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  • Created over 6 years ago
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Repository Details

Image segmentation with keras. FCN, Unet, DeepLab V3 plus, Mask RCNN ... etc.

Keras Image Segmentation

Semantic Segmentation easy code for keras users.

We use cityscape dataset for training various models.

Use pretrained VGG16 weight for FCN and U-net! You can download weights offered by keras.

Tested Env

  • python 2 & 3
  • tensorflow 1.5
  • keras 2.1.4
  • opencv 3.3

File Description

File Description
train.py Train various models.
test.py Predict one picture what you want.
dataest_parser/make_h5.py Parse cityscape dataset and make h5py file.
dataest_parser/generator.py Data_generator with augmentation using data.h5
model/ Folder that contains various models for semantic segmentation
segmentation_dh/ Experiment folder for Anthony Kim(useless contents for users)
segmentation_tk/ Experiment folder for TaeKang Woo(useless contents for users)
temp/ Folder that contains various scripts we used(useless contents for users)

Implement Details

We used only three classes in the cityscape dataset for a simple implementation.

Person, Car, and Road.

Simple Tutorial

First, you have to make .h5 file with data!

python3 dataset_parser/make_h5.py --path "/downloaded/leftImg8bit/path/" --gtpath "/downloaded/gtFine/path/"

After you run above command, 'data.h5' file will appear in dataset_parser folder.

Second, Train your model!

python3 train.py --model fcn
Option Description
--model Model to train. ['fcn', 'unet', 'pspnet']
--train_batch Batch size for train.
--val_batch Batch size for validation.
--lr_init Initial learning rate.
--lr_decay How much to decay the learning rate.
--vgg Pretrained vgg16 weight path.

Finally, test your model!

python3 test.py --model fcn
Option Description
--model Model to test. ['fcn', 'unet', 'pspnet']
--img_path The image path you want to test


  • FCN
  • Unet
  • PSPnet
  • DeepLab_v3
  • Mask_RCNN
  • Evauate methods(calc mIoU)

Contact us!

Anthony Kim: [email protected]

TaeKang Woo: [email protected]