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Stream api (kind of) implementation for go, other useful functions and packages to use go in a functional way


Go Report Card License: MIT

Lambda is a library for performing parallel, lazy map, reduce, and filter operations on slices in one pipeline. The slice can be set by a generating function, and parallel execution is supported. It is expected that all function arguments will be pure functions (functions with no side effects that can be cached by their arguments). It is capable of handling large amounts of data with minimal overhead, and its parallel execution capabilities allow for even faster processing times. Additionally, the library is easy to use and has a clean, intuitive API. Here is some performance review.

Getting Started

To install Lambda, run the following command:

go get github.com/koss-null/lambda

Then, import the library into your Go code (basically you need the pipe package):

import "github.com/koss-null/lambda/pkg/pipe"

You can then use the pipe package to create a pipeline of operations on a slice:

res := pipe.Slice(a).
    Map(func(x int) int { return x * x }).
    Map(func(x int) int { return x + 1 }).
    Filter(func(x int) bool { return x > 100 }).
    Filter(func(x int) bool { return x < 1000 }).

To see more examples of how to use Lambda, check out the examples/main.go file. You can also run this file with go run examples/main.go.

Basic information

The Pipe type is an interface that represents a lazy, potentially infinite sequence of data. The Pipe interface provides a set of methods that can be used to transform and filter the data in the sequence.

The following functions can be used to create a new Pipe:

  • 🐸 Slice([]T) *Pipe: creates a Pipe of a given type T from a slice.
  • 🐸 Func(func(i int) (T, bool)) *Pipe: creates a Pipe of type T from a function. The function should return the value of the element at the ith position in the Pipe, as well as a boolean indicating whether the element should be included (true) or skipped (false).
  • 🐸 Take(n int) *Pipe: if it's a Func-made Pipe, expects n values to be eventually returned.
  • 🐸 Gen(n int) *Pipe: if it's a Func-made Pipe, generates a sequence from [0, n) and applies the function to it.
  • 🌱 TBD: Cycle(data []T) *Pipe: creates a new Pipe that cycles through the elements of the provided slice indefinitely.
  • 🌱 TBD: Range(start, end, step T) *Pipe: creates a new Pipe that generates a sequence of values of type T from start to end (exclusive) with a fixed step value between each element. T can be any numeric type, such as int, float32, or float64.

The following functions can be used to transform and filter the data in the Pipe:

  • 🐸 Map(fn func(x T) T) *Pipe: applies the function fn to every element of the Pipe and returns a new Pipe with the transformed data.
  • 🐸 Filter(fn func(x T) bool) *Pipe: applies the predicate function fn to every element of the Pipe and returns a new Pipe with only the elements that satisfy the predicate.
  • 🐸 Reduce(fn func(x, y T) T) T: applies the binary function fn to the elements of the Pipe and returns a single value that is the result of the reduction.
  • 🐸 Sum(sum func(x, y) T) T: makes parallel reduce with associative function sum.
  • 🐸 Sort(less func(x, y T) bool) *Pipe: sorts the elements of the Pipe using the provided less function as the comparison function.

The following functions can be used to retrieve a single element or perform a boolean check on the Pipe without executing the entire pipeline:

  • 🐸 Any(fn func(x T) bool) bool: returns true if any element of the Pipe satisfies the predicate fn, and false otherwise.
  • 🐸 First() T: returns the first element of the Pipe, or nil if the Pipe is empty.
  • 🐸 Count() int: returns the number of elements in the Pipe. It does not execute the entire pipeline, but instead simply returns the number of elements in the Pipe.
  • 🌱 TBD: IsAny() bool: returns true if the Pipe contains any elements, and false otherwise.
  • 🌱 TBD: MoreThan(n int) bool: returns true if the Pipe contains more than n elements, and false otherwise.

The 🐸 Parallel(n int) *Pipe function can be used to specify the level of parallelism in the pipeline, by setting the number of goroutines to be executed on (4 by default).

Finally, the 🐸 Do() []T function is used to execute the pipeline and return the resulting slice of data. This function should be called at the end of the pipeline to retrieve the final result.

In addition to the functions described above, the pipe package also provides several utility functions that can be used to create common types of Pipes, such as Range, Repeat, and Cycle. These functions can be useful for creating Pipes of data that follow a certain pattern or sequence.```


Basic example:

res := pipe.Slice(a).
	Map(func(x int) int { return x * x }).
	Map(func(x int) int { return x + 1 }).
	Filter(func(x int) bool { return x > 100 }).
	Filter(func(x int) bool { return x < 1000 }).

