite in ClojureScript + Reagent + Re-frame +,which locates in cljs-src.
Since it's written in cljs, so lein is required to develop this extension. To get the final release version, run script, it will generate a zip file in your home directory.
- extensions branch used for Firefox/Chrome extensions, thanks to WebExtensions -- Write once, Run All browsers.
- master branch used for Node.js