is a SwiftUI view that displays an image downloaded from provided URL. URLImage
manages downloading remote image and caching it locally, both in memory and on disk, for you.
Using URLImage
is dead simple:
URLImage(url: url) { image in
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
Take a look at some examples in the demo app.
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Cache
- Advanced
- Migration Notes v2 to v3
- Common Issues
- Reporting a Bug
- Requesting a Feature
- Contributing
- SwiftUI image view for remote images;
- Local image cache;
- Fully customizable including placeholder, progress indication, error, and the image view;
- Control over various download aspects for better performance.
can be installed using Swift Package Manager.
In Xcode open File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency... menu.
Copy and paste the package URL:
For more details refer to Adding Package Dependencies to Your App documentation.
You can create URLImage
with URL and a ViewBuilder
to display downloaded image.
import URLImage // Import the package module
let url: URL = //...
URLImage(url) { image in
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
Note: first argument of the URLImage
initialiser is of URL
type, if you have a String
you must first create a URL
view manages and transitions between 4 download states:
- Empty state, when download has not started yet, or there is nothing to display;
- In Progress state to indicate download process;
- Failure state in case there is an error;
- Content to display the image.
Each of this states has a separate view. You can customize one or more using ViewBuilder
URLImage(item.imageURL) {
// This view is displayed before download starts
} inProgress: { progress in
// Display progress
} failure: { error, retry in
// Display error and retry button
VStack {
Button("Retry", action: retry)
} content: { image in
// Downloaded image
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
allows to control certain aspects using URLImageOptions
structure. Things like whenever to download image or use cached, when to start and cancel download, how to configure network request, what is the maximum pixel size, etc.
is the environment value and can be set using \.urlImageOptions
key path.
URLImage(url) { image in
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.environment(\.urlImageOptions, URLImageOptions(
maxPixelSize: CGSize(width: 600.0, height: 600.0)
Setting URLImageOptions
in the environment value allows to set options for a whole or a part of your views hierarchy.
struct MyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.environment(\.urlImageOptions, URLImageOptions(
maxPixelSize: CGSize(width: 600.0, height: 600.0)
You can use ImageInfo
structure if you need information about an image, like actual size, or access the underlying CGImage
object. ImageInfo
is an argument of content
view builder closure.
URLImage(item.imageURL) { image, info in
if info.size.width < 1024.0 {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
} else {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
If you want to add ability to scale the image consider checking AdvancedScrollView package.
import AdvancedScrollView
import URLImage
URLImage(url) { image in
AdvancedScrollView(magnificationRange: 1.0...4.0) { _ in
can also cache images to lower network bandwith or for offline use.
By default, URLImage
uses protocol cache policy, i.e. Cache-Control HTTP header and URLCache
. This corresponds to how images work on web and requires network connection.
Alternatively, if you want to view images offline, you must configure the file store. When configured, URLImage
will no longer use protocol cache policy, and instead follow URLImageOptions.FetchPolicy
import URLImage
import URLImageStore
struct MyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
let urlImageService = URLImageService(fileStore: URLImageFileStore(),
inMemoryStore: URLImageInMemoryStore())
return WindowGroup {
.environment(\.urlImageService, urlImageService)
Make sure to include URLImageStore
library under "Frameworks, Libraries,and Embedded Content" of your target settings.
You may ask when to use protocol or custom cache. URLImage
designed to serve two use cases:
Use protocol cache policy when an app can only work connected to the internet. Ecommerce apps, such as shopping, travel, event reservation apps, etc., work like this. Following protocol cache policy you can be sure that images are cached in a way that your CDN defines, can still be accessed quickly, and don't take unnecessary space on user devices.
Configure URLImageStore
for content that needs to be accessed offline or downloaded in background. This can be a reader app, you probably want to download articles before user opens them, maybe while the app is in the background. This content should stay for a considerably long period of time.
starts loading when the image view is rendered. In some cases (like with List
) you may want to start loading when view appears and cancel when it disappears. You can customize this using URLImageOptions.LoadOptions
options. You can combine multiple to achieve behaviour that fits your UI best.
