Physics-informed neural network (PINN) for solving fluid dynamics problems
Reference paper
This repo include the implementation of mixed-form physics-informed neural networks in paper:
- This paper has been published by TAML, those who has access to Elsevier database can refer to for camera-ready version.
Description for each folder
- FluentReferenceMu002: Reference solution from Ansys Fluent for steady flow;
- PINN_steady: Implementation for steady flow with PINN;
- PINN_unsteady: Implementation for unsteady flow with PINN;
Results overview
Steady flow past a cylinder (left: physics-informed neural network; right: Ansys Fluent.)
Transient flow past a cylinder (physics-informed neural network result)
- These implementations were developed and tested on the GPU version of TensorFlow 1.10.0.