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This repository contains a collection of projects in C++ and Python that implement various data structures and algorithms. The projects are organized by language and topic, and include detailed explanations and examples to help you understand how they work.Bash-Scripts
A collection of Bash scripts for automating routine tasks and streamlining your workflow.Qt-Widgets
A collection of examples and reusable elements created with Qt6 widgets.Vtk-Examples
Explore the world of 3D graphics and visualization with VTK examples in Python.Linux-Notes
Compiled guides and notes on various topics related to Linux. The content is organized into sections and subsections, making it easy to navigate regardless of your experience level - beginner or advanced.Frontend-Notes
Hello and thanks for stopping by! This is my personal treasure trove where I stash all sorts of notes, tips, and tricks about frontend development. Whether you're starting out, scaling up your skills, or just in need of a quick reference, you're in the right place.Lightpad
Welcome to Lightpad, a powerful and intuitive code editor developed with the Qt framework. Lightpad is designed to make it easy for you to write, edit, and debug code in a variety of languages.Databases-Notes
This repository is a helpful guide for anyone working with data. It covers everything you need to know about databases, including SQL and NoSQL databases, making them faster, and keeping them secure. It also has real-world examples to help you understand how to use databases in practice.Kurs-Podstaw-Pythona
Je艣li chcesz rozpocz膮膰 nauk臋 programowania w j臋zyku Python, ten kurs b臋dzie doskona艂ym wyborem. Kurs jest starannie podzielony na cztery sekcje, co umo偶liwia stopniowe przyswajanie wiedzy i umiej臋tno艣ci niezb臋dnych do opanowania tego j臋zyka. Dzi臋ki temu, krok po kroku, zdob臋dziesz solidne podstawy oraz zaawansowane techniki programowania w PythonieParallel-And-Concurrent-Programming
Concurrent and parallel programming might seem complex, but this guide simplifies it. Learn about sequential vs non-sequential programming, processes, and threads. Explore examples in popular languages like C++, Python, and JavaScript to apply your new knowledge to your projects.Backend-Engineers-Guide
This repository is a collection I've put together, focusing on various backend engineering topics. It's a place where you can find information on API design, databases, deployment, distributed computing, networking, performance optimization, security, and even more specialized areas.Numerical-Methods
This repository offers a comprehensive collection of numerical methods implemented in Python. It includes solutions to various mathematical problems, detailed explanations of each method, illustrative examples, and comparisons with prominent scientific libraries like Numpy, Scikit-Learn, and SciPy.Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-CFD-Resources
This repository is a comprehensive collection of advanced resources for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It includes in-depth notes, specialized scripts, and detailed tutorials covering various CFD tools like ParaView, Gmsh, and more. Aimed at both beginners and experienced practitioners, it serves as a platform for learning and exploration.Testio
Testio is a simple and efficient testing framework that uses multiprocessing to verify the standard output of applications. With Testio, you can quickly and easily write tests to ensure that your applications are functioning as expected.Od-C-do-Cpp
Kod 藕r贸d艂owy do program贸w z yt.Coding-Interviews
My alternative solutions to challenges from Harry He's book "Coding Interviews."Nauka-Programowania
Je艣li chcesz nauczy膰 si臋 programowa膰, ale nie wiesz od czego zacz膮膰, to trafi艂e艣 we w艂a艣ciwe miejsce. Ten projekt oferuje zbi贸r zada艅, kt贸re przeprowadz膮 Ci臋 przez wszystkie koncepcje potrzebne do zrozumienia w programowaniu.10-Days-Statistics
10 days statistics challenge from hackerrankProste-Projekty
Zbi贸r porad i zasob贸w dla pocz膮tkuj膮cych programist贸w, zawieraj膮cy szczeg贸艂owe wytyczne oraz przyk艂ady realizacji projekt贸w.Camac
Witamy w repozytorium Ko艂a Naukowego CAMAC, kt贸re gromadzi zasoby edukacyjne oraz materia艂y ze spotka艅 naukowych z lat 2018-2019. Repozytorium jest przeznaczone dla student贸w Wydzia艂u Fizyki Politechniki Warszawskiej zainteresowanych tematami zwi膮zanymi z informatyk膮 stosowan膮.Think-Python
My alternative solutions to the challenges from Allen B. Downey's book "Think Python".Simulation-Covid
This is my attempt at modeling and simulating Covid-19's spread.Personal-Website
Welcome to the GitHub repository for Your feedback, comments, and suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated. Your support is invaluable to me.Git-Notes
This repository contains notes on various topics related to Git. The notes are intended to be a reference for Git commands and concepts, and are organized by topic.Numpy-Tutorials
Welcome to the NumPy Tutorials repository, your one-stop collection of learning materials for mastering NumPy, a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python.Stanford-Machine-Learning
Welcome to the Stanford Machine Learning course! This course, taught by Professor Andrew Ng, provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of machine learning. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and projects, you will learn the fundamental techniques needed to build and apply machine learning models to real-world problems.Markdown-Image-Generator
The Markdown Image Generator is a Python-based project that transforms Markdown documents into a series of images. It aims to provide a unique way to visualize Markdown content, especially useful for presentations, sharing over image-based platforms, or even for educational purposes.Coin-Detection
Training and using a machine learning model locally to accurately identify and count coins in a given image. This project includes data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation to ensure precise coin detection and counting.Design-Patterns-General-Overview
A comprehensive collection of the most popular design patterns and their implementations, designed to help you understand and apply these essential patterns in your software development projects. This repository covers a wide range of design patterns, providing clear explanations, practical examples, and code implementations in various languages.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us