PANhunt is a tool that can be used to search drives for credit card numbers (PANs). This is useful for checking PCI DSS scope accuracy. It's designed to be a simple, standalone tool that can be run from a USB stick. PANhunt includes a python PST file parser.
PANhunt is a Python script that can be easily converted to a standalone Windows executable using PyInstaller. requires:
- Python 2.7
- Colorama (
- Progressbar (
- PyInstaller (
To create panhunt.exe as a standalone executable with an icon run:
pyinstaller.exe -F
You will find the Windows panhunt.exe (built on Windows using pyinstaller) and the Linux panhunt binary here (built on CentOS 6 using pyinstaller).
usage: panhunt [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-x EXCLUDE] [-t TEXTFILES] [-z ZIPFILES] [-e SPECIALFILES] [-m MAILFILES] [-l OTHERFILES] [-o OUTFILE] [-u]
PAN Hunt v1.1: search directories and sub directories for documents containing PANs.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEARCH base directory to search in (default: C:\)
-x EXCLUDE directories to exclude from the search (default: C:\Windows,C:\Program Files,C:\Program Files (x86))
-t TEXTFILES text file extensions to search (default: .doc,.xls,.xml,.txt,.csv)
-z ZIPFILES zip file extensions to search (default: .docx,.xlsx,.zip)
-e SPECIALFILES special file extensions to search (default: .msg)
-m MAILFILES email file extensions to search (default: .pst)
-l OTHERFILES other file extensions to list (default: .ost,.accdb,.mdb)
-o OUTFILE output file name for PAN report (default: panhunt_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.txt)
-C CONFIG configuration file to use
-X EXCLUDEPAN the PAN to exclude from search
-u unmask PANs in output (default: False)
Simply running it with no arguments will search the C:\ drive for documents containing PANs, and output to panhunt_.txt.
Example Output
Doc Hunt: 100% ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Time: 0:00:01 Docs:299
PAN Hunt: 100% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Time: 0:00:02 PANs:99
FOUND PANs: D:\lab\Archive Test (21KB 19/02/2014)
Archived Test Cards Excel 97-2003.xls AMEX:***********0005
Archived Test Cards Excel 97-2003.xls AMEX:***********8431
FOUND PANs: D:\lab\Archived Test Cards Word 2010.docx (19KB 18/02/2014)
word/document.xml Visa:************1111
word/document.xml Visa:************1881
word/document.xml Visa:************1111
word/document.xml Visa:************0000
FOUND PANs: D:\lab\test card text file.txt (47B 26/02/2014)
Report written to panhunt_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.txt
The script uses regular expressions to look for Visa, MasterCard or AMEX credit card numbers in document files. Zip files are recursed to look for document files. PST and MSG files are parsed and emails and attachments searched in. The script will list but does not yet search Access databases.
The script allows for a configuration to be written that will default the application with settings such that you don't need to repeatedly specify exclude/include paths or the test PANs to exclude.