Build Tools forThis repository includes JDK 11 (now deprecated), Android SDK and tools for AndroidIDE. An installation script is also available which you can use to easily install the tools.
AndroidIDE build tools installer
This script helps you easily install build tools in AndroidIDE.
./scripts/idesetup -s 34.0.4 -c -j 17
This will install Android SDK 34.0.4 with command line tools and JDK 17.
Options :
-i Set the installation directory. Defaults to $HOME.
-s Android SDK version to download.
-c Download Android SDK with command line tools.
-m Manifest file URL. Defaults to 'manifest.json' in 'androidide-tools' GitHub repository.
-j OpenJDK version to install. Values can be '17' or '21'
For testing purposes:
-a CPU architecture. Extracted using 'uname -m' by default.
-p Package manager. Defaults to 'pkg'.
-l Name of curl package that will be installed before starting installation process. Defaults to 'libcurl'.
-h Prints this message.
Installing in AndroidIDE
- Open the AndroidIDE terminal.
- Start the installation process by executing :
idesetup -c
- After you execute the command, it'll show a summary of the configuration. Type
to confirm the configuration and start the installation process.
The default configuration is enough for most users. If you want to configure the installation process (like downloading a different SDK tools version), you can do so by using the options provided by the script.
Execute the script with -h
option to see a list of options that you can use.
You can manually download and install these tools from releases. A step-by-step guide is available on our blog.
Thanks to
- @Lzhiyong for sdk-tools.