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  • Created about 10 years ago
  • Updated about 10 years ago


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Repository Details

Package to use Wolfram Language in your LaTeX documents



LaTeX-Alpha is down until the Wolfram Cloud becomes publicly available! Please check back soon!

LaTeX-Alpha is a LaTeX package which incorporates the typesetting ease and control of LaTeX with the power of the Wolfram Language. The goal of LaTeX-Alpha is to provide the most complete, powerful and self-sufficient typesetting environment.

Please see LaTeX-Alpha-Demo.pdf for fuller documentation

Use Instructions

  1. Download latexalpha.sty and put it in the same directory as your .tex document.
  2. Add \usepackage{latexalpha} to your preamble.
  3. Compile your document using pdflatex --shell-escape your-document.tex (this step requires that curl is installed, wget compatibility coming soon)
  4. Enjoy cool documents!

LaTeX-Alpha is a work in progress! For now it will only be available for a few months. Please email me with bugs/suggestions/comments!



This command evaluates a mathematical expression, taking Wolfram Language syntax. For example


will compile to



This command generates a graphic. For example,

\graphic{Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,2 Pi}]}{sin}

will generate the following graph and make it available to your LaTeX document in the image file sin.png.

\caption{Plot of sin(x) generated with the Wolfram API}


\WolframAlpha{} and \WolframAlphaMath{}

Take in a Wolfram Alpha query. For example

$\WolframAlpha{ what is the biggest city in china }$

will compile to Shanghai.


\dataplotTXT{} allows for data which is stored in the same directory as a .tex file to be graphed in the compiled document.