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A Mill plugin for Minecraft Development


mcmill-spigot Scala version support

MCMill is a Mill plugin for Minecraft Development. It actually supports the Spigot and Sponge APIs.

Mill is a lightweight and simple build tool using Scala for build scripts and supports Java and Scala out of the box.



You can import MCMIll in your buildscript by using the $ivy import syntax:

import $ivy.`io.github.iltotore::mcmill-<api>:<version>`
import io.github.iltotore.mcmill.<api>._
import $ivy.`io.github.iltotore::mcmill-spigot:1.0.0`
import io.github.iltotore.mcmill.spigot._

Spigot Support

You can set up a simple Spigot plugin by inheriting from the SpigotModule trait:

import $ivy.`io.github.iltotore::mcmill-spigot:version`
import io.github.iltotore.mcmill.spigot._

object spigot extends SpigotModule {

  def spigotVersion = "1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"

  def spigotMetadata = SpigotMetadata(
    name = "plugin name",
    version = "0.1",
    mainClass = "path.to.your.MainClass"

See scaladoc for details.

Automatic plugin dependency downloading

Spigot has an experimental libraries option in the plugin.yml file. This option allows the developer to pass libraries to download before loading the plugin.

If SpigotMetadata#downloadIvyDeps is true (by default: false), MCMill will automatically add dependencies returned by pluginDeps in the generated plugin.yml. Plugin dependencies are all runtime dependencies by default but can be overridden:

object spigot extends SpigotModule {

  def spigotVersion = "1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"

  def spigotMetadata = SpigotMetadata(
    name = "plugin name",
    version = "0.1",
    mainClass = "path.to.your.MainClass",
    downloadIvyDeps = true
  def pluginIvyDeps = Agg( //Default: allIvyDeps() ++ runIvyDeps()

Paper support

If you want to use the Paper API, use PaperModule. This module extends from SpigotModule and has the same usage.

import $ivy.`io.github.iltotore::mcmill-spigot:version`
import io.github.iltotore.mcmill.spigot._

object paper extends PaperModule {

  def spigotVersion = "1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"

  def spigotMetadata = SpigotMetadata(
    name = "plugin name",
    version = "0.1",
    mainClass = "path.to.your.MainClass"

Sponge Support

You can set up a simple Sponge plugin by inheriting from the SpongeModule trait:

import mill._, scalalib._

import $ivy.`io.github.iltotore::mcmill-sponge:version`
import io.github.iltotore.mcmill.sponge._

object main extends SpongeModule {

  def spongeVersion = "9.0.0"

  def spongeMetadata = SpongeMetadata(
    modId = "modid",
    name = "YourPluginName",
    version = "0.1"

See scaladoc for details.

Note: If you use SpongeScala, you can use the SpongeScalaModule
