Draw a smooth bezier through several points you designated. The curve‘s bend level is adjustable.
You only need drag UIBezierPath+LxThroughPointsBezier.h and UIBezierPath+LxThroughPointsBezier.m to your project.
pod 'LxThroughPointsBezier', '~> 1.0.0'
Minimum support iOS version: iOS 5.0
How to use
#import " UIBezierPath+LxThroughPointsBezier.h"
CGPoint point1 = CGPointMake(30 , 180 );
CGPoint point2 = CGPointMake(90 , 120 );
CGPoint point3 = CGPointMake(120 , 200 );
CGPoint point4 = CGPointMake(160 , 240 );
CGPoint point5 = CGPointMake(210 , 160 );
CGPoint point6 = CGPointMake(240 , 300 );
CGPoint point7 = CGPointMake(290 , 140 );
NSValue * point1Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point1];
NSValue * point2Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point2];
NSValue * point3Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point3];
NSValue * point4Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point4];
NSValue * point5Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point5];
NSValue * point6Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point6];
NSValue * point7Value = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint: point7];
_pointArray = [NSMutableArray array ];
[_pointArray addObjectsFromArray: @[point1Value, point2Value, point3Value, point4Value, point5Value, point6Value, point7Value]];
_curve = [UIBezierPath bezierPath ];
_curve.contractionFactor = 0.6 ;
[_curve moveToPoint: point1];
[_curve addBezierThroughPoints: _pointArray];
_shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer ];
_shapeLayer.strokeColor = [UIColor blueColor ].CGColor ;
_shapeLayer.fillColor = nil ;
_shapeLayer.lineWidth = 3 ;
_shapeLayer.path = _curve.CGPath ;
[_view.layer addSublayer: _shapeLayer];
Be careful
The good bend level is about 0.6 ~ 0.8. The default and recommended value is 0.7.
You must wrap CGPoint struct to NSValue object, and give at least 1 point for drawing the curve.
LxThroughPointsBezier is available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.