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Get high-quality and customizable Gatsby themes to quickly bootstrap your website! Choose from many professionally created and impressive designs with a wide variety of features and customization options.gatsby-starter-portfolio-cara
Playful and Colorful One-Page portfolio featuring Parallax effects and animations. Especially designers and/or photographers will love this theme! Built with MDX and Theme UI.gatsby-starter-minimal-blog
Typography driven, feature-rich blogging theme with minimal aesthetics. Includes tags/categories support and extensive features for code blocks such as live preview, line numbers, and line highlighting.gatsby-starter-portfolio-emilia
Minimalistic portfolio/photography site with masonry grid, page transitions and big images. Themeable with Theme UI. Includes Light/Dark mode.gatsby-starter-portfolio-jodie
Image-heavy photography portfolio with colorful accents & customizable pages. Includes adaptive image grids powered by CSS grid and automatic image integration into projects.gatsby-starter-portfolio-emma
Minimalistic portfolio with full-width grid, page transitions, support for additional MDX pages, and a focus on large images. Especially designers and/or photographers will love this theme! Built with MDX and Theme UI.portfolio
v1. Latest version:
Convert a Theme UI config to Figma Stylesportfolio-v2
Personal website with articles 📚, projects 🎨, and other information about me.gatsby-starter-portfolio-bella
A bright single-page portfolio starter for Gatsby powered by The target audience are designers and photographers.gatsby-remark-design-system
🎨 Create your design system with Gatsby in Markdowngatsby-starter-portfolio
Gatsby.js Starters by LekoArts. Primarily aimed at Designers & Photographers. Minimalistic & fast websites!gatsby-source-tmdb
🎬 Source from The Movie Database (TMDb) in Gatsbygatsby-status-dashboard
Show the live statuses of your Netlify and CircleCI builds on your website! Easily integrate the customizable components into your site and adapt them to your theme (utilizing Theme UI).gatsby-starter-tmdb
Source from The Movie Database (TMDb) API (v3) in Gatsby.gatsby-starter-styleguide
Instantly create a styleguide page based on your Theme UI configuration. Zero-config — just install the theme and see your Theme UI config displayed in a beautiful manner.gatsby-starter-specimens
Leverage the wide variety of powerful React components to build your design system. Display colors, typography or any other design tokens with ease. Works seamlessly with MDX.secco
Local package testing made easythanks-contributors
This little script accesses GitHub's API to get all contributors and their PRs between two distinct points in the history of commits.gatsby-starter-graphql-playground
GraphQL Playground to showcase the power of GraphQL. Write your queries and documentation with MDX and display queries in an interactive GraphiQL window. It can source from your localhost or a remote URL (e.g. Codesandbox).gatsby-source-behance
Gatsby source plugin for loading information from Behancegatsby-with-prisma-client
Gatsby powered by Prisma 2 🚀gatsby-remark-design-system-example
Example page for "gatsby-remark-design-system"annum
Visualize Your Historyvanilla-extract-tutorial
Example project showing how to create advanced multi-part components in Chakra UIgatsby-source-potterapi
Source plugin for
Source plugin for Netlify's APIlekoarts-stats
Statistic about my social profilesbare-instagram
Default example for `gatsby-theme-i18n` adding dedicated pages for normal pages and blog posts.gatsby-source-flickr
Source images from Flickr into Gatsbyminimal-blog-new-content-type
Use Gatsby's Deferred Static Generation (DSG) with Plausible Analytics (or any analytics tool)gatsby-absolute-image-paths
Explanation of using absolute image paths in Gatsby in other data sources like JSONhmr-double-save-bug
Gatsby Source Plugin for CircleCIgatsby-webinar-getting-started
Demo project on how to get started with Gatsby powered by the new File System Route API and gatsby-plugin-image.LekoArts
welcome to my cribtalks
Overview of my talks 🎤💻gatsby-plugin-starter
My personal boilerplate to create a Gatsby plugingatsby-plugin-doctype
Change the DOCTYPE of HTML files in Gatsbycara-shadow-svg
Shows how you can change the SVG icons in gatsby-starter-portfolio-caragatsby-example-graphql2chartjs
Gatsby + graphql2chartjsgatsby-source-behance-example
Example website for the gatsby-source-behance plugingithub-actions-playground
Nothing here, just testing.minimal-blog-yaml
Using gatsby-theme-minimal-blog - but without MDX and YAML instead!unified-routes-demo
Gatsby Examples for my blog postsdotfiles
Configuration filespp-06.03.19
Example for pair programmingcombine-md-and-yaml
Send reminders to our internal elitepvpers Discord servertesting-gatsby-head-api
An example repository to show how to use Vitest and Playwright with Gatsby Head APIportfolio-test
Sample DatoCMS website built with GatsbyJSgatsby-plugin-webpack-statoscope
Gatsby plugin for the statoscope HTML-report from webpack-stats (@statoscope/webpack-plugin)Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us