This plugin is a clone of org-bullets. It replaces the asterisks in org syntax with unicode characters.
This plugin is an extension intended for use with orgmode.nvim
This plugin works by using neovim extmarks
, rather than conceal
for a few reasons.
- conceal can only have one global highlight see
:help hl-Conceal
. - conceal doesn't work when a block is folded.
see below for a simpler conceal-based solution
- This plugin requires the use of treesitter with
installed - neovim 0.7+
With packer.nvim
use 'akinsho/org-bullets.nvim'
To use the defaults use:
use {'akinsho/org-bullets.nvim', config = function()
The full options available are:
NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste this block as it is not valid, it is just intended to show the available configuration options
use {"akinsho/org-bullets.nvim", config = function()
require("org-bullets").setup {
concealcursor = false, -- If false then when the cursor is on a line underlying characters are visible
symbols = {
-- list symbol
list = "β’",
-- headlines can be a list
headlines = { "β", "β", "βΈ", "βΏ" },
-- or a function that receives the defaults and returns a list
headlines = function(default_list)
table.insert(default_list, "β₯")
return default_list
checkboxes = {
half = { "οΈ", "OrgTSCheckboxHalfChecked" },
done = { "β", "OrgDone" },
todo = { "Λ", "OrgTODO" },
Conceal-based alternative
A simpler conceal based alternative is:
syntax match OrgHeadlineStar1 /^\*\ze\s/me=e-1 conceal cchar=β containedin=OrgHeadlineLevel1 contained
syntax match OrgHeadlineStar2 /^\*\{2}\ze\s/me=e-1 conceal cchar=β containedin=OrgHeadlineLevel2 contained
syntax match OrgHeadlineStar3 /^\*\{3}\ze\s/me=e-1 conceal cchar=βΈ containedin=OrgHeadlineLevel3 contained
syntax match OrgHeadlineStar4 /^\*{4}\ze\s/me=e-1 conceal cchar=βΏ containedin=OrgHeadlineLevel4 contained