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A Keras multi-input multi-output LSTM-based RNN for object trajectory forecasting


Training, testing and inference with multi-input multi-output LSTM-based Recurrent Neural Networks for trajectory forecasting

Setup Your Anaconda Environment

In order to use the training, testing, inference scripts and utility tools, you need to create/clone an Anaconda dedicated environment containing predifined packages (i.e. tensorflow-gpu). If you do not already have Anaconda installed on your machine, please follow the installation steps avalaible at: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-anaconda-on-ubuntu-18-04-quickstart

Once you have successfully installed Anaconda, clone the working environment from a previously created Anaconda environment by using the environment.yaml file. Then, please activate your recently cloned environment.

# Create a new environment based on `environment.yaml` file
conda env create -f environment.yaml
# Activate your recently created environment
conda activate <my_environment>

Training, Testing and Inference Workflow

A common processing workflow involves using several utility tools for generating train and test sets in a .h5 file, then, train and testing is performed using those sets. Next, we will explain some of the details and requirements needed for the end-to-end pipeline. The processing pipeline could be separated in the following steps:

  1. Extract raw object trajectories obtained from a previous Detection + Tracking processing pipeline.
  2. Pack all trajectories in a convenient raw_paths.h5 file.
  3. Transform and group all raw paths from raw_paths.h5 into an train_test.h5 dataset.
  4. Train and evaluate a Path Prediction LSTM-based neural model, called model.h5, using LSTM_trainer.py script and train_test.h5 dataset.


  1. Export model.h5 model as a model.pb freezed model, use keras_to_tensorflow.py script.
  2. Deploy either your model.h5 or model.pb trained models into an existing video processing pipeline. Trajectory predictions could be used to replace/boost tracking algoritms by incorporating approximated information of future localizations for each object in the scene.

A sample of a multi-object detection + Tracking + Counting pipeline using the LSTM-based trajectory forecasting model trained using the previous workflow:


End-to-End Workflow Explained

1. Extract raw object trajectories obtained from a previous Detection + Tracking processing pipeline.

In order to train the trajectory forcasting model, you need several .csv files containing raw trajectories obtained from a previous Detection + Tracking processing pipeline, a D+T pipeline for short. The D+T pipeline is in charge of supplying raw D+T trajectories packed in a .csv file with an specific output format.

For the sake of completeness, you can download a set of these .csv raw D+T trajectories HERE!

All of the previously described .csv files must be in a folder for further use by dataset_creator utility tool.

2. Pack all trajectories in a convenient raw_paths.h5 file

Once you have all D+T raw trajectories on an user-defined cache_folder, use dataset_creator utility tool to pack all raw trajectories into a raw_paths.h5 file located at output_folder = full/path/to/raw_paths.h5:

python dataset-creator cache_folder output_folder

The resulting raw_paths.h5 will contain several object trajectories for furter steps.

3. Transform and group all raw paths from raw_paths.h5 into an train_test.h5 dataset

All raw paths from raw_paths.h5 will be used by dataset_transformer utility tool in order to generate a train-test dataset for further training and inference tasks. In addition, internal processing, filtering and polynomial trajectory smoothing can be configured by the user using the associated config_transformer.json file. The tool receives a raw_dataset = full/path/to/raw_paths.h5 path, an it will generate a train-test dataset in .h5 format at location out_dataset = full/path/to/train-test.h5 using the config_transformer.json file avalaible at location config = full/path/to/config_transformer.json:

python dataset_transformer.py raw_dataset out_dataset config

The resulting train-test.h5 dataset will contain 2 HDF5 groups within it, named train and test, and they will be used later by training and inference scripts to train and validate trajectory forecasting models.

Again, for the sake of completeness, you can download an already transformed dataset containing roughly 10 million trajectories from 12 different object classes. This dataset is ready for further train/evaluation tasks if you want to avoid steps 1, 2 and 3 of the workflow and go directly to step 4. The transformed dataset can be downloaded HERE!

4. Train and evaluate a Path Prediction LSTM-based neural model

By using the LSTM_trainer.py script, the previously generated train-test.h5 dataset jointly with a model configuration file config_lstm.json you can train your own custom LSTM-based Trajectory prediction model and fine-tune its hyperparameters at your convenience.

In addition, in order to evaluate the trained models performance, the user can use the evaluate_lstm.py script using also the previously generated train-test.h5 dataset and the model configuration file config_lstm.json. The evaluate_lstm.py script contains convenience methods for loading datasets, loading trained models and making inference with them.

Due to private rights from my organization, I can not upload any models trained with their data. However, I have processed several videos taken by me for educational and testing purposes and trained a model from them. The trained .PB model is now open-source and available for testing on custom data. A GoogleDrive link to the pre-trained model can be downloaded HERE!. Feel free to download and try it!

However, this model was trained with meta-classes like CAR, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLE, BYCYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, BUS, AUTO_RICKSHAW and others, so keep in mind that you need to evaluate if the model transfers well to your desider applications or consider to train from scratch a new model that will capture well the dynamics of the trajectory forecasting for your use cases.

