FuzzFactory: Domain-Specific Fuzzing with Waypoints
FuzzFactory is an extension of AFL that generalizes coverage-guided fuzzing to domain-specific testing goals. FuzzFactory allows users to guide the fuzzer's search process without having to modify anything in AFL's search algorithm.
Most details are described in the following research paper (PDF):
Rohan Padhye, Caroline Lemieux, Koushik Sen, Laurent Simon, and Hayawardh Vijayakumar. 2019. FuzzFactory: Domain-Specific Fuzzing with Waypoints. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, OOPSLA, Article 174 (October 2019), 29 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3360600
A replication package for the experimental evaluation described in the paper is available on Zenodo.
A video of the SPLASH 2019 (OOPSLA) talk is available on YouTube:
What are Waypoints?
FuzzFactory's key abstraction is that of waypoints: intermediate inputs that are saved during the fuzzing loop. These inputs need not increase code coverage, but they are saved because they make some sort of domain-specific progress. For example, PerfFuzz saves inputs that increase loop execution counts, a magic-byte fuzzer may save inputs that have partially correct magic bytes, or a directed fuzzer may save inputs that are more likely to exercise a program point of interest.
How does FuzzFactory work?
FuzzFactory exposes an API (see include/waypoints.h
) between the fuzzing algorithm and the test program. The test program can provide custom domain-specific feedback from test execution as key-value pairs, and specify how such feedback should be aggregated across multiple inputs by choosing a reducer function. The aggregated feedback is used to decide if a given input should be considered a waypoint. The calls to the API can be injected either by modifying a test program by hand, or by inserting appropriate instrumentation in the test program at compile-time.
Why is FuzzFactory useful?
Here is a cool example of something the authors did with FuzzFactory:
- Built
, a fuzzer that generates inputs that maximize arguments tomalloc()
in 29 lines of code. - Built
, a fuzzer that surpasses variable-sized magic values, checksums, and other comparisons across integers, strings, and byte buffers, in 355 lines of code. - Composed
, to build a super-fuzzer calledcmp-mem
that surpasses comparisons while simultaneously maximizing mallocs, using a single command-line flag. - Used
to find two new bugs inlibarchive
[#1165, #1237]. Also replicated a known allocation bug in libpng, without using any seed inputs.
The super-fuzzer (cmp-mem
) outperforms not only AFL, but also its constituents cmp
and mem
, on finding these memory allocation issues:
Documentation and Examples
This section assumes some familiarity with AFL.
To build FuzzFactory's custom afl-fuzz
, run make
in the root project directory.
You can use this afl-fuzz
to fuzz regular AFL-instrumented programs as before.
You can also use this afl-fuzz
with the -p
option to enable fuzzing programs that are instrumented (option 1) or modified (option 2) to call into FuzzFactory's API.
Option 1: Domain-Specific Feedback via LLVM-based instrumentation
To build FuzzFactory's LLVM-based domain-specific instrumentation, run make llvm-domains
in the root project directory; you will need LLVM/Clang 6+ installed (AFL needs to find llvm_config
). This will build a special version of afl-clang-fast
that supports domain-specific instrumentation passes as plugins. This command also builds six domain-specific instrumentation passes that ship with FuzzFactory; these correspond to the six domains listed in the paper: slow
, perf
, mem
, valid
, cmp
, diff
FuzzFactory provides an extension mechanism to quickly implement LLVM instrumentation passes that call into the FuzzFactory API; see llvm_mode/fuzzfactory.hpp
and the following six domain implementations in llvm_mode
- Domain
(inspired by SlowFuzz):waypoints-slow-pass.cc
: Implements domainslow
described in Table 3 of the paper.waypoints-slow-rt.c
: Allocates DSF map forslow
- Domain
(port of PerfFuzz):waypoints-perf-pass.cc
: Implements domainperf
described in Table 4 of the paper.waypoints-perf-rt.c
: Allocates DSF map forperf
- Domain
(malloc/calloc fuzzer):waypoints-mem-pass.cc
: Implements domainmem
described in Table 5 of the paper.waypoints-mem-rt.c
: Allocates DSF map formem
- Domain
(port of Zest-v):waypoints-valid-pass.cc
: Implements domainvalid
described in Table 6 of the paper.waypoints-valid-rt.c
: Allocates DSF map forslow
and defines the logic for when the argument toASSUME()
- Domain
(magic-byte and checksum fuzzer):waypoints-cmp-pass.cc
: Implements domaincmp
described in Table 7 in the paper.waypoints-cmp-rt.c
: Allocates DSF map forcmp
, as well as defines all thewrapcmp
functions that perform the common-bit-counting and update the DSF map accordingly.
