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  • Rank 245,993 (Top 5 %)
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  • License
    MIT License
  • Created over 5 years ago
  • Updated 29 days ago


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Repository Details

Official GIPHY packages

GIPHY for developers

The GIPHY SDKs let you and your users easily access the worldโ€™s largest GIF library anywhere on your website. Whether itโ€™s via a comment, forum post, review, chatbot or messenger, adding GIFs to your product is a simple and easy way to boost engagement and user experience.


Build Status

Choose your flavor!


React components focused on ease-of-use and performance


lightweight UI components, no framework required


fetch gifs, stickers, categories and more (build your own UI, no SDK analytics)

Now go build something!

Go do it

GIPHY-JS Developer Section


$ yarn


Some packages have

$ cd packages/components
$ yarn run dev


From root of project:

$ yarn run lint


Publishing to npm will be done by the changeset github action.

In your pr you will create a changeset by using the changest cli. Readmore here

$ yarn changeset

Follow the prompts to specify the semver and describe the changes you've made. This will create a changeset file which should be committed. Once you have your changeset ready and the PR is approved, you can merge your PR to master.

The github actions will run and create another PR based on your changeset. When this PR is approved and merged, the Publish github action will run and the packages will be published.

If you're not ready to publish your changeset, you don't have to merge the changeset PR