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  • Created over 4 years ago
  • Updated almost 2 years ago


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Repository Details

Management system for students of our free coding school.

Student Management System

This is a simple API for:

  • creating a unified interface for keeping track of freeCodeSchool students
  • accounts for students to login and see their own pages
  • admins can login and see everyone via the Django admin interface
  • it will be able to use Github OAuth

About the Program

  • freeCodeSchool is a non-profit coding program that teaches people coding basics for free.
  • It's set up to offer 3-month long classes in two different levels, 1 and 2. When students pass level 1 - HTML, CSS, and JS, they can move onto level 2 - Node, Express, and Mongo.

Table of Contents

Running Locally

  1. Must have Python 3 & Postgres version 12.x installed and running
  2. Clone the repo and cd into repo
  3. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  4. Go into your virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Create an admin user for logging into the Django admin interface: python manage.py createsuperuser
  7. Setup Database
    1. Create the database: CREATE DATABASE freecodeschool;
    2. Create DB user: `CREATE USER fcs_admin;
    3. Grant privilages to user for our database: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE freecodeschool TO fcs_admin;
    4. Run migrations: python manage.py migrate
  8. Run the app: python manage.py runserver
  9. View the API at localhost:8000 and the admin interface at localhost:8000/admin


  • Students and Organizers/Admin accounts login using GitHub OAUTH

  • Private Student Profile: Visible to only the user and organizers/admins

    • FreeCodeCamp.org progress page url: freecodecamp.org/codecafecentral
    • Email
    • Discord Name
    • Phone
    • Attendenance (not editable by students)
    • List of labs:
      • Link to the lab starter
      • input field for a link to their completed version
  • Admin Dashboard


  • User

    • email
    • password
    • groups: student, admin, or volunteer (can only belong to one)
  • StudentProfile

    • first_name
    • last_name
    • preferred_name
    • discord_name
    • github_username
    • codepen_username
    • fcc_profile_url
    • current_level
    • phone
    • timezone
  • Volunteer

    • first_name
    • last_name
    • email
    • hours_available
  • VolunteerHours

    • volunteer: FK
    • start: DateTime
    • end: DateTime
  • Lecture

    • date
    • title
    • description
    • lecturer_name
    • slides_url
    • duration
    • level
    • required: BooleanField
  • Attendance

    • lecture_id
    • student_id
  • Project (labs)

    • title
    • description
    • url
    • level
    • required
  • StudentSubmission

    • student_id
    • project_id
    • url: CharField
    • feedback: TextField (for comments from reviewers)
    • approved: BooleanField
  • StudentCertificate

    • student_id
    • certificate_id
  • Certificate

    • name
    • description
  • Waitlist

    • first_name
    • last_name
    • email
    • notes


Prefix: /api/v1


  • get (temporary, only for testing)
  • post


  • get
  • patch
  • delete


  • get

example response:

  "user": 6,
  "name": "Daneel Olivaw",
  "bio": "hello there...",
  "preferred_name": null,
  "avatar_url": "http://example.com",
  "discord_name": null,
  "github_username": "rdaneel",
  "codepen_username": null,
  "fcc_profile_url": null,
  "current_level": 1,
  "phone": null,
  "timezone": null
  • post


  • get


  • get
  • post


  • get


  • get


Version 2

  • Students will be able to have public profiles with this information:

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Preferred Name
    • GitHub Username
    • Codepen Username
    • Certificates/Badges
  • Area where volunteers can view their own information and update their hours

    • Create an hours available table for volunteers so they can denote exact hours
  • Set type of lecture (add type field to Lecture model)