This is a screen recorder by ffmpeg that include desktop、speaker、mircphone
Here is Les's blog:
Record desktop 、microphone、speaker at the same time
Mux to mp4 for all players, video and audio is absolute sync
Nodejs addon project
Support Duplication and gdi desktop grabber in windows
Use wasapi to record microphone & speaker in windows
YUV data preview callback
Remux file from one format to another
NVIDIA encode
Auto select Duplication API or GDI to get desktop pictures on windows
Review all codes,seperate encoder 、filter、muxer
Add more devices enumer for different platforms
Add hardware use(amf,qsv,libavi)
Add cross-platform support(for linux and mac)
Add more filters for video and audio
How to use?
use visual studio
just compile it with visual studio(at least vs2015)
use nodejs
$ npm install ffmpeg-recorder
# or
$ yarn add ffmpeg-recorder --save