- Domain
(incremental fuzzer):waypoints-diff-pass.cc
: Implements domaindiff
described in Table 8 in the paper.waypoints-diff-rt.c
: Allocates globals used by domaindiff
Fuzzing with FuzzFactory's LLVM-based domains
This section assumes you have LLVM/Clang installed and have run make llvm-domains
in the root directory.
The directory demo
contains a single-file test program (demo.c
) to illustrate the use of FuzzFactory. Please switch to this directory for the remainder of this section.
cd demo
Background: This is how you would compile demo.c
with regular AFL:
../afl-clang-fast demo.c -o demo
This is how you would compile demo.c
with FuzzFactory using the mem
WAYPOINTS=mem ../afl-clang-fast demo.c -o demo
This is how you would compile demo.c
with FuzzFactory using the cmp
WAYPOINTS=cmp ../afl-clang-fast demo.c -o demo
This is how you would compile demo.c
with FuzzFactory using the composition of the cmp
and mem
WAYPOINTS=cmp,mem ../afl-clang-fast demo.c -o demo
Now, let's fuzz the demo program using the seed file in the seeds
subdirectory. The same command applies regardless of what domain was used to instrument the test program:
../afl-fuzz -p -i seeds -o results ./demo
If you fuzzed a program that has been instrumented with cmp
domains, you will see the following in the AFL output before fuzzing starts:
[+] 2 domain-specific front-end configs received
DSF 0: Start=0x000000, End=0x010000, Size=65536, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
DSF 1: Start=0x010000, End=0x010400, Size=1024, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
This is an indication that the test program has registered two domain-specific feedback maps with FuzzFactory.
The rest of the fuzzing session is similar to running AFL as usual. Press CTRL+C to stop fuzzing. During fuzzing, the following log file is created with verbose output about domain-specific feedback: results/fuzzfactory.log
New Domains via LLVM Instrumentation
To implement your own domain-specific instrumentation pass, let's call it domain foo
: (1) create files waypoints-foo-pass.cc
and waypoints-foo-rt.c
in the llvm_mode
directory, (2) run make llvm-domains DOMAINS+=foo
in the root directory, (3) compile your test programs with afl-clang-fast
after setting the environment var WAYPOINTS=foo
. For help in creating the pass and runtime files, use the implementations listed in the previous section as templates.
Option 2: Domain-Specific Feedback via Manual API Invocation
FuzzFactory can also be used to manually augment a test program and specify domain-specific testing goals. Simply include waypoints.h
and use the following macros from your test program:
* Creates a new DSF map `name` with `size` keys, `reducer` function, and `initial` aggregate value.
* To be called at the top-level global scope.
FUZZFACTORY_DSF_NEW(name, size, reducer, initial)
/** Set dsf[k] = max(dsf[k], v); */
/** Set dsf[k] = dsf[k] | v; */
/** Set dsf[k] = v; */
/** Set dsf[k] = dsf[k] + v; */
Demo with Clang
This section assumes you have LLVM/Clang installed and have run make llvm-domains
in the root directory.
To see a sample usage of these macros from a test program, cd to the demo
directory and run the following:
diff demo.c demo-manual.c # Compare demo program with fuzzfactory-macro augmented test program
Compile the augmented test program as follows:
../afl-clang-fast demo-manual.c -o demo-manual
Fuzz the augmented test program using the -p
option to enable domain-specific fuzzing:
../afl-fuzz -p -i seeds/ -o results ./demo-manual
Fuzzing the augmented program will be similar to fuzzing the original demo program with waypoints cmp
and mem
enabled. Again, you will see output like:
[+] 1 domain-specific front-end configs received
DSF 0: Start=0x000000, End=0x000004, Size=4, Reducer[0]=0x55a947da28f0, Initial=0
and the start of the AFL status screen.
