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  • Created over 2 years ago
  • Updated 14 days ago


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Repository Details

python repo to create blockchain CSVs



  1. Install python 3.9 (one way)

  2. Install pip packages

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Load environment variables (add to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc to avoid doing every time):

    set -o allexport
    source sample.env
    set +o allexport
  • Usage as CLI

    • Remember to add your path to staketaxcsv/src to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
    • Same arguments apply for report_algo.py (ALGO), report_atom.py (ATOM), report_*.py:
    cd src
    # Create default CSV
    python3 staketaxcsv/report_atom.py <wallet_address>
    # Create all CSV formats (i.e. koinly, cointracking, etc.)
    python3 staketaxcsv/report_atom.py <wallet_address> --format all
    # Show CSV result for single transaction (great for development/debugging)
    python3 staketaxcsv/report_atom.py <wallet_address> --txid <txid>
    # Show CSV result for single transaction in debug mode (great for development/debugging)
    python3 staketaxcsv/report_atom.py <wallet_address> --txid <txid> --debug
  • Usage as staketaxcsv module

      >>> import staketaxcsv
      >>> help(staketaxcsv.api)
      >>> address = "<SOME_ADDRESS>"
      >>> txid = "<SOME_TXID>"
      >>> staketaxcsv.formats()
      ['default', 'balances', 'accointing', 'bitcointax', 'coinledger', 'coinpanda', 'cointelli', 'cointracking', 'cointracker', 'cryptio', 'cryptocom', 'cryptotaxcalculator', 'cryptoworth', 'koinly', 'recap', 'taxbit', 'tokentax', 'zenledger']
      >>> staketaxcsv.tickers()
      ['ALGO', 'ATOM', 'BLD', 'BTSG', 'DVPN', 'EVMOS', 'FET', 'HUAHUA', 'IOTX', 'JUNO', 'KUJI', 'LUNA1', 'LUNA2', 'OSMO', 'REGEN', 'SOL', 'STARS']
      >>> # write single transaction CSV
      >>> staketaxcsv.transaction("ATOM", address, txid, "koinly")
      >>> # write koinly CSV
      >>> staketaxcsv.csv("ATOM", address, "koinly")
      >>> # write all CSVs (koinly, cointracking, etc.)
      >>> staketaxcsv.csv_all("ATOM", address)
      >>> # check address is valid
      >>> staketaxcsv.has_csv("ATOM", address)


See Docker to alternatively install/run in docker container.

Contributing Code

  • See Linting to see code style feedback.

  • Providing a sample txid will expedite a pull request (email [email protected], DM @staketax, etc.):

    # For a given txid, your PR (most commonly) should print different output before/after:
    python3 staketaxcsv/report_osmo.py <wallet_address> --txid <txid>


See README_reference.md: