Build Reactive Rest APIs with Spring WebFlux and Reactive MongoDB
Read the tutorial :
Java - 11
Maven - 3.x.x
MongoDB - 3.x.x
Steps to Setup
1. Clone the application
git clone
2. Build and run the app using maven
cd spring-webflux-reactive-rest-api-demo
mvn package
java -jar target/webflux-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Alternatively, you can run the app without packaging it using -
mvn spring-boot:run
The server will start at http://localhost:8080.
Exploring the Rest APIs
The application defines following REST APIs
1. GET /tweets - Get All Tweets
2. POST /tweets - Create a new Tweet
3. GET /tweets/{id} - Retrieve a Tweet by Id
3. PUT /tweets/{id} - Update a Tweet
4. DELETE /tweets/{id} - Delete a Tweet
4. GET /stream/tweets - Stream tweets to a browser as Server-Sent Events
Running integration tests
The project also contains integration tests for all the Rest APIs. For running the integration tests, go to the root directory of the project and type mvn test
in your terminal.