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A haml-ish syntax for jinja2 templates



This extension to jinja make it possible to use a haml-ish syntax for your jinja templates.

It is implemented as a preprocessor and so it runs only the first time your template is parsed. So it will not affect the performance of your templates except for the first run.



You can install the latest version with easy_install or pip

easy_install Hamlish-Jinja
pip install Hamlish-Jinja

Basic Usage

To use this extension you just need to add it to you jinja environment and use ".haml" as extension for your templates.

from jinja2 import Environment
from hamlish_jinja import HamlishExtension

env = Environment(extensions=[HamlishExtension])


The extension have some configuration options. In the default configuration the output will be on a single line, without whitespace, to save space.


A string, it can be one of the following:

Whitespace will be removed. This is the default
The code will be nicely indented.
The output will be similar to the haml syntax so that if you get a syntax error from jinja the debug message should display the correct line and source hint.




A list of file extensions to run the preprocessor on. The default is ('.haml',)




Added in version 0.2.0

This enables the div shortcut so you can create div tags with a id or class by using only the id (#myid) or class (.myclass) at the beginning of a line.

This is disabled by default.




A dictionary that maps filter names to callables that will be called when the matching filter is used in the template. See the description of how to use filters in the templates in the synax section below.


def my_filter(text):
    return text.upper()

env.hamlish_filters={'upperfilter': my_filter}


Added in version 0.2.0

The environment gets extended with a new method hamlish_from_string which works the same as the standard env.from_string method, but renders the template with the hamlish preprocessor.

tpl = '''


The syntax is similar to haml.

You can use tabs or spaces for indentation, but you can't mix them on the same line. It is possible to mix tabs and spaces on separate lines if you know what you are doing, but it's not recommended.

Html tags

            Tag Content
            Tag Content

Html attributes

Attributes are just like normal html attributes.

%div id="myid" class="myclass"
    Tag Content
<div id="myid" class="myclass">
    Tag Content

There is also a shortcut for creating classes and ids. Added in version 0.2.0

    Tag Content
<div id="myid" class="myclass">
    Tag Content

Multiple classes and ids can be chained together in any order.

    Tag Content
<div id="myid" class="myclass myclass2">
    Tag Content

Shortcuts can be used with extended attributes.

%div.myclass myattr="myval"
    Tag Content
<div class="myclass" myattr="myval">
    Tag content

Extended attributes can be enclosed in parentheses as described in the Haml reference.

    Tag Content
<div class="myclass" myattr="myval">
    Tag content

If these shortcuts are used at the beginning of a line and env.hamlish_enable_div_shortcut is enabled a div is automatically created.

    Tag Content
<div id="myid" class="myclass">
    Tag Content

Inline content

%div << Tag Content
<div>Tag Content</div>

Nested tags

Added in version 0.2.0

This is a shortcut to write multiple nested tags without having to create a new line and indent level for each tag.

    %title -> -block title

-for i in range(10):
    %li -> %a href={{ i }}" -> =i
    <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>

{% for i in range(10): %}
    <li><a href="{{ i }}">{{ i }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

Self closing tags

Tags can be closed by ending the line with a "."

Some tags ar automatically closed: br, img, link, hr, meta, input

<br />
<div />

Continued lines

Long lines can be split over many lines by ending the line with "\" The indent of the line after the "\" will be ignored.

%div style="background: red;\
        color: blue; \
        text-decoration: underline;"
    Tag Content
<div style="background: red;color: blue; text-decoration: underline;">
    Tag Content

Escaped lines

Lines that start with one of the special characters can be escaped with "\"


Jinja tags

Jinja tags starts with "-"

-extends "layout.haml"

    -for user in users:
        %li << {{ user }}
        %li << No users
{% extends "layout.haml" %}

    {% for user in users: %}
        <li>{{ user }}</li>
    {% else: %}
        <li>No users</li>
    {% endfor %}

Jinja Variables

Variables can be output directly in content by using the normal {{ }} syntax. or "=" can be used to output a variable on beginning of lines.

-macro input(type, value):
    %input type="{{ type }}" value="{{ value }}".

%form action="" method="post"
        =input(type="text", value="Test")
{% macro input(type, value): %}
    <input type="{{ type }}" value="{{ value }}" />
{% endmacro %}

<form action="" method="post">
        {{ input(type="text", value="Test") }}

Preformatted lines

    |def test(name):
    |    print name
def test(name):
    print name

Line comments

Added in version 0.2.0

Single lines can be commented by starting the line with a ";". The lines will not be in the output.

;Test comment
;Test commnet
        Tag Content
    Tag Content


Added in version 0.3.4

Filters can be used to pass the content of a block in the template through a filter function.

There are no filters included in the extension, but filters can easily be added by simply defining a callable that will be called with the content inside the filtered block. The function can do whatever it wants with the content and the returned value will end up in the final template output.

The content inside the filter block will not be parsed as haml. The content is passed as is to the filter function.

See the configuration section to learn how to define filters.


Example Template

;This is a test template
;to show the syntax
-extends "base.haml"
-import "lib/forms.haml" as forms

-block title << Page Title

-block content:
    -call forms.form_frame(form):
            =forms.input(form.username, type="text")
            =forms.input(form.password, type="password")
            %input type="submit" value="Login"
{% extends "base.haml" %}
{% import "lib/forms.haml" as forms %}

{% block title %}Page Title{% endblock %}

{% block content: %}
    {% call forms.form_frame(form): %}
            {{ forms.input(form.username, type="text") }}
            {{ forms.input(form.password, type="password") }}
            <input type="submit" value="Login" />
    {% endcall %}
{% endblock %}

Hamlish Tag Extension

Added in version 0.2.0

This extension add a {% haml %}{% endhaml %} to jinja so you can embed haml inside you html templates.


To use this extension just add it to the jinja environment.

from jinja2 import Environment
from hamlish_jinja import HamlishTagExtension

env = Environment(extensions=[HamlishTagExtension])

This extension uses the same configuration options as the HamlishExtension, except that the env.hamlish_file_extensions option is not used.


    {% haml %}

    %form action="{{ action }}" method="post"
       -if form.has_errors():
             -for err in form.errors:
                %li -> =err

          -for field in form:
             %li -> =field

          %input type="submit" name="submit"
          %input type="submit" name="preview"

    {% endhaml %}