SSH in clojure. Uses jsch. (See section RSA Private Key format if using openssl generated keys)
The clj-ssh.cli
namespace provides some functions for ease of use at the REPL.
(use 'clj-ssh.cli)
Use ssh
to execute a command, say ls
, on a remote host "my-host",
(ssh "my-host" "ls")
=> {:exit 0 :out "file1\nfile2\n" :err "")
By default this will use the system ssh-agent to obtain your ssh keys, and it uses your current username, but this can be specified:
(ssh "my-host" "ls" :username "remote-user")
=> {:exit 0 :out "file1\nfile2\n" :err "")
Strict host key checking can be turned off:
(default-session-options {:strict-host-key-checking :no})
SFTP is also supported. For example, to copy a local file to a remote host "my-host":
(sftp "my-host" :put "/from/this/path" "to/this/path")
Note that any sftp commands that change the state of the sftp session (such as cd) do not work with the simplified interface, as a new session is created each time.
If your key has a passphrase, you will need to explicitly add your key either to
the system's ssh-agent, or to clj-ssh's ssh-agent with the appropriate
The clj-ssh.ssh
namespace should be used for SSH from functional code.
(let [agent (ssh-agent {})]
(let [session (session agent "host-ip" {:strict-host-key-checking :no})]
(with-connection session
(let [result (ssh session {:in "echo hello"})]
(println (result :out)))
(let [result (ssh session {:cmd "ls"})]
(println (second result)))))))
The above example shows using :in
to pass commands to a shell, and using
to exec a command without a shell. When using :cmd
you can still pass
a stream or a string to :in
to be used as the process' standard input.
By default, the system ssh-agent is used, which means the ssh keys you use at
the command line level should automatically be picked up (this should also work
with pageant
on windows).
You can forward the ssh-agent, which allows you to run ssh based commands on the remote host using the credentials in your local ssh-agent:
(let [agent (ssh-agent {})]
(let [session (session agent "host-ip" {:strict-host-key-checking :no})]
(with-connection session
(let [result (ssh session {:in "ssh somehost ls" :agent-forwarding true})]
(println (result :out))))))
If you prefer not to use the system ssh-agent, or one is not running on your system, then a local, isolated ssh-agent can be used.
(let [agent (ssh-agent {:use-system-ssh-agent false})]
(add-identity agent {:private-key-path "/user/name/.ssh/id_rsa"})
(let [session (session agent "host-ip" {:strict-host-key-checking :no})]
(with-connection session
(let [result (ssh session {:in "echo hello"})]
(println (result :out)))))
SFTP is supported:
(let [agent (ssh-agent {})]
(let [session (session agent "host-ip" {:strict-host-key-checking :no})]
(with-connection session
(let [channel (ssh-sftp session)]
(with-channel-connection channel
(sftp channel {} :cd "/remote/path")
(sftp channel {} :put "/some/file" "filename"))))))
SSH tunneling is also supported:
(let [agent (ssh-agent {})]
(let [session (session agent "host-ip" {:strict-host-key-checking :no})]
(with-connection session
(with-local-port-forward [session 8080 80]
(comment do something with port 8080 here)))))
Jump hosts can be used with the jump-session
. Once the session is
connected, the the-session
function can be used to obtain a session
that can be used with ssh-exec
, etc. The the-session
function can
be used on a session returned by session
, so you can write code that
works with both a jump-session
session and a single host session.
(let [s (jump-session
(ssh-agent {})
[{:hostname "host1" :username "user"
:strict-host-key-checking :no}
{:hostname "final-host" :username "user"
:strict-host-key-checking :no}]
(with-connection s
(ssh-exec (the-session s) "ls" "" "" {}))
RSA Private Key Format and clj-ssh
There have been changes to the header of RSA Private Keys. With the upgrade of com.jcraft/jsch to "0.1.55", the older openssh headers work with ssh will throw an authentication failure.
Older format
New RSA format
Old private keys can be easily converted to the new format, through the use of ssh-keygen's passphrase changing command. This will change the file in place.
ssh-keygen -p -f privateKeyFile -m pem -P passphrase -N passphrase
The -m flag will force the file to pem format, fixing the header.
The -P (for old passphrase) and -N (new passphrase) can be ommitted to generate
an interactive query instead.
(enter "" at either -P or -N to identify no passphrase)
Note: clj-ssh key generation
clj-ssh does have the ability to generate the public / private key pairs for both RSA and DSA (found in clj-ssh.ssh/generate-keypair).
Unlike ssh-keygen, the RSA passphrase on the private key will be limited to
DES-EDE3-CBC DEK format to encrypt/decrypt the passphrase if created within clj-ssh.
ssh-keygen will likely use what is standard in your operating system's crypto suite,
(e.g. AES-128-CBC)
Q: What does "4: Failure @ com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.throwStatusError(" during an sftp transfer signify?
A: Probably a disk full, or permission error.
TTY's and background processes
Some useful links about ssh and background processes:
Thanks to Ryan Stradling for these.
:dependencies [clj-ssh "0.5.14"]
or your favourite maven repository aware tool.
The test rely on several keys being authorized on localhost:
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/clj_ssh -t rsa -C "key for test clj-ssh" -N ""
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/clj_ssh_pp -t rsa -C "key for test clj-ssh" -N "clj-ssh"
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.bak
echo "from=\"localhost\" $(cat ~/.ssh/" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo "from=\"localhost\" $(cat ~/.ssh/" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
The clj_ssh_pp
key should have a passphrase, and should be registered with your ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/clj_ssh_pp
On OS X, use:
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/clj_ssh_pp
Other Libraries
For plain ftp
, you might want to look at clj-ftp.
Copyright Β© 2012 Hugo Duncan
Licensed under EPL