ProMotion was created by Infinite Red, a web and mobile development company based in Portland, OR and San Francisco, CA. While you're welcome to use ProMotion, please note that we rely on the community to maintain it. We are happy to merge pull requests and release new versions but are no longer driving primary development.
iPhone Apps, Ruby-style
ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iOS development more like Ruby and less like Objective-C. It introduces a clean, Ruby-style syntax for building screens that is easy to learn and remember and abstracts a ton of boilerplate UIViewController, UINavigationController, and other iOS code into a simple, Ruby-like DSL.
# app/app_delegate.rb
class AppDelegate < PM::Delegate
status_bar true, animation: :fade
def on_load(app, options)
open RootScreen
# app/screens/root_screen.rb
class RootScreen < PM::Screen
title "Root Screen"
nav_bar true
def on_load
set_nav_bar_button :right, title: "Help", action: :open_help_screen
def open_help_screen
open HelpScreen
# app/screens/help_screen.rb
class HelpScreen < PM::TableScreen
title "Table Screen"
def table_data
title: "Help",
cells: [
{ title: "About this app", action: :tapped_about },
{ title: "Log out", action: :log_out }
def tapped_about(args={})
open AboutScreen
def log_out
# Log out!
Screens | Navigation Bars | Tab Bars |
Table Screens | Grouped Tables | Searchable | Refreshable |
SplitScreens | Map Screens | Web Screens |
...and much more.
Getting Started
- Check out the Getting Started Guide
- Watch the excellent MotionInMotion screencast about ProMotion (very reasonably priced subscription required)
- Follow a tutorial: Building an ESPN app using RubyMotion, ProMotion, and TDD
- Read the Documentation
Apps built on ProMotion
Your app
Open a pull request! We love adding new ProMotion-built apps.
API Reference
We have comprehensive documentation with code examples, usage examples, and API reference.
ProMotion Documentation
- Watch Jamon Holmgren give a talk about ProMotion at RubyMotion #inspect2014 (video)
- Watch the September 2013 Motion Meetup where Gant Laborde interviews Jamon Holmgren about ProMotion
ProMotion is not only an easy DSL to get started. The community is very helpful and welcoming to new RubyMotion developers. We don't mind newbie questions.
The quickest way to get help is to join the Motioneers Slack Group. If you still need help, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. If we don't respond within a day, tweet us a link to the issue -- sometimes we get busy.
Premium Support
ProMotion, as an open source project, is free to use and always will be. Infinite Red offers premium ProMotion support and general mobile app design/development services. Email us at [email protected] to get in touch with us for more details.
Core Team
- Jamon Holmgren: @jamonholmgren
- Andrew Havens: @misbehavens
- Mark Rickert: @markrickert
- Ryan Linton: @ryanlntn
- Silas Matson: @silasjmatson
- David Larrabee: @squidpunch