Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
A curated list of awesome network analysis resources.dreamRs/esquisse
RStudio add-in to make plots interactively with ggplot2kassambara/ggpubr
'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready PlotsThinkR-open/golem
A Framework for Building Robust Shiny AppsdreamRs/shinyWidgets
shinyWidgets : Extend widgets available in shinydavidgohel/ggiraph
make 'ggplot' graphics interactivedavidgohel/officer
👮 officer: office documents from Rdavidgohel/flextable
table farmingkassambara/survminer
Survival Analysis and VisualizationThinkR-open/remedy
RStudio Addins to Simplify Markdown Writingkassambara/rstatix
Pipe-friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests in RPaulC91/shinyauthr
R package with shiny authentication modulesriatelab/cartography
Thematic Cartography for Rdavidgohel/officedown
Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analysesdavidgohel/ReporteRs
Note that ReporteRs has been removed from CRAN the 16th of July 2018 and is not maintained anymore. please migrate to officer.riatelab/osrm
Interface between R and the OpenStreetMap-based routing service OSRMriatelab/mapsf
Thematic cartography with Rrfsaldanha/microdatasus
Download de dados do DataSUS e pré-processamento no R.tesselle/khroma
🎨 Colour Schemes for Scientific Data Visualizationbriatte/ggnet
Network visualization with ggplot2juba/explor
Interfaces for Multivariate Analysis in Rkassambara/ggcorrplot
Visualization of a correlation matrix using ggplot2ThinkR-open/dockerfiler
Easy Dockerfile Creation from Rbriatte/ida
Introduction to Data Analysis, using R (2013)dreamRs/billboarder
📊 R Htmlwidget for billboard.jsRLesur/Rcade
Games to procrastinate with RStudioThinkR-open/fusen
Inflate your package from a simple flat Rmd / QmdRLesur/crrri
A Chrome Remote Interface written in RdreamRs/prefixer
Prefix function with their namespace & other development toolsdreamRs/apexcharter
📊 R Htmlwidget for ApexCharts.jsdreamRs/datamods
Shiny modules to import and manipulate data into an application or addindreamRs/shinybusy
Minimal busy indicator for Shiny appsThinkR-open/fakir
Create Fake Data in R for tutorialsardata-fr/mschart
📊 mschart: office charts from Rdavidgohel/rvg
Multi-Omics integration and VIsualization in Cancer SubtypingColinFay/attempt
Tools for defensive programming in Rriatelab/linemap
Create maps made of (ridge) linesThinkR-open/shinipsum
Lorem-Ipsum-like Helpers for fast Shiny PrototypingDanChaltiel/crosstable
Easy and thorough description of datasetsdreamRs/gfonts
🔤 Offline Google Fonts for rmarkdown and shinyColinFay/brochure
[WIP] Natively Multipage Shiny AppsColinFay/nessy
A 'NES' css for 'Shiny'ThinkR-open/attachment
Tools to deal with dependencies in scripts, Rmd and packagesPF2-pasteur-fr/SARTools
Statistical Analysis of RNA-Seq ToolsdreamRs/shinyapps
Some Shiny applicationsherbps10/reactor
Interactive notebooks for RThinkR-open/shinysnippets
A series of shiny related RStudio Snippetsastamm/nloptr
nloptr provides an R interface to NLopt, a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization providing a common interface to a number of different optimization routines which can handle nonlinear constraints and lower and upper bounds for the controls.riatelab/maptiles
Download, compose and display map tiles with RdreamRs/shinylogs
Logs for Shiny appsloicdtx/bfastSpatial
Set of utilities and wrappers to perform change detection on satellite image time-series (Landsat and MODIS). Includes pre-processing steps and functions for spatial implementation of bfastmonitor change detection and post processing of the results.juba/shinyglide
Glide.js component for Shiny appsColinFay/hexmake
A Shiny App for Making Hex Stickers.ThinkR-open/fcuk
A R package designed to help people with clumsy fingers.abichat/favoriteRpackages
My favorite R packagesRausellLab/CelliD
Gene signature extraction and cell-identity recognition at individual cell level from single-cell RNA-seq.agstudy/rsqlserver
Sql Server driver database interface (DBI) driver for R. This is a DBI-compliant Sql Server driver based on the System.Data.SqlClient.juba/questionr
R package to make surveys processing easierdreamRs/shufflecards
✨ Create magical grid layouts in Shiny & MarkdowndreamRs/colorscale
Create a color scale from a single colordreamRs/toastui
R htmlwidgets for ToastUI libraries: grid, calendar and chartriatelab/tanaka
Tanaka Maps with RrCarto/spikemap
Maps made of spikesdreamRs/r2d3maps
r2d3 experiment to draw maps in D3kassambara/fastqcr
fastqcr: Quality Control of Sequencing Datalarmarange/labelled
Manipulating labelled vectors in Rromainfrancois/rap
yet another experimental way of processing a data.frame rowwiselyabichat/tidytuesday
Codes and plots for the #TidyTuesday challengeVincentGuyader/collage
Image collageRLesur/casewhen
Create reusable dplyr::case_when() functionsmcanouil/ggpacman
A `ggplot2` and `gganimate` Version of Pac-Manjuba/obsplot
Observable Plot bindings for Rdatastorm-open/DependenciesGraphs
An R package for studying mutational signatures and structural variant signatures along clonal evolution in cancer.AbdoulMa/TidyTuesday
Contribution to Tidytuesday Data Visualization ChallengeColinFay/aside
Send a long R job to be run asideddotta/parquetize
R package that allows to convert databases of different formats to parquet formatRLesur/klippy
Copy to Clipboard Buttons for RMarkdown HTML DocumentsiExecBlockchainComputing/iexec-dapps-registry
iExec dapps registry, the FIRST step to be listed on the iExec dapp storeColinFay/golemexamples
Gathering in one place some {golem} examplesoliviergimenez/statistics-for-ecologists-Master-courses
The material for a course on Statistics for ecologists I teach every year to Master students.dreamRs/tuicalendr
📆 R htmlwidget for tui-calendarkoncina/unilur
A rmarkdown template to create tutorials/practicals or examination papers.PLN-team/PLNmodels
A collection of Poisson lognormal models for multivariate count data analysisCecileProust-Lima/lcmm
R package lcmmThinkR-open/wedding
Shiny app with custom css to prepare and manage a weddingjuba/rainette
R implementation of the Reinert text clustering methoddreamRs/topogram
R htmlwidget for cartogram-chartColinFay/backyard
A Web App for Easier Bookdown Collaborationmcanouil/quarto-revealjs-coeos
Quarto reveal.js template extensiondreamRs/addinit
Initialize & structure an 'RStudio' ProjectDralliag/opera
Online Prediction by ExpeRt Aggregationmdequeljoe/rdoc
colourised R docs in the terminalspyrales/gouvdown
French government design system for R MarkdownIARCbioinfo/needlestack
Multi-sample somatic variant callerColinFay/conf
Slides from various conferencesColinFay/gargoyle
Event-Based Structures for 'Shiny'dreamRs/viewxl
'RStudio' addin to open data.frame(s) in ExcelLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us