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React Context + Statearc
React starter kit based on Atomic Designrest
REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoosegeneract
Generate React components by replicating your ownawesome-react-context
๐ A curated list of stuff related to the new React Context APIstyled-tools
Useful interpolated functions for CSS-in-JSschm
Composable schemas for JavaScript and Node.jsreuse
โป๏ธ Reuse React components to create new onessingel
Single Element Patternnod
Node.js module generator/boilerplate with Babel, Jest, Flow, Documentation and moreredux-saga-thunk
Dispatching an action handled by redux-saga returns promisestyled-theme
Extensible theming system for styled-components ๐querymen
Querystring parser middleware for MongoDB, Express and Nodejs (MEN)parse-prop-types
Parses React prop-types into a readable objectbodymen
Body parser middleware for MongoDB, Express and Nodejs (MEN)list-react-files
List React component files inside a directoryredux-saga-social-login
Facebook/Google login implementation with redux-sagamongoose-keywords
Mongoose plugin that generates a keywords path combining other paths valuesredux-modules
A modular approach to better organize redux stuff (not another library)coolors-to-hex
Get hexadecimal values from a coolors urlgenerator-rest-example
A fully commented RESTful API example generated with generator-reststyled-selector
Get static CSS(-in-JS) selectors from React componentswebpack-blocks-split-vendor
A webpack block that splits vendor javascript into separated bundlewebpack-blocks-happypack
A webpack block that adds happypack support to your webpack configredux-form-submit
Adds an async submit action creator to redux-formwebpack-spawn-plugin
A webpack plugin that runs child_process.spawn within compilationwaterfall-grid
A Polymer wrapper element for waterfall.js, a 1KB Javascript library for Pinterest-like grids.webpack-blocks-server-source-map
A webpack block that adds source map support to server bundleyo
A Yeoman generator for generating next generation of Yeoman generatorswebpack-assets-by-type-plugin
A webpack plugin that save assets by typearc-universal-redux
Universal Redux version of ARc boilerplatewebpack-sort-chunks
Sorts webpack chunks by dependencywebpack-child-config-plugin
A webpack plugin that runs/watches another configrest-api
REST API Boilerplate with Mongoose, Express and Nodejsrich-param
An object with name and value which accepts pluggable methods as formatters or validatorsreakit-code-lab
Fullstack version of ARc boilerplateis-git-rev
Verify if a string is a git-rev hashmongoose-create-unique
Mongoose plugin to create a document or return the existing one based on the unique indexdivisa
A game about war and peace.eyeport
Collection of useful methods to deal with element and viewports in DOMalpha-bank
Blog para disciplina Expansรฃo dos Sentidosradiotoca
A PHP web radio with Twitter integrationclone
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