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Practice using PhoneGap and jQueryIT4786_CH4_JokeGen
Chapter 4 example code of request and receiving data from a remote server.IT4789_U02A1
IT4789 U02A1IT4786_U03D1
U03D1: Store and Retrieve Data from SessionStorage:IT4786_CH_5.2_ServerData
IT4786: 5.2 Storing Data on a ServerHeroMe
Repo for IT4786 U2A1 User InterfaceIT4786_Wk_3_5.1_MusicList
Week 3: 5.1 Storing Data with store.js - MusicList AppIT4786_CH_11_OtherAPIs
Chapter 11 Other APIsemmanuelfarrar
Demo App for PhoneGap and jQuery.IT4789_W3P1_EmailPasswordAuth
IT4786 - U03A1 - Web StorageFlaborFit
Devslopes Fit or FabIT4786_Week-2-Book-Examples
SQLite / CRUD ExamplePhonegap_UsingCameraPlugin
Example of using PhoneGap Camera PluginIT4789_U01A1_FirebaseCloudMessages
U01A1 for course IT4789; Firebase Cloud MessagingIT4786_CH_7_Geolocation
IT4786 U04S1: Projects for Chapter 7 - Geolocation1511_AVF_EmmanuelFarrar
Emmanuel Farrar - 1511_AVF RepoIT4786_CH4_JokeGen2
Chapter 4, section 4.2 same as 4.1 but inputs were added so user could input name for the joke generator.IT4796_CH_5.2_MusicList
IT4786: Chapter 5.2 Storing Data on a ServerIT4786_CH_6_Projects
IT4786 - Ch 6: Audio and Video - All projectsIT4786_U4A1_DeviceCam
IT4786 U04A1 DeviceCam project.JAVASCRIPT_Forms_ContactUS
Youtube video on creating a Contact Us form using JS, HTML, and CSS. This was done to practice creating forms, work with JS, CSS, and HTML.IT4786_Week3_WeatherApp
Chapter 4: 4.3 Parsing XML Data from the Server projectIT4786_CH_4.4_AirportApp
Chapter 4.4 Parsing JSON Data from the ServerIT4786_U2A1_UserInterface_2
IT4786 - U2A1 User Interface 2: Assignment for Week 2 of this course. Objective for this assignment was to use PhoneGap Javascript, HTML, and CSS to create form for student registration course.Firebase_RealtimeDB_Tutorial
Firebase Realtime Database Tutorial for Android: Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us