Use TensorFlow to generate beautiful fractals, including the Mandelbrot Set and the Julia set.
- TensorFlow >= 1.0
- moviepy(Optional, only useful when making a gif)
Generate the Standard Mandelbrot Set:
python mandelbrot.py
and check "mandelbrot.png":
Generate the Julia set:
python julia.py
and check "julia.png":
Modify the settings in julia.py to get a differnt Julia Set. The variable "c" is corresponding to the c of a Julia Set. The variable "bg_ratio" and "ratio" is used to set the colors.
Use the setting:
c = -0.8 * 1j
bg_ratio = (1, 3.5, 3.5)
ratio = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
Will get:
Use the setting:
c = 0.285 + 0.01 * 1j
bg_ratio = (4, 2.5, 1)
ratio = (2, 2, 0.1)
Will get:
Try more settings by yourself!
In addition, you can make an animation with Julia Set, Run:
python julia_gif.py
Then check out "julia_gif.gif":
Explore the Mandelbrot Set:
To get a local area image of Mandelbrot Set, run:
python mandelbrot_area.py
Check "mandelbrot.png":
Modify the varibales "start_x", "end_x", "start_y", "end_y" in mandelbrot_area.py to get a different area of the Mandelbrot Set. To get a different color, adjust the variables "ratio1, ratio2, ratio3".
For example, the following setting:
start_x = -0.090 # x range
end_x = -0.086
start_y = 0.654 # y range
end_y = 0.657
width = 1000
ratio1, ratio2, ratio3 = 0.2, 0.6, 0.6
will result in:
start_x = -0.750 # x range
end_x = -0.747
start_y = 0.099 # y range
end_y = 0.102
width = 1000
ratio1, ratio2, ratio3 = 0.1, 0.1, 0.3
will generate:
Image Size:
The variable "width" controls the width of generated image.
If memory is a issue, please decrease it.
Jupyter Notebook:
You can use "Mandelbrot.ipynb" and "Julia.ipynb" for more convenient exploration. Enjoy it!