Sass CSS Importer Plugin
The Sass CSS Importer allows you to import a CSS file into Sass.
Stylesheet Syntax
The .css
extension triggers special behavior in Sass so you cannot
import a file with a CSS extension. To work around this, you must use a
special prefix on the import string and omit the extension.
@import "CSS:some_folder/some_css_file"
$ gem install --pre sass-css-importer
Use with the Sass command line
$ sass -r sass-css-importer --watch sass_dir:css_dir
Note: several -r options can be given to the sass command line if you need to require several libraries.
Use with compass
Add the following to your compass configuration:
require 'sass-css-importer'
More complex scenarios
This plugin assumes you want to import CSS files relative to a Sass file. More complex scenarios are acheivable by adding a CSS Importer to the Sass load path option explicitly.
For example, in compass you can do the following in your config.rb
require 'sass-css-importer'