What is this?
A simple example showing how to fire up a background process for acquiring tracking data from openvr.
Uses OpenVR 1.23.7.
Compiled using Visual Studio 2022. Please adapt as suitable.
How do I run it?
There is an executable in the Binary folder. Unarchive that and run it through a console after you've started Steam VR. Background processes are not allowed to start up SteamVR by themselves.
If you supply the parameter "--showonlydeviceid " you can choose to show data/events for a specific device. E.g. "--showonlydeviceid 0" would show only data for the HMD.
There are two manifest files inside the Binary folder.
How do I compile it?
- Make sure that you point your includes and library bin folder to where you have openvr installed on your machine.
- Make sure you've got the openvr_api.dll in the same folder as the built example
How do I use it?
- Edit the source code to point to where your manifest file is, search for SetActionManifestPath() inside Lighthousetracking.cpp.
- Start up Steam VR
- Compile and start the example - it launches as a background application
Unable to init VR runtime: Hmd Not Found (108)
Solution: Attach the HMD to the computer
Unable to init VR runtime: Not starting vrserver for background app (121)
Solution: Start Steam VR