List(/* ... */) {
// ...
.environment(\.urlImageOptions, URLImageOptions(loadOptions: [ .loadOnAppear, .cancelOnDisappear ]))
Note: versions prior to 3.1 start loading on appearance and cancel when view disappears. Version 3.1 starts loading when the view renders. This is because onAppear
and onDisappear
callbacks are quite unpredictable without context.
Alternatively you can make your own URLImage
to customize appearance and behaviour for your needs.
struct MyURLImage: View {
@ObservedObject private var remoteImage: RemoteImage
init(service: URLImageService, url: URL) {
remoteImage = service.makeRemoteImage(url: url, identifier: nil, options: URLImageOptions())
var body: some View {
ZStack {
switch remoteImage.loadingState {
case .success(let value):
.onAppear {
You can access service environment value from enclosing view: @Environment(\.urlImageService) var service: URLImageService
You may want to download an image without a view. This is possible using the RemoteImagePublisher
object. The RemoteImagePublisher
can cache images for future use by the URLImage
Download an image as CGImage
and ignore any errors:
cancellable = URLImageService.shared.remoteImagePublisher(url)
.tryMap { $0.cgImage }
.catch { _ in
.sink { image in
// image is CGImage or nil
Download multiple images as an array of [CGImage?]
let publishers = urls.map { URLImageService.shared.remoteImagePublisher($0) }
cancellable = Publishers.MergeMany(publishers)
.tryMap { $0.cgImage }
.catch { _ in
.sink { images in
// images is [CGImage?]
When downloading image using the RemoteImagePublisher
object all options apply as they do for the URLImage
object. Be default downloaded image will be cached on the disk. This can speedup displaying images on later stage of your app. Also, this is currently the only supported way to display images in iOS 14 widgets.
Unfortunately views in WidgetKit can not run asynchronous operations: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/652581. The recommended way is to load your content, including images, in TimelineProvider
You can still use URLImage
for this. The idea is that you load image in TimelineProvider
using the RemoteImagePublisher
object, and display it in the URLImage
initialiser now omits an argument label for the first parameter, makingURLImage(url: url)
initialiser now usesViewBuilder
attribute for closures that construct views.URLImageOptions
now passed in the environment, instead of as an argument. Custom identifier can still be passed as an argument ofURLImage
.- By default
uses protocol cache policy andURLCache
. This won't store images for offline usage. You can configure the file store as described in cache section. - Swift Package Manager is now the only officially supported dependency manager.
This is a common issue if you use URLImage
alongside TextField
or another control that updates a state that triggers view update. Because URLImage
is asynchronous and initially empty, it will reset to empty state before displaying downloaded image. To avoid this, setup URLImageInMemoryStore
somewhere in your App
import SwiftUI
import URLImage
import URLImageStore
struct MyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
let urlImageService = URLImageService(fileStore: nil, inMemoryStore: URLImageInMemoryStore())
return WindowGroup {
.environment(\.urlImageService, urlImageService)
Note: you can reset cached image using removeImageWithURL
, removeImageWithIdentifier
, or removeAllImages
methods of URLImageInMemoryStore
This is not a bug. Navigation/toolbar uses .renderingMode(.template)
to display images as templates (renders all non-transparent pixels as the foreground color). The way to reset it is to specify .renderingMode(.original)
URLImage(url) { image in
Use GitHub issues to report a bug. Include this information when possible:
Summary and/or background; OS and what device you are using; Version of URLImage library; What you expected would happen; What actually happens; Additional information: Screenshots or video demonstrating a bug; Crash log; Sample code, try isolating it so it compiles without dependancies; Test data: if you use public resource provide URLs of the images.
Please make sure there is a reproducible scenario. Ideally provide a sample code. And if you submit a sample code - make sure it compiles ;)
Use GitHub issues to request a feature.
Contributions are welcome. Please create a GitHub issue before submitting a pull request to plan and discuss implementation.