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Static site generator plugin for Kirby 3+. With this plugin you can create a directory with assets, media and static html files generated from your pages. The result is an even faster site with less potential vulnerabilities.

Kirby 3 - Static Site Generator

License Kirby Version

With this plugin you can create a directory with assets, media and static html files generated from your pages. You can simply upload the generated files to any CDN and everything (with small exceptions, see below) will still work. The result is an even faster site with less potential vulnerabilities.


static site generator field example

What is Kirby?

Kirby is a highly customizable and file-based CMS (content management system). Before using this plugin make sure you have installed the latest version of Kirby CMS and are familiar with the plugin basics.

How to install the plugin

If you use composer, you can install the plugin with: composer require d4l/kirby-static-site-generator

Alternatively, create a static-site-generator folder in site/plugins, download this repository and extract its contents into the new folder.

What works

  • Compatibility with multilanguage sites
  • Translated URLs
  • Assets
  • Media (also when resized; files are automatically generated and copied when used)
  • Customizable base URL
  • Customizable paths to copy
  • Customizable output folder
  • Preserve individual files / folders in the output folder
  • Custom routes (click here for more information)
  • Custom pages filtering (click here for more information)

What doesn't work

  • Dynamic routes (unless when called by custom route - click here for more information)
  • Query parameters (unless processed by javascript)
  • Redirections / die or exit in the code (this also affects the compatibility with some other plugins)
  • Kirby paginations (only manual paginations via custom routes)
  • Directly opening the html files in the browser with the file protocol (absolute base url /)
  • Compatibility with other plugins that work with the file::version and file::url components

How to use it

1) Directly (e.g. from a kirby hook)

$staticSiteGenerator = new D4L\StaticSiteGenerator($kirby, $pathsToCopy = null, $pages = null);
$fileList = $staticSiteGenerator->generate($outputFolder = './static', $baseUrl = '/', $preserve = []);
  • $pathsToCopy: if not given, $kirby->roots()->assets() is used; set to [] to skip copying other files than media
  • $pages: if not given, all pages are rendered
  • use $preserve to preserve individual files or folders in your output folder, e.g. if you want to preserve a README.md in your output folder, set $preserveto ['README.md']; any files or folders directly in the root level and starting with . are always preserved (e.g. .git)
  • The D4L\StaticSiteGenerator class offers a couple of public methods that allow to make further configuration changes.

2) By triggering an endpoint

To use this, adapt config option d4l.static_site_generator.endpoint to your needs (should be a string)

3) By using a static-site-generator field

Do the same as for option 2) and then add a staticSiteGenerator type field to one of your blueprints:

    label: Generate a static version of the site
    # ... (see "Field options")

Available configuration options

return [
    'd4l' => [
      'static_site_generator' => [
        'endpoint' => null, # set to any string like 'generate-static-site' to use the built-in endpoint (necessary when using the blueprint field)
        'output_folder' => './static', # you can specify an absolute or relative path
        'preserve' => [], # preserve individual files / folders in the root level of the output folder (anything starting with "." is always preserved)
        'base_url' => '/', # if the static site is not mounted to the root folder of your domain, change accordingly here
        'skip_media' => false, # set to true to skip copying media files, e.g. when they are already on a CDN; combinable with 'preserve' => ['media']
        'skip_templates' => [], # ignore pages with given templates (home is always rendered)
        'custom_routes' => [], # see below for more information on custom routes
        'custom_filters' => [], # see below for more information on custom filters
        'ignore_untranslated_pages' => false, # set to true to ignore pages without an own language
        'index_file_name' => 'index.html' # you can change the directory index file name, e.g. to 'index.json' when generating an API

All of these options are only relevant if you use implementation options 2) or 3). When directly using the D4L\StaticSiteGenerator class, no config options are required. In that case, options like skip_media can be achieved by calling $staticSiteGenerator->skipMedia(true).

Field options

label: Generate static site
help: Custom help text
progress: Custom please-wait message
success: Custom success message
error: Custom error message

Custom routes

You can also use this plugin to render custom routes. This way, e.g. paginations can be created programmatically.

Custom routes are passed as an array. Each item must contain at least a path property and if the path does not match a route, either the page or route property must be set.

Here is an example array, showing the different configuration options:

$customRoutes = [
  [ // minimal configuration to render a route (must match, else skipped)
    'path' => 'my/route',
  [ // minimal configuration to render a page
    'path' => 'foo/bar',
    'page' => 'some-page-id'
  [ // advanced configuration to render a route (write to different path)
    'path' => 'sitemap.xml',
    'route' => 'my/sitemap/route'
  [ // advanced configuration to render a page
    'path' => 'foo/baz',
    'page' => page('some-page-id'),
    'languageCode' => 'en',
    'baseUrl' => '/custom-base-url/',
    'data' => [
      'foo' => 'bar'

Only GET routes without language scope are supported (you can of course add multiple custom routes for multiple languages). Patterns and action arguments are supported.

page is provided as a string containing the page ID, or as a page object.

If languageCode is not provided, the given page is rendered in the default language.

If baseUrl is not provided, the default base url is taken.

path may also end with a file name, in which case the given file is created instead of using the <path>/index.html schema.

To pass custom data to the controller or template, use data. Click here for more information how to use it.

⚠️ Have a look here in case you want to dynamically generate the custom routes based on a specific page or point to pages in the config. Kirby comes with a ready option for this purpose.

There are two ways to define custom routes:

1) Directly, when using this plugin directly


2) Via configuration, when using the endpoint or static-site-generator field

'd4l.static_site_generator.custom_routes' => $customRoutes

Custom filters

When using the endpoint or static-site-generator field, this plugin will by default render all pages and subpages (using pages()->index()). You can filter the pages to be rendered by providing an array of custom filters in config option custom_filters.

'd4l.static_site_generator.custom_filters' => $customFilters

Each element of this array must be an array of arguments accepted by $pages->filterBy() method. Here is an example array, showing some filters you could use (not exhaustive):

$customFilters = [
  ['slug', '==', 'foo'], // will render page if its slug is exactly 'foo'
  ['url', '!*=', 'bar'], // will render page if its url doesn't contain 'bar'
  ['uri', '*', '/[1-9]/'], // will render page if its uri match regex '/[1-9]/'
  ['depth', '>', '2'], // will render page if its depth is greater than 2
  ['category', 'bar'], // will render page if its value in 'category' field is 'bar' ('category' being a single value field)
  ['tags', 'bar', ','], // will render page if its value in 'tags' field includes 'bar' ('tags' being a field accepting a comma-separated list of values)
  ['date', 'date >', '2018-01-01'], // will render page if its date is after '2018-01-01'

⚠️ Here again, you can use Kirby's ready option to dynamically generate the custom filters.


Be careful when specifying the output folder, as the given path (except files starting with .) will be erased before the generation! There is a safety check in place to avoid accidental erasure when specifying existing, non-empty folders.


Feedback and contributions are welcome!

For commit messages we're following the gitmoji guide 😃 Below you can find an example commit message for fixing a bug: 🐛 fix copying of individual files

Please post all bug reports in our issue tracker. We have prepared a template which will make it easier to describe the bug.