Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
Code source des taxes fonciรจresWenzel/CNAF
Source code used by the French CNAF (Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales)kristuff/P1TRE
P1TRE๐คก TATTT&&KB ~ โ๏ธ๐ก Ethical Trolling Manual - TATTT&&KB, Troll Adversary Trolling Tactics and Techniques Knowledge Base is a globally-accessible knowledge base of troll adversary trolling tactics and techniques based on real/unreal-world observations (full stack world).phe-sto/CoBOL-GraalVM
Compile and execute CoBOL with GraalVMnithwith/projetCOBOL
Manage two spreadsheets (three and one dimension) using another program.martinluc/Cobol_Statement
Edit a statement from an existing file (containing an account number and a name) and a system input file (movements).elwinar/advent-of-code
COBOL Code sources et ApprentissageThomasGysemans/COBOL-Polybe
A basic encryption method from Polybe written in COBOLthomas-mauran/cobol-mystery-number
Basic guess the number game in COBOLmartinluc/Cobol-DB2-Cursor
Utilisation of a cursor to read a DB2 table.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us