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A flutter animation UI challenge.flutter_dribble_signup_challenge
A dribble login UI challenge in Flutterflutter-resume-making-and-sharing-app
A resume creating application in flutter for android and iosflutter_uplab_challenge_fitness_dashboard
An uplabs UI challenge in Flutterfirebase-phone-verification-for-android
A firebase phone auth in Android using Kotlin, Dagger, Material, ViewPager2, FirebaseAuthflutter_uplab_challenge_medical_app
An Uplabs UI challenge in flutterflutter_leave_management
A redux and firestore based flutter applicationflutter-cleanarch-weight-management-app
Flutter application for weight managementshopping_cart
Android Clean Arch Code with MVVM, Hilt, Paging 3, Motion LayoutFlutter-GraphQL
A flutter project with layer modularization and graphqlportfolio_resume_flutter_app
A clean architecture based flutter application using Bloc Pattern and RxDartflutter_grains_app_ui_challenge
A flutter demo for Uplab Design for Grains Appbloc_base_arch
This repo describe the basic bloc structure in Flutter Appflutter_no_network
Flutter project to create a CustomClipper of cloud shape for no internet connection.HeightCalculator
Calculates the height of object through android camera using sensorsBluetooth
Camera Access Via Bluetoothclean_arch_MVVM_water_management_app
A demo application for android arch component with MVVM using Dagger Android.Flutter-Github-Issues
A sample project with flutter clean arch.flutter_firebase_login_bloc_pattern
Flutter application using bloc pattern in Login using firebase phone auth.BitcoinTrend
A sample app for the charts in clean arch.component_gallery
This is a gallery for widgets that can be used in the projects for different stand-alone views.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us