Example using Func and Take:

p := pipe.Func(func(i int) (int, bool) {
	if i < 10 {
		return i * i, true
	return 0, false
// p will be [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

Example using Filter and Map:

p := pipe.Slice([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}).
	Filter(func(x int) bool { return x % 2 == 0 }).
	Map(func(x int) string { return strconv.Itoa(x) }).
// p will be ["2", "4", "6", "8", "10"]

Example using Map and Reduce :

p := pipe.Slice([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).
	Map(func(x int) int { return x * x }).
	Reduce(func(x, y int) string { 
		return strconv.Itoa(x) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(y) 
// p will be "1-4-9-16-25"

Example of Map and Reduce with the underlying array type change:

p := pipe.Slice([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9})
strP := pipe.Map(p, func(x int) string { return strconv.Itoa(x) })
result := pipe.Reduce(strP, func(x, y string) int { return len(x) + len(y) }).Do()
// result will be 45

Example using Sort:

p := pipe.Func(func(i int) (float32, bool) {
	return float32(i) * 0.9, true
	Map(func(x float32) float32 { return x * x }).
// p will contain the elements of p sorted in ascending order

Example of infine sequence generation:

Here is an example of generating an infinite sequence of random float32 values greater than 0.5:

p := pipe.Func(func(i int) (float32, bool) {
	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(42))
	return rnd.Float32(), true
	Filter(func(x float32) bool { return x > 0.5 })

To generate a specific number of values, you can use the Take method:

p = p.Take(65000)

To accumulate the elements of the Pipe, you can use the Reduce method:

sum := p.Sum(pipe.Sum[float32])
//also you can: sum := p.Reduce(func(x, y float32) float32 { return x + y})
// sum will be the sum of the first 65000 random float32 values greater than 0.5

Example using Range (not implemented yet) and Map:

p := pipe.Range(10, 20, 2).Map(func(x int) int { return x * x }).Do()
// p will be [100, 144, 196, 256, 324]

Example using Repeat (not implemented yet) and Map:

p := pipe.Repeat("hello", 5).Map(func(s string) int { return len(s) }).Do()
// p will be [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]

Example using Cycle (not implemented yet) and Filter:

p := pipe.Cycle([]int{1, 2, 3}).Filter(func(x int) bool { return x % 2 == 0 }).Take(4).Do()
// p will be [2, 2, 2, 2]

Is this package stable?

In short: not yet. However, for each release I manually test everything that has been modified since the previous release, and I have a growing set of unit tests. While it may not be suitable for use in production environments, it should be stable enough for use in pet projects. I will provide more convincing quality guarantees and benchmarks with the v1.0.0 release.


I am currently accepting any well-written tests. You are welcome to use any frameworks you prefer. Bug fixes are also welcome. I plan to do some refactoring in the future, so please communicate with the owner before implementing any new features to ensure that they will be accepted.

What's next?

I hope to provide some roadmap of the project soon. Also I am going to craft some unit-tests and may be set up github pipelines eventually. Feel free to fork, inspire and use! I will try to supply all version tags by some manual testing and quality control at least.

Supported functions list

  • 🐸 Slice([]T) *Pipe: creates a Pipe of a given type T from a slice.
  • 🐸 Func(func(i int) (T, bool)) *Pipe: creates a Pipe of type T from a function. The function should return the value of the element at the ith position in the Pipe, as well as a boolean indicating whether the element should be included (true) or skipped (false). This function can be used to generate elements on demand, rather than creating a slice beforehand.
  • 🐸 Take(n int) *Pipe: if it's a Func-made Pipe, expects n values to be eventually returned. This function can be used to limit the number of elements generated by the function.
  • 🐸 Gen(n int) *Pipe: if it's a Func-made Pipe, generates a sequence from [0, n) and applies the function to it. This function can be used to generate a predetermined number of elements using the function.
  • 🐸 Parallel(n int) *Pipe: sets the number of goroutines to be executed on (4 by default). This function can be used to specify the level of parallelism in the pipeline.
  • 🐸 Map(fn func(x T) T) *Pipe: applies the function fn to every element of the Pipe and returns a new Pipe with the transformed data. This function can be used to apply a transformation to each element in the Pipe.
  • 🐸 Filter(fn func(x T) bool) *Pipe: applies the predicate function fn to every element of the Pipe and returns a new Pipe with only the elements that satisfy the predicate. This function can be used to select a subset of elements from the Pipe.
  • 🐸 Reduce(fn func(x, y T) T) T: applies the binary function fn to the elements of the Pipe and returns a single value that is the result of the reduction. This function can be used to combine the elements of the Pipe into a single value.
  • 🐸 Sum(sum func(x, y) T) T: makes parallel reduce with associative function sum.
  • 🐸 Do() []T: executes the Pipe and returns the resulting slice of data.
  • 🐸 First() T: returns the first element of the Pipe, or nil if the Pipe is empty. This function can be used to retrieve the first element of the Pipe without executing the entire pipeline.
  • 🐸 Any(fn func(x T) bool) bool: returns true if any element of the Pipe satisfies the predicate fn, and false otherwise. This function can be used to check if any element in the Pipe satisfies a given condition.
  • 🐸 Count() int: returns the number of elements in the Pipe. It does not execute the entire pipeline, but instead simply returns the number of elements in the Pipe.
  • 🐸 Sort(less func(x, y T) bool) *Pipe: sorts the elements of the Pipe using the provided less function as the comparison function
  • 🌱 TBD: IsAny() bool: returns true if the Pipe contains any elements, and false otherwise. This function can be used to check if the Pipe is empty.
  • 🌱 TBD: MoreThan(n int) bool: returns true if the Pipe contains more than n elements, and false otherwise.
  • 🌱 TBD: Reverse() *Pipe: reverses the underlying slice.