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A best-practices CSS foundationpostcss-preset-env
Convert modern CSS into something browsers understandprecss
Use Sass-like markup in your CSSpostcss-font-magician
Magically generate all the @font-face rulespostcss-plugins
PostCSS Tools and Pluginspostcss-normalize
Use the parts of normalize.css (or sanitize.css) you need from your browserslistpostcss-write-svg
Write SVGs directly in CSSmdcss
Easily create and maintain style guides using CSS commentscssdb
A database of staged CSS featuressystem-font-css
Use the native system font of the OS running the browsernormalize.css
A cross-browser CSS foundationpostcss-nesting
Nest style rules inside each otherpostcss-custom-media
Use Custom Media Queries in CSS, following the CSS Media Queries specificationpostcss-short
Use advanced shorthand properties in CSSoldie
Compile CSS compatible with old Internet Explorerpostcss-time-machine
Fix mistakes in the design of CSS itselfpostcss-logical
Use logical properties and flow-relative values in CSSpostcss-sass
Use Sass as a PostCSS pluginpostcss-custom-selectors
Use Custom Selectors in CSSpostcss-advanced-variables
Use Sass-like variables, conditionals, and iterators in CSSreact-app-rewire-postcss
Configure PostCSS in Create React App without ejectingcss-typed-om
Use CSS Typed Object Model in the browsercss-prefers-color-scheme
Use light or dark color themes in CSSpostcss-color-mod-function
Modify colors using the color-mod() function in CSSpostcss-language
Support for modern and experimental CSS within Visual Studio Codepostcss-partial-import
Inline sugary @import statements in CSStokenizer
Tokenize CSS according to the CSS Syntaxparser
CSS Parserstylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties
A stylelint rule to catch usage of unknown custom propertiespostcss-conic-gradient
Use conic gradients in your CSS filespostcss-wcag-contrast
Check CSS for WCAG color contrast compliancepostcss-env-function
Use env() variables in CSSpostcss-focus-visible
Use the :focus-visible pseudo-selector in CSSpostcss-extend-rule
Use the @extend at-rule and functional selectors in CSSstylelint-use-logical
Enforce usage of logical properties and values in CSSpostcss-selector-not
PostCSS plugin to transform :not() W3C CSS level 4 pseudo class to more compatible CSS (multiple css3 :not() selectors)postcss-transform-shortcut
Use shorthand transform properties in CSSpostcss-lab-function
Use lab() and lch() color functions in CSSpostcss-input-range
Use unprefixed input range selectors in CSSstylelint-use-nesting
Enforce nesting when it is possible in CSSpostcss-unmq
Remove media queries from CSS while preserving rules that match a hard-coded viewportcss-has-pseudo
Style elements relative to other elementspostcss-image-set-function
Use image-set() in CSSpostcss-focus-within
Use the :focus-within pseudo-selector in CSSpostcss-pseudo-class-enter
Use the :enter pseudo-class in CSSpostcss-is-pseudo-class
Match elements by inner selectors in CSSpostcss-pseudo-class-any-link
Use the :any-link pseudo-class in CSSpostcss-short-size
Use size properties in CSSpostcss-gap-properties
Use the gap, column-gap, and row-gap shorthand properties in CSScustom-units
Use Custom Units in CSSpostcss-dir-pseudo-class
Use the :dir() pseudo-class to style by directionality in CSSpostcss-media-fn
Use media() to assign responsive values to a propertypostcss-font-weights
Use common font weights in CSScreate-postcss-plugin
Quickly create new PostCSS pluginspostcss-tape
Quickly test PostCSS pluginssuper-postcss
Now you’re playing with PostCSS — Super PostCSS!postcss-register-property
Register properties in CSSpostcss-inset
Use the inset property in CSSpostcss-trig
Use trigonometry functions in CSSpostcss-export-custom-variables
Export custom media queries, custom properties, custom property sets, and custom selectors from CSS to JSstylelint-media-use-custom-media
Enforce usage of custom media queries in CSSpostcss-at-else
Use at-else inverted media queries in CSSpostcss-list-style-safari-fix
Remove list styles in CSS without preventing VoiceOver from announcing them in Safaripostcss-resolve-nested-selector
Resolve a nested selector in a PostCSS ASTpostcss-place
place-* shorthand for align-* and justify-*css-blank-pseudo
Style form elements when they are emptypostcss-short-spacing
Omit sides within margin and padding properties in CSSjs-custom-media
Use Custom Media Queries in JSpostcss-browser-comments
Keep only the CSS you need based on comments and your browserslistbabel-plugin-import-postcss
Import processed CSS files in JSpostcss-to-nest
Transform unnested CSS into nested CSScss-import-resolve
An algorithm for resolving imports in CSSpostcss-color-functional-notation
Use space and slash separated color notation in CSSpostcss-attribute-case-insensitive
PostCSS plugin to support case insensitive attributespostcss-custom-utils
Read, write, and transform Custom Media and Custom Properties from almost anywherepostcss-preset-env-www
The official website for PostCSS Preset Envpostcss-short-data
Use shorthand data attribute selectors in CSSpostcss-sass-extend
Use @extend and placeholder classes as you would in Sasspostcss-module-import
Inline import statements as CSS Modulespostcss-visitor
Transform CSS with visitor-based pluginspostcss-infrared-filter
Use an infrared photography filter in CSSpostcss-short-position
Define sides within the position property in CSSpostcss-commas
Declare multiple, comma-separated propertiespostcss-short-border
Define multiple sides on border properties in CSSpostcss-double-position-gradients
Use double-position gradients in CSScccp
Compact Client-side Compatible PostCSSpostcss-short-color
Define background-color within the color property in CSSpostcss-bob-ross-palette
Bring Bob Ross to your CSS :)postcss-overflow-shorthand
Use the overflow shorthand in CSSpostcss-vmax
Use vmax in Internet Explorer and Edgepostcss-number-functions
Use Sass Number Functions in CSSpostcss-short-font-size
Define line-height within the font-size property in CSScreate-stylelint-plugin
Quickly create new stylelint pluginsstylelint-color-control
Control color usage in CSSpostcss-unrgba
Convert rgba() values to hexpostcss-short-text
Use a shorthand text property in CSSpostcss-plugins-directory
A tool to read CSS and do things with it in JavaScriptpostcss-words
Transform CSS keywords into custom values in CSSpostcss-identifiers
Use identifiers in CSS to write intelligent shorthandsLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us