Analzying domain-specific info from saved inputs
Apart from finding crashes (bugs), we are also often interested in generating inputs that optimize some domain-specific metric. For example, after fuzzing with the perf
domain, which is an instantiation of PerfFuzz in FuzzFactory, we would like to find the maximum loop count across all saved inputs. Either for this purpose, or simply for debugging your domain-specific instrumentation, FuzzFactory provides a utility tool called afl-showdsf
that analyzes domain-specific feedback from one or more saved inputs.
Run afl-showdsf
without any arguments to see its usage.
Replaying Single Input: Run afl-showdsf
followed by the command for running the test program along with its input, to see DSF from a single execution. From the demo
directory referenced in the previous sections, run:
../afl-showdsf ./demo-manual < seeds/zerozero.txt
This will output a similar header to FuzzFactory's afl-fuzz
, followed by the output from running the test program on the input itself:
[+] 1 domain-specific front-end configs received
DSF 0: Start=0x000000, End=0x000004, Size=4, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
Total DSF map length = 4
170920496, 0
Demo: Reached point A
Demo: Reached point B
This output will be followed by list of lines of the form:
dsf[k] = v
indicating that during execution, the input triggered the domain specific feedback value v
for key k
. Only the keys k
for which v
is not the initial aggregation value will be shown.
In the above example, we will see a single line:
dsf[0] = 19
which tells us that the comparison at key 0
had 19
bits common between the operands (see demo-manual.c
) when running the seed input.
Aggregation Across Inputs: Run afl-showdsf
with -i <dir>
to execute all inputs in a directory and aggregate their domain-specific feedback using the reducer function that is registered with each domain (e.g. MAX
for domain perf
). From the demo
directory, after fuzzing demo-manual
with -p
for a while, run:
../afl-showdsf -i results/queue/ -- ./demo-manual
Again, this will output a similar header to regular afl-fuzz
, along with a list of lines of the form:
dsf[k] = v
This time, each entry represents an aggregate over all inputs in the directory. For each key k
in the domain-specific feedback map, the corresponding aggregated feedback value seen is v
. Only the keys k
for which v
is not the initial aggregation value will be shown.
Receiving 1 domain-specific front-ends..
[+] 1 domain-specific front-end configs received
DSF 0: Start=0x000000, End=0x000004, Size=4, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
Total DSF map length = 4
dsf[0] = 32
dsf[1] = 27
dsf[2] = 2147483645
The entry for key 0
tells us that there was at least one input which matched all 32
bits of the first comparison in demo-manual.c, while the entry for key 2
tells us that the most amount of memory allocated at demo-manual.c is 2147483645
Interpreting Results for Composed DSF: When running afl-showdsf
with a program instrumented with composed dsf, e.g. the WAYPOINTS=cmp,mem
example above with program demo
, we can separate out the dsf values for different domains based on the header output. For example, after running:
../afl-showdsf -i results/queue/ -- ./demo
we will see output like:
DSF 0: Start=0x000000, End=0x010000, Size=65536, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
DSF 1: Start=0x010000, End=0x010400, Size=1024, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
Total DSF map length = 66560
dsf[7109] = 32
dsf[21658] = 32
dsf[33477] = 27
dsf[65690] = 2147483645
We see two dsf values: dsf[7109] = 30
and dsf[21658] = 32
. One question that we might want to ask is whether these values are from the cmp
or the mem
The information in the header helps us distinguish the domains:
DSF 0: Start=0x000000, End=0x010000, Size=65536, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
says that all keys from 0x000000
to 0x010000
, exclusive of the last key (i.e. [0, 65536)), belong to the first domain (cmp). The second line,
DSF 1: Start=0x010000, End=0x010400, Size=1024, Reducer[0]=MAX, Initial=0
says that all keys from 0x010000
to 0x010400
, exclusive of the last key (i.e. [65536, 66560)), belong to the second dsf (mem).
Thus, the two printed values dsf[7109] = 32
and dsf[21658] = 32
both belong to the cmp
domain, and show that these comparison were surpassed. The value dsf[65690] = 2147483645
shows an entry from the mem
domain (since the key is in the range [65536, 66560)), and indicates that the max memory allocation at some malloc()
was 2147483645