Active Directory Lab
This lab is made of five virtual machines:
- Domain controller running on Windows Server 2019
- Member server with a Microsoft ISS web-server and a Microsoft SQL server
- Windows workstation running on Windows 10
- Linux server inside the domain running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Linux server outside the domain running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
The lab setup is automated using vagrant and ansible automation tools.
So far the lab has only been tested on a linux machine, but it should work as well on macOS. Ansible has some problems with Windows hosts so I don't know about that.
For the setup to work properly you need to install:
- vagrant from their official site vagrant. The version you can install through your favourite package manager (apt, yum, ...) is probably not the latest one.
- ansible following the extensive guide on their website ansible.
Vagrant will be needed to provision the virtual machines and ansible to automate their configuration.
The default domain will be cyberloop/local, on the subnet and each machine has only been allocated with 1024MB of memory. If you want to change some of these settings some small modifications are required inside the configuration files.
To have the lab up and running the two commands you need to run are:
vagrant up
ansible-playbook -i hosts labsetup.yml
If you run into some problems while running the main playbook, you can also the indipendent playbooks:
ansible-playbook -i hosts domain_controller.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts member_server.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts win_workstation.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts linux_srv_domain.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts linux_srv_no_domain.yml