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Repository Details


This archive contains the TeX source for the document Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days. It is written in plain-TeX format and uses a BibTeX bibliography. An HTML version may be browsed online at

To get a PDF version of the document, run

luatex index
bibtex index
makeindex index
mpost numint
luatex index
luatex index

The first tex run may cause an error because an EPS file is missing. Simply type s at the TeX prompt to force TeX to continue.

The multiple runs of tex are needed to resolve cross-references. If the MetaPost executable is named mp on your system (e.g., MiKTeX), change mpost to mp.

To get an HTML version of the document, run

tex2page index

a few times. As with TeX, multiple runs of tex2page are needed to resolve cross-references. Each run of tex2page will tell you if another run is necessary.

The tex2page program is available at


Last modified: 2020-11-13