nightfly is a dark midnight theme for modern Neovim and classic Vim.
Note, all nightfly highlights in Neovim are implemented in Lua, whilst highlights in Vim are implemented in legacy Vimscript.
Styled Features & Plugins
- Neovim Tree-sitter
- Neovim Diagnostic
- Neovim LSP Semantic Highlights
- Barbar
- Bufferline
- Dashboard
- Gitsigns
- Hop
- Indent BlankLine
- Lazy
- lspsaga.nvim
- Lualine
- mason.nvim
- Mini
- Neo-tree
- Neogit
- Noice
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-navic
- nvim-notify
- NvimTree
- Rainbow Delimiters
- Telescope
Neovim & Vim compatible:
- BufExplorer
- clever-f
- CtrlP
- Fern
- fzf.vim (works best with matching fly16 bat theme)
- lightline
- Tagbar
- vim-airline
โก Requirements
nightfly is a GUI-only colorscheme.
A GUI client or a modern terminal version of Vim or Neovim in a true-color terminal is required. Details about true-color terminals are listed here.
nightfly explicitly does not support the 256 color cterm
version of Vim.
Install the bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors colorscheme with your preferred plugin manager.
Plug 'bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors', { 'as': 'nightfly' }
use { "bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors", as = "nightfly" }
{ "bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors", name = "nightfly", lazy = false, priority = 1000 },
Enable the colorscheme after the plugin declaration.
" Vimscript initialization file
colorscheme nightfly
-- Lua initialization file
vim.cmd [[colorscheme nightfly]]
- The nightfly theme supports lightline. To enable the nightfly lightline theme please add the following to your initialization file:
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'nightfly' }
The nightfly theme supports vim-airline. The nightfly theme will load once vim-airline starts.
The nightfly theme supports Lualine. The nightfly theme will automatically load once Lualine starts.
My linefly
plugin supports the nightfly theme. -
Lastly, my legacy mistfly-statusline plugin also supports the nightfly theme.
๐ง Options
Option | Default State |
nightflyCursorColor | Disabled |
nightflyItalics | Enabled |
nightflyNormalFloat | Disabled |
nightflyTerminalColors | Enabled |
nightflyTransparent | Disabled |
nightflyUndercurls | Enabled |
nightflyUnderlineMatchParen | Disabled |
nightflyVirtualTextColor | Disabled |
nightflyWinSeparator | 1 |
The nightflyCursorColor
option specifies whether to color the cursor or not.
By default the cursor will NOT be colored. If you prefer a colored cursor
then add the following to your initialization file:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyCursorColor = v:true
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyCursorColor = true
The nightflyItalics
option specifies whether to use italics for comments and
certain HTML elements in GUI versions of Vim. By default this option is
enabled. If you do not like the appearance of italics then add the following
to your initialization file:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyItalics = v:false
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyItalics = false
The nightflyNormalFloat
option specifies whether to use nightfly background
and foreground colors in Neovim floating windows. By default this option is
disabled, hence, Neovim floating windows will usually be styled with popup
menu colors. If you would like to use nightfly colors instead then add the
following to your configuration:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyNormalFloat = v:true
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyNormalFloat = true
vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/hover'] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.hover, {
border = "single"
vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/signatureHelp'] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.signatureHelp, {
border = "single"
vim.diagnostic.config({ float = { border = "single" } })
is enabled:
local winhighlight = {
winhighlight = "Normal:NormalFloat,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:PmenuSel",
window = {
completion = cmp.config.window.bordered(winhighlight),
documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered(winhighlight),
The nightflyTerminalColors
option specifies whether to use the nightfly color
palette in :terminal
windows when termguicolors
is set. By default this
option is enabled. If you prefer not to use the nightfly color palette for
the first 16 terminal colors then add the following to your initialization file:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyTerminalColors = v:false
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyTerminalColors = false
The nightflyTransparent
option specifies whether to use an opaque or
transparent background in GUI versions of Vim. By default this option is
disabled. If you would like a transparent background then add the following
to your initialization file:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyTransparent = v:true
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyTransparent = true
The nightflyUndercurls
option specifies whether to use undercurls for
spelling and linting errors in GUI versions of Vim, including terminal Vim with
set. By default this option is enabled. If you do not like
the appearance of undercurls then add the following to your initialization file:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyUndercurls = v:false
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyUndercurls = false
The nightflyUnderlineMatchParen
option specifies whether to underline
matching parentheses. By default this option is disabled. If you want to
underline matching parentheses then add the following to your initialization
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyUnderlineMatchParen = v:true
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyUnderlineMatchParen = true
The nightflyVirtualTextColor
option specifies whether to display diagnostic
virtual text in color. By default this option is disabled. If you want to
display diagnostic virtual text in color then add the following to your
initialization file:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyVirtualTextColor = v:true
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyVirtualTextColor = true
The nightflyWinSeparator
option specifies the style of window separators:
will display no window separators -
will display block separators; this is the default -
will diplay line separators
For example, if line separators are desired then add the following to your configuration:
" Vimscript initialization file
let g:nightflyWinSeparator = 2
-- Lua initialization file
vim.g.nightflyWinSeparator = 2
has been chosen) by selecting thicker
characters for the separators:
" Vimscript initialization file
set fillchars=horiz:โ,horizup:โป,horizdown:โณ,vert:โ,vertleft:โจ,vertright:โฃ,verthoriz:โ
-- Lua initialization file
vim.opt.fillchars = { horiz = 'โ', horizup = 'โป', horizdown = 'โณ', vert = 'โ', vertleft = 'โซ', vertright = 'โฃ', verthoriz = 'โ', }
Overriding Highlights
If a certain highlight of this theme does not suit then it is recommended to use
an autocmd
to override that desired highlight.
For example, if one wishes to highlight functions in bold then simply add the following to your initialization file prior to setting the colorscheme:
" Vimscript initialization file
augroup CustomHighlight
autocmd ColorScheme nightfly highlight Function guifg=#82aaff gui=bold
augroup END
-- Lua initialization file
local custom_highlight = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CustomHighlight", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
pattern = "nightfly",
callback = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Function", { fg = "#82aaff", bold = true })
group = custom_highlight,
True Color Terminals
Many modern terminals support 24-bit true
colors. Current versions of Vim &
Neovim on such terminals support true colors when set termguicolors
A list of popular terminals that support true colors:
On terminals that support true colors, and when termguicolors
is set, the
nightfly colorscheme will emit the correct theme colors.
For the nightfly colorscheme to display correctly inside tmux the following setting will usually be required in ~/.tmux.conf:
set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc'
Vim, as against Neovim, inside tmux, will also require the following settings
be added to the ~/.vimrc
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
Extra Themes
A collection of nightfly-flavoured themes are provided:
Alacritty users can copy this theme into their
configuration -
iTerm2 users on macOS can import this colorscheme
Windows Terminal users can copy this theme into their
For other terminals please configure appropriately with the following colors: