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Repository Details

Extremely simple implement for CRNN by Tensorflow


This software implements the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN), a combination of CNN, RNN and CTC loss for image-based sequence recognition tasks, such as scene text recognition and OCR.


More details for CRNN and CTC loss (in chinese): https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/43534801

The crnn+seq2seq+attention ocr code can be found here bai-shang/crnn_seq2seq_ocr_pytorch


All dependencies should be installed are as follow:

  • Python3
  • tensorflow==1.15.0
  • opencv-python
  • numpy

Required packages can be installed with

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Note: This code cannot run on the tensorflow2.0 since it's modified the 'tf.nn.ctc_loss' API.

Run demo

Asume your current work directory is "crnn_ctc_ocr_tf":

cd path/to/your/crnn_ctc_ocr_tf/

Dowload pretrained model and extract it to your disc: GoogleDrive .

Export current work directory path into PYTHONPATH:


Run inference demo:

python3 tools/inference_crnn_ctc.py \
  --image_dir ./test_data/images/ --image_list ./test_data/image_list.txt \
  --model_dir /path/to/your/bs_synth90k_model/ 2>/dev/null

Result is:

Predict 1_AFTERSHAVE_1509.jpg image as: aftershave


Predict 2_LARIAT_43420.jpg image as: lariat


Train a new model

Data Preparation

  • Firstly you need download Synth90k datasets and extract it into a folder.

  • Secondly supply a txt file to specify the relative path to the image data dir and it's corresponding text label.

For example: image_list.txt

90kDICT32px/1/2/373_coley_14845.jpg coley
90kDICT32px/17/5/176_Nevadans_51437.jpg nevadans
  • Then you suppose to convert your dataset to tfrecord format can be done by
python3 tools/create_crnn_ctc_tfrecord.py \
  --image_dir path/to/90kDICT32px/ --anno_file path/to/image_list.txt --data_dir ./tfrecords/ \
  --validation_split_fraction 0.1

Note: make sure that images can be read from the path you specificed. For example:


All training images will be scaled into height 32pix and write to tfrecord file.
The dataset will be divided into train and validation set and you can change the parameter to control the ratio of them.

Otherwise you can use the dowload_synth90k_and_create_tfrecord.sh script automatically create tfrecord:

cd ./data
sh dowload_synth90k_and_create_tfrecord.sh

Train model

python3 tools/train_crnn_ctc.py --data_dir ./tfrecords/ --model_dir ./model/ --batch_size 32

After several times of iteration you can check the output in terminal as follow:

During my experiment the loss drops as follow:

Evaluate model

python3 tools/eval_crnn_ctc.py --data_dir ./tfrecords/ --model_dir ./model/ 2>/dev/null