this is a proof of concept application
local development
if you want to work on your local machine you can do that using docker (i've already provide a docker-compose file)
to start the proyect with docker you need to run this commands:
docker-compose up -d
you need to know the mysql IP address to be able to run the migrations
docker exec aprende-webserver ping mysq
if you need to fix the storage permissions you need to access the container with:
docker-compose exec php-fpm bash
then, you can run any linux command...
run laravel
you only need to run this commands:
$ composer install
$ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
$ yarn install
$ yarn run dev
test user
[email protected]
done! :)
there is 4 specific test for this app:
User (Tests\Unit\User)
✔ It user can subscribe to course
✔ It user have zero subscriptions
Basic (Tests\Feature\Basic)
✔ A welcome view can be rendered
✔ Home page
if you want to run those test you only need to run this command:
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter BasicTest
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter UserTest
note: you can run all test with
composer test