Project Tools and Utilities


CLI for Training Path Prediction LSTM-based neural models.


LSTM_trainer.py [-h] dataset  output  config
Positional arguments:
  dataset     Path to input train-test dataset in .hdf5 format
  output      Path to the output directory where resulting models, graphs and history results are saved.
  config      Path to configuration file used for training.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --use_checkpoint  Load and use a previously trained LSTM model to restart training from that file. A new and restored model will be created, preserving original
   input model.


python LSTM_trainer.py  path/to/training_lstm_dataset.hdf5  path/to/output/directory  config_lstm.json  --use_checkpoint


Command line tool for making Path Predictions using trained models


evaluate_lstm.py [-h] dataset output configuration_file
positional arguments:
  dataset     Path to input test dataset in .hdf5 format
  output      Path to the output directory where resulting training graphs and prediction results are computed.
  config      Path to configuration file used for testing.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


python evaluate_lstm.py  path/to/test_lstm_dataset.hdf5 path/to/trained/model/output/directory config_lstm.json

Utility Tools:

Dataset Creator

Command line utility to create a training dataset in HDF5 format from CSV files created by the D+T pipeline. . the D+T pielines is a video processing pipeline running Yolo-based multi-object detection + Kalman-based object tracking to get raw trajectories for further training and evaluation of the models.


dataset-creator [-h] [-a] input_directory output
positional arguments:
	input_directory  Path of a directory with CSV files to extract tracks.
	output           Path of the output training dataset file with .hdf5 extension.
optional arguments:
	-h, --help       show this help message and exit
	-a, --append     Flag to indicate that an existing HDF5 file can be used and new datasets should be appended to it.


python dataset-creator path/to/raw/classifier/detection/files/ path/to/output_raw_dataset.hdf5

Train and Test Dataset Transformer

Command line tool for generating train and test sets for LSTM-based models from an input raw dataset created using Raw Dataset Creator tool.


dataset_transformer.py [-h] raw_dataset out_dataset configuration_file
positional arguments:
  raw_dataset  Path to input raw dataset in .h5 format
  out_dataset  Path to output train/test dataset in .h5 format
  config       Path to configuration file used for dataset transformer tool.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --norm_target_data    Normalizes or smooths target trajectory data using nth-degree polynomial regression. nth-degree parameter specified in config.json file


python dataset_transformer.py path/to/raw_dataset.hdf5 path/to/output/train_test_dataset.hdf5 config_transformer.json --norm_target_data

HDF5 Dataset Merger

Command line tool for merging two HDF5 datasets already generated by dataset_transformer.py. The goal with this project is to generate high-quality and large train/test datasets by extracting raw trajectories from a large corpus of videos taken from different angles, heights, illumination and weather conditions. This CLI is designed for merging all the raw trajectories extracted for each of the videos in the corpus and generate a high-quality and large and diverse datasets for getting the most out of the models.


dataset_merger.py [-h] input_dataset_1 input_dataset_2 out_dataset
positional arguments:
  input_dataset_1  Full path to first input  dataset in .hdf5 format to merge
  input_dataset_2  Full path to second input dataset in .hdf5 format to merge
  out_dataset       Path to output train/test dataset in .h5 format
optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


python dataset_merger.py path/to/input_dataset_1.hdf5 path/to/input_dataset_2.hdf5 path/to/output/merged_dataset.hdf5

Keras HDF5 to Tensorflow PB model converter (3rd Party Tool)

The keras_to_tensorflow.py is a CLI that converts a trained keras model into a ready-for-inference TensorFlow PB model, generally used on production settings.


  • In the default behaviour, this tool freezes the nodes (converts all TF variables to TF constants), and saves the inference graph and weights into a binary protobuf (.pb) file. During freezing, TensorFlow also applies node pruning which removes nodes with no contribution to the output tensor.

  • This tool supports multiple output networks and enables the user to rename the output tensors via the --output_nodes_prefix flag.

  • If the --output_meta_ckpt flag is set, the checkpoint and metagraph files for TensorFlow will also be exported which can later be used in the tf.train.Saver class to continue training.

How to use

Keras models can be saved as a single [.hdf5 or h5] file, which stores both the architecture and weights, using the model.save() function. This model can be then converted to a TensorFlow model by calling this tool as follows:

python keras_to_tensorflow.py 

Keras models can also be saved in two separate files where a [.hdf5 or h5] file stores the weights, using the model.save_weights() function, and another .json file stores the network architecture using the model.to_json() function. In this case, the model can be converted as follows:

python keras_to_tensorflow.py 


python keras_to_tensorflow.py --help

to learn about other supported flags (quantize, output_nodes_prefix, save_graph_def).


--> Python version 3.X and above (packed into environment.yaml conda environment file)

  • keras
  • tensorflow
  • absl
  • pathlib