Quiz Management Service
In this repository we collect tutorials on how to use Spray/Akka Http to build several REST applications.
Tutorial Spray And Akka
- Article: How to build a REST api with Spray and Akka
- Code: https://github.com/DanielaSfregola/quiz-management-service/tree/master/spray-akka
Tutorial Spray and ReactiveMongo
- Article: How to Integrate ReactiveMongo in your Akka Spray Application
- Code: https://github.com/DanielaSfregola/quiz-management-service/tree/master/spray-reactivemongo
Tutorial Spray and Json4s
- Article: Spray: how to (de)serialize objects with json4s
- code: https://github.com/DanielaSfregola/quiz-management-service/tree/master/spray-json4s
Tutorial Spray and a CRUD application
- Article: How to build a Scala REST CRUD application with Spray
- Code: https://github.com/DanielaSfregola/quiz-management-service/tree/master/spray-crud