Hexagonal (Next) Frontend WebApp
This is a simple webapp that uses the Hexagonal Architecture in the frontend.
The API used is JSONPlaceholder, a fake online REST API for testing and prototyping.Using Post and Users entities mainly.
- TypeScript as language
- Next.js as React Front/Back Framework
- TailwindCSS for styling
- DaisyUI for TailwindCSS components
- Cypress for E2E testing
- Jest for Unit testing
- Testing Library for React Components testing
- ESLint for linting
- Prettier for code formatting
- Husky for pre-commit hooks
- Commitlint for commit message linting
The project is structured following "Screaming Architecture" approach. The structure is the following:
|-- modules/
|-- posts/
|-- domain/
|-- application/
|-- infra/
|-- users/
|-- domain/
|-- application/
|-- infra/
|-- comments/
|-- domain/
|-- application/
|-- infra/
|-- components/
|-- hooks/
|-- sections/
|-- pages/
|-- styles/
The modules
folder contains the different modules of the application. Each module has its own domain, application and infra layers.
The components
folder contains the different UI shared components of the application.
The hooks
folder contains the different hooks of the application.
The sections
folder contains specific components and utils functions related with a module.
The pages
folder contains the different pages (or Next.js routes) of the application
The styles
folder contains the base styles using TailwindCSS.
Each module follows the same structure, with its own domain, application and infra layers.
|-- posts/
|-- domain/
|-- Post.ts
|-- PostRepository.ts
|-- application/
|-- get/
|-- getPostById.ts
|-- get-all/
|-- getAllPosts.ts
|-- getAllPostsByUser.ts
|-- getPaginatedPosts.ts
|-- create/
|-- createPost.ts
|-- mappers/
|-- PostMapper.ts
|-- infra/
|-- ApiPostRepository.ts
The project has unit and E2E testing. The unit testing is done using Jest and Testing Library. The E2E testing is done using Cypress.
Unit tests and Component tests are in the __tests__
The E2E tests are in the cypress